you wouldnt have to inject anything?!?!?!?
letro is oral.
how u taken ya pct stuff b4?!!?!?!?
you wouldnt have to inject anything?!?!?!?
letro is oral.
how u taken ya pct stuff b4?!!?!?!?
i dont think c-bino reads this anymore considering he has answered everyone in the worls questions on gyno/ a search im sure you can find something..its atleast worth a shot
I have never taken a cycle before and have gyno, will letro work for me even though i am not a hardcore bodybuilder. Im 5"6 and 1/2 tall and my current weight is 178. I am getting back into lifting again and havent worked out with determination for a year? And should I take anything before or after using Letro?
Nice. Great information, Bino!
What are you bumping? I don't see your question.
Can I get a McTitty and Lg fry? lol
i have read most of the posts here and i'm still left wondering....... if i take the letro then the nolva for the times specified at the top will my gyno go away and come back or is this a permanent fix to the prob...... i'm not doing any more over the counter test boosters and wont do any test for at least a year (i did mass tabs 3 times in a year span... bad i know) ....PLEASE tell me if the letro/nolva will fix my prob or just fix it for a while.. like, when i stop taking thr nolva will the gyno come back... pls help
great info. has anyone tested this method and seen the results verified?
Last edited by youngerlion; 02-13-2008 at 05:40 PM.
Ok since i was 16 i've had puffy nipples its not hard behind my nipples no lumps and my nipples arent sensative so im quite sure its gyno it just feels and looks like theres baby fat or studborn fat in em i need to know if femera letrozone will still do the job? or do u need to have a lump behind nipple and sensetivity? or in this case what is it that i have called?
answered my problem thanks
i been on femera the last 20 days and still no sign of the puffynes on my nipples disapearing!! what am i doing wrong??
This is a tough story to swallow but I hvae taken about 5 cycles over the past 4 years. The first 4 had no problems at all. on my last cycle i began to get horrible incredible hives all over my body i would feel as if i was on fire at times and would get therse huge hives all over looked like someone was constantly whipping me. Anyways to make a long story short i consulted a physician told them i was juicing and had them run allergy test along with other blood tests and they could not find what was causing it of coarse they blamed the juice. Not knowing what to do I stopped my cycle Test Prop/Tren cold turkey and was not able to obtain any PCT. My sex drive crashed i put on weight and yup you guessed it i have developed Gyno. This was over a year ago and since then i recently decied to give winny pills a try i have been on BD 50Mg tabs for 2 weeks and so far so good no sensitive nipples and i feel great to be back on. After reading this thread i would really like to know if it possible to reverse my gyno symptoms. I dont believe they are horrible but i am none the less ambarassed to take my shirt off. They are a little puffy at the nipple but mroe than anything there is a hard pinchable lump under the aerola area. Can I actually relieve this symptom or do i flat out have to get surgery. This is really embarassing and any help is gladly appreicated.
How often should I take letro? I have pre-existing gyno from superdrol use, and I want to get rid of it... I read about the dosages that Bino posted, but my question is frequency. Do I take it daily? Every other or every third? Thanks for the help... I'm new here so if this has been answered please point me in the right direction...
Thanks a bunch!
Amazing post. I have spent a good hour and a half reading and trying to gain knowledge before posting. Here's my situation. I also have progesterone related gyno(puffy nipples, no hard lumps. Goes normal when touched). I am actually about to start a cutting cycle of primo(500mg/week) and Test Cyp(400mg/week). I was curious how to involve the Letro to try to bring down the nipples. I was thinking of starting it a week prior to cycle @ .25 ed and running it straight through the cycle. Then going on clomid(not sure the dose yet) after to stop the rebound. But here are a couple of questions:
- Is the dosage correct?
- I know you said Letro suppresses all estrogen so I figured no harm can come out of trying letro to reduce the "puff".. Your thought?
- Since there is no lump, i shouldn't do the reversal program?
- I read you supposed to start SERM 14 days after your last shot of Test/prop, but i read other forums to start immediatly?
I am sorry for all the questions but would truly appreciate your comments.
Thanks Bro..
c_bino's post does say that the dosage is everyday if you look where he says the different scenarios look at the second one it ask if your ALREADY taking it everyday....
and as for the permanent fix questions no its not i had the pleasure of asking c_bino a similar question and he said that it can deffinately come back this is what he said to me lol
"Yes it can come back. And I didnt write a gyno reversal for fat, i wrote it for enlarged mammary glands so yes it will work for that, that is the only type of gyno I wrote it for which I directly state in my thread."
so im guessing if u start up a cycle again and dont protect your self by using anti estrogens then your back at square one
oh and for someone who said that he didnt have the gland just the puffyness im thinking thats just fat !! so c_bino post is just for the one with the "lump" under it
for other ummm eat right and work your ass off lol
Last edited by eddiea6987; 04-05-2008 at 08:17 PM. Reason: typo
C-bino is da man wit no tits
lol @ titty doc.....haha!
goose4 ur avi b....union butt...byawtiful![]()
erm... i ment onion butt!!!![]()
Awesome POST! C-BINO, did you ever hear if zinc helps with gyno? Thanks.
awesome post
intersting post !
great post, thanks for all the information
Yes Im a Newbie, I don't want to piss anyone off with stupid questions but bare with me.
10 yrs working out
13% BF
Im going to try Stanz and wounder if i need to take any blockers? I read that maybe Milk Thistle is sufficient enough but rather be safe then sorry. By the way i am hairy and bald, so i think i produce more testosterone then others. Dont want man boobs.
Would be a great help,
do i need to be takeing any of this if im 18 n have been stacking deca and test injections for the past month?
if you are 18yo why are you even near any AAS that's crazy bro. You have enough test in your 18 year old body naturally to repopulate a small country... there's no need for more. Furthemore, of course you need PCT. you need to read more and be better eduated on the coumpounds that you are injecting into your body. PCT is as important if not more mimportant than the cycle itself.
im asking if i should be taking a estrogen blocker during my cycle?...i plan on taking pct's at the end
and I am saying you shouldnt even be on a cycle. But no need for any anti estrogen during a cycle if you arent prone to gyno. do have some on hand tho. This advice is still by no means an endorsment by me to approve an 18 to use AAS
check out this thread
yes im 18 i know i shouldent be on this but ignoring that for now...
how do i know if im prone to gyno n if i am shuld i be taking any e-blockers because u said no need if im not prone...
just how do i know if i need to be taking it or not i just dont want to end up with getting bitch tits.
look bro if I were you I would end this cycl now and start PCT ASAP cause it is blatantly apparent that you dont know what the hell your doing. You coud;d be causing your body more damage than good right now. You have only been lifting for ayear and you only weigh in at 165, you have a lot of natural potential that you are to laxy to tap. you dont even understand your cycle really!! What Test are you using? how many days a week are you injecting? What is your PCT? How many mgs a week? what are you eating? what is you lifting routine?
Bro I know there are many area of your plan that needs improving before you introduce your body to AAS. I say STOP the cycle and start PCT sont even think about AAS until your 22 or 23 maybe. In the mean time read up on these compounds, become familiar with their profiles, and do extensive research on PCT. I saw your post in the Q and A forum. I can guarantee you if you were to put these stats on that post you would get darn near the same responces.
great post
Great post i had Gyno surgery and let me tell you first hand how much that ****ing sucked! One month revovery 6 month full. I stick with litro now and believe me my nipples are happy about it! If anyones got any questions reguarding the surgery feel free to let me know!
hey what doseages do i take letro for prevention.. u said to start 2 weeks out and continue throughout cylce...ryt?... well how much do i take and how often... also do i continue after my cycle? long?
Great info. Thanks for all the help.
here's my story. im 19 yrs old and have taken halodrol when i was 17 and took X-Mass when i was 18. for the past 2 years my GYNO has driven me crazy!!! is it too late for this cycle to have effect on my GYNO??? is surgery my only option? and does insurance cover that surgery? im grateful for anyone's help!!
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