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Thread: Free Diet advice by Narkissos & Novastepp: Intro to Performance Nutrition 101

  1. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4 View Post
    Nark, i have a question; is it more efficient to spread out the cal/carbs/fat/pro equally in every meal through out the day or it should'nt matter as long as you're taking the appropiate amount?
    It is more efficient to spread them out across the day.

    Our ability to assimilate isn't infinite. i.e. limitations exist w/ regard to how much we can effectively utilize at any one time.

    This isn't the only consideration however.

    We also have to look at our body's physiological response to food as well. (among other things).

    For one, steady trickles of insulin release keep people leaner than spikes.

    So, a meal plan should facilitate such.

    Spreading the intake out facilitates such.

    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4 View Post
    Also i am going to need your help in determing my carbs cycling, abbot helped me, but i just did'nt want to annoy him by asking him too many questions. currently i am 195 with 19% of bf i would like to drop it down to 15% before oct because that's when i start my cycle. According to Katch-McArdle formula my kcal to maintain LBM should be 3306 since i am planning on doing cardio 6 days a week along with 5 days of weight training. I am using the 40% carbs 40% pro and 20% fat macro. I am getting most o fmy carbs from sweet potato and two meal of oats early in the morning right after AM Cardio. I'll be doing a slow joggin for 50 to 60 mins 6 days a week empty stomach.
    Cardio and weight-training aside, what does the rest of your daily activity looks like?

    Your current diet:

    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4 View Post
    AM cardio

    1, 80g of oats with 1 scoope of whey protein. Cals = 420, Carbs = 57, Pro = 34, Fat = 6

    2, 80g of oats with 1 scoope of whey protein. Cals = 420, Carbs = 57, Pro = 34, Fat = 6

    3, 150g chicken breast, 237g baked sweet potato. Cals = 461, Carbs = 49, Pro = 49, Fat = 5

    4, 150g chicken breast, 237g baked sweet potato. Cals = 461, Carbs = 49, Pro = 49, Fat = 5

    5, 150g chicken breast, 237g baked sweet potato. Cals = 461, Carbs = 49, Pro = 49, Fat = 5

    6, 150g chicken breast, 237g baked sweet potato. Cals = 461, Carbs = 49, Pro = 49, Fat = 5

    7, 150g chicken breast, 146g brown rice . Cals = 412, Carbs = 34, Pro = 49, Fat = 6

    8, PWO shake 2 scoope, 2 scoope Waxy Maize Starch. Cals = 500, Carbs = 66g, Pro = 48g

    Total Calories = 3596

    Total Carbs = 410g

    Pro = 361g

    Fat = 38g
    I won't address the diet as yet.

    What i will address are the discrepancies.

    You stated your goal kcal... but surpass it.

    You stated your macro ratio.. but have not used it at all.

    Your fat here is 9%.. not 20%

    etc. etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4 View Post
    But this is what I do, weigh all the sweet potato together which comes out to be around 950g put it in a bowl and eat one with every meal, does it have to be equal in every meal ( carbs and calories wise) same thing with the chicken baked all the breast together and put it in a bowl and eat it at work but don't really know how much i am eating per meal.
    Providing that each of the potatoes/breasts are about the same size, it's a workable solution.

    I do about the same.

    I take out my potatoes/sweet potatoes for the day... boil 'em up... and mash 'em into one huge bowl.. and then scoop out about equal sized servings and put 'em into separate containers to eat at different times during the day.

    Works out to about the same thing.

    Last edited by Narkissos; 07-19-2008 at 02:45 AM.

  2. #442
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4 View Post
    Nark, i'm Still waiting for your response
    Sorry... I, as a self-righteous douche bag, was busy ignoring this thread:


  3. #443
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    Sorry... I, as a self-righteous douche bag, was busy ignoring this thread:


    Nark not to mentioned that you dont know crap about dieting since its always good to change your meals and not stick to just one meal plan lmfao lol.....

  4. #444
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    Cardio and weight-training aside, what does the rest of your daily activity looks like?

    Sit my butt at work thats about it, my job is to sit all day and thats it.. Some times i do sit up and push up at work...

  5. #445
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4 View Post
    Sit my butt at work thats about it, my job is to sit all day and thats it.. Some times i do sit up and push up at work...


    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    You stated your goal kcal... but surpass it.

    You stated your macro ratio.. but have not used it at all.

    Your fat here is 9%.. not 20%

    etc. etc.
    ^^You say you're using a 40/40/20 ratio.. but you are not.

    What you're doing:

    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Total Calories = 3596

    Total Carbs = 410g

    Pro = 361g

    Fat = 38g
    What you should be doing (by your own account):

    3300kcals: 330gr pro; 330gr carbs; <>70gr fat

    Split over 8 meals (as per your current lay-out): <>40gr pro; <>40gr carbs; <>8gr fat


    I think you should get closer to that model before you make any further changes.

    Before starting though, I think you should go low-carb (i.e. high fibrous carb) 28 days (6 days fibrous carbs; 1 day tubers... for 4 consecutive 7 day cycles)... starting this eating protocol on the 29th day.

    Good luck.


    Days 1-6: 40 gr protein; 2 cups steamed vegetable; +supplemental fat (<>9gr total fat per meal)... 8 meals per day (as per your current schedule)

    Day 7: refeed.

    On day 29.. start the eating protocol as outlined above (i.e. what you should be doing right now... but aren't)... Then when fat loss stagnates, carb-cycle.


  6. #446
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    I hate when threads turn into senseless arguments.

    It's too easy to lose your way.

    If I've missed anyone's diet... please let me know.

    Post a direct link to the individual post.



  7. #447
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    I hate when threads turn into senseless arguments.

    It's too easy to lose your way.

    If I've missed anyone's diet... please let me know.

    Post a direct link to the individual post.


    Gave you a stat update BTW....and yes pics will soon follow and I know I been saying that for a while haha but I just been waiting to get closer to the finished product.

  8. #448
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    10.5% BF and hitting around the 167-168 mark...getting a little lighter than I planned but no noticeable loss in strength or muscle size. I have a feeling I am more like 11-11.5% though by eye but calipers said 10.5
    ok.. calipers tend to be off by a couple percentage points, so we'll go with the higher reading.

    So let's call it 168lbs@11%

    Your diet:

    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Meal 1:
    250ml of egg whites - 125 cal, 0 fat, 4 carb, 25 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro
    1/2 cup of oatmeal - 150 cal, 3 fat, 27 carb, 5 pro

    Meal 2:
    Can of tuna - 180 cal, 1 fat, 0 carb, 33 pro
    Table spoon of olive oil with ***** 3s - 120 cal, 14 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 3:
    PWO Shake
    2 scoops of whey - 240 cal, 2 fat, 6 carb, 48 pro
    1.5 scoop of waxy maize - 180 cal, 0 fat, 45 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 4:
    1/4 cup of brown rice - 170 cal, 1 fat, 35 carb, 5 pro
    4oz of steak strips - 187 cals, 8 fat, 1 carb, 24 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro

    Meal 5:
    Can of tuna - 180 cal, 1 fat, 0 carb, 33pro
    Table spoon of olive oil with ***** 3s - 120 cal 14 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 6:
    4oz ground lean turkey - 160 cal, 8 fat, 0 carb, 22 pro
    Package of broccoli - 75 cal, 0 fat, 12 carb, 6 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro

    Meal 7:
    Fat free Cottage Cheese - 80 cal, 0 fat, 8 carb, 12 pro
    Scoop of casein protien - 120 cal, 1 fat, 4 carb, 24 pro

    Calories - 2447
    Fat - 56
    Carb - 152
    Pro - 308
    Time to get it closer to this thread's mission statement.

    I want you to do a short carb-cycling/insulin-sensitivity boosting eating phase: 21 days

    Days 1-6; 8-13; 15-20: 2016kcals

    Broken down to: pro: 225gr; 175gr (fibrous carbs only); 45gr fat

    Meals 1-7: <>35 gr protein; 25gr carbs (i.e. 2 cups steamed vegetables re: fibrous carbs); <>7gr fat

    Days 7; 14; 21:

    Broken down to: 250 gr protein; 325gr carbs; 60gr fat

    Meals 1-7: 35gr pro; 45gr carb; <>8gr fat

    After this point... Get in line with this thread's mission statement: moderate carb, moderate protein; low fat (all quality sources)


  9. #449
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    Continuing from:

    Having completed the 3 week phase, you should NOT return to you previous diet:

    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Meal 1:
    250ml of egg whites - 125 cal, 0 fat, 4 carb, 25 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro
    1/2 cup of oatmeal - 150 cal, 3 fat, 27 carb, 5 pro

    Meal 2:
    Can of tuna - 180 cal, 1 fat, 0 carb, 33 pro
    Table spoon of olive oil with ***** 3s - 120 cal, 14 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 3:
    PWO Shake
    2 scoops of whey - 240 cal, 2 fat, 6 carb, 48 pro
    1.5 scoop of waxy maize - 180 cal, 0 fat, 45 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 4:
    1/4 cup of brown rice - 170 cal, 1 fat, 35 carb, 5 pro
    4oz of steak strips - 187 cals, 8 fat, 1 carb, 24 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro

    Meal 5:
    Can of tuna - 180 cal, 1 fat, 0 carb, 33pro
    Table spoon of olive oil with ***** 3s - 120 cal 14 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 6:
    4oz ground lean turkey - 160 cal, 8 fat, 0 carb, 22 pro
    Package of broccoli - 75 cal, 0 fat, 12 carb, 6 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro

    Meal 7:
    Fat free Cottage Cheese - 80 cal, 0 fat, 8 carb, 12 pro
    Scoop of casein protien - 120 cal, 1 fat, 4 carb, 24 pro

    Calories - 2447
    Fat - 56
    Carb - 152
    Pro - 308

    Instead... I'd like you around here:

    pro: 180 gr
    carbs: 225 gr
    fat: 45 gr

    Refeed: 290 gr protein; 325gr carbs; 40gr fat


  10. #450
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    New York
    Ok sounds good....definetly gives me some direction. As far as fibrous carbs am I basically looking at using only green veggies here as carb sources? Also should I continue to use the same PWO shake or change that also? Should I maintain the same workout and cardio plan?
    Last edited by T3/T4 GSR; 07-20-2008 at 02:25 AM.

  11. #451
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Ok sounds good....definetly gives me some direction.
    Cool buddy

    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    As far as fibrous carbs am I basically looking at using only green veggies here as carb sources? Also should I continue to use the same PWO shake or change that also?
    Veggies solely.

    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Should I maintain the same workout and cardio plan?
    I see you listed a.m. cardio and evening weight-training on a 5 days split

    That should suffice to be honest.


  12. #452
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    So I wont be taking in any simple carbs such as waxy maize PWO still just veggies?

  13. #453
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    So I wont be taking in any simple carbs such as waxy maize PWO still just veggies?
    No simple carbs.

    Your goal here to make yourself more sensitive to the application of carbs in the phases which follow this one.


  14. #454
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    Gotcha...ok i'm gonna work on putting this one together...gonna be a lot of veggies haha.

  15. #455
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Gotcha...ok i'm gonna work on putting this one together...gonna be a lot of veggies haha.
    Hells yea.

    You're gonna be grumbling dirty words at me under your breath from day 4

  16. #456
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    I noticed beans seem to be a pretty high in fiber source of carbs would they be good during the day and post work out to substitute for greens in a meal or two? Also how do you feel about natural PB in this 3 week phase?

  17. #457
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    Ok well here I put something is pretty close to what you were looking for and the best I can figure out. Not used making a diet with no real carb sources.

    Meal 1
    6 egg whites and 2 whole eggs
    cup and a half of mixed veggies
    Scoop of whey

    Meal 2
    Can of tuna with light mayo with chopped onions
    2 cups of green beans

    Meal 3
    6 oz of chicken breast
    cup and a half of mixed veggies
    4 fish oil caps

    Meal 4 (PWO)
    2 scoops of whey
    2 cups of brocolli
    4 fish oil caps

    Meal 5
    Can of tuna with light mayo and chopped onions
    2 cups of green beans

    Meal 6
    4oz turkey burger (white meat)
    2 cups of brocolli
    4 fish oil caps

    Meal 7 (before bed)
    1 cups of 2% cottage cheese

  18. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR;408***1
    Ok well here I put something is pretty close to what you were looking for and the best I can figure out. Not used making a diet with no real carb sources.

    Meal 1
    6 egg whites and 2 whole eggs
    cup and a half of mixed veggies
    Scoop of whey

    Meal 2
    Can of tuna with light mayo with chopped onions
    2 cups of green beans

    Meal 3
    6 oz of chicken breast
    cup and a half of mixed veggies
    4 fish oil caps

    Meal 4 (PWO)
    2 scoops of whey
    2 cups of brocolli
    4 fish oil caps

    Meal 5
    Can of tuna with light mayo and chopped onions
    2 cups of green beans

    Meal 6
    4oz turkey burger (white meat)
    2 cups of brocolli
    4 fish oil caps

    Meal 7 (before bed)
    1 cups of 2% cottage cheese

    Macros per meal please.


  19. #459
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    Meal 1 - cals - 359, fat 11, carb 28, pro 34

    Meal 2 - cals - 315, fat 7, carb 17, pro 38

    Meal 3 - cals - 343, fat 7, carb 24, pro 46

    Meal 4 - cals - 355, fat 6, carb 18, pro 54

    Meal 5 - cals - 315, fat 7, carb 17, pro 38

    Meal 6 - cals - 235, fat 5, carb 12, pro 34

    Meal 7 - cals- 180, fat 5, carb 12, pro 24 (might add a shake here)

    Carbs seem a lil low and hard to get right....I know you mentioned 2 cups of brocolli but my macros on fitday don't quite line up but I don't see the slight variance making a huge difference.

  20. #460
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    Thanks for your time and your advise nark, i'll keep you updated wit the results... once again appreciate your help.

  21. #461
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post

    Before starting though, I think you should go low-carb (i.e. high fibrous carb) 28 days (6 days fibrous carbs; 1 day tubers... for 4 consecutive 7 day cycles)... starting this eating protocol on the 29th day.

    Whats tubers????

  22. #462
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4 View Post
    Whats tubers????
    What do you have available?


    Sweet potatoes?

    Yams? (real yams that is)


  23. #463
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    I have potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams never tried cassava...

  24. #464
    Hey folks.

    Ugh. I was guided here by someone saying that I could use a diet.
    I've been working out for almost two years now eating relatively healthy but havn't watched my diet for specifics. I'd like to put on some serious weight fast and figure this would be the place to come.

    For a complete rookie, what do you suggest? I'm dedicated and am willing to follow even the strictest of diets.

  25. #465
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Meal 1 - cals - 359, fat 11, carb 28, pro 34

    Meal 2 - cals - 315, fat 7, carb 17, pro 38

    Meal 3 - cals - 343, fat 7, carb 24, pro 46

    Meal 4 - cals - 355, fat 6, carb 18, pro 54

    Meal 5 - cals - 315, fat 7, carb 17, pro 38

    Meal 6 - cals - 235, fat 5, carb 12, pro 34

    Meal 7 - cals- 180, fat 5, carb 12, pro 24 (might add a shake here)

    Carbs seem a lil low and hard to get right....I know you mentioned 2 cups of brocolli but my macros on fitday don't quite line up but I don't see the slight variance making a huge difference.

    I'm a lil lost.

    You posted a different diet on my forum a day ago.. correct?

    Which one would you like me to advise on at this time?


  26. #466
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4 View Post
    I have potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams never tried cassava...
    What you have should be good enough

    If you're feeling adventurous however, hit up those cassavas


  27. #467
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    Quote Originally Posted by rollinon22s View Post
    Hey folks.

    Ugh. I was guided here by someone saying that I could use a diet.
    I've been working out for almost two years now eating relatively healthy but havn't watched my diet for specifics. I'd like to put on some serious weight fast and figure this would be the place to come.

    For a complete rookie, what do you suggest? I'm dedicated and am willing to follow even the strictest of diets.
    I'd advise you read this:

    This is not exactly a 'rookie' thread.


  28. #468
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    Have I missed anyone's diets?


  29. #469
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    Quote Originally Posted by rollinon22s View Post
    Hey folks.

    Ugh. I was guided here by someone saying that I could use a diet.
    I've been working out for almost two years now eating relatively healthy but havn't watched my diet for specifics. I'd like to put on some serious weight fast and figure this would be the place to come.

    For a complete rookie, what do you suggest? I'm dedicated and am willing to follow even the strictest of diets.
    I dont believe he is helping people make diets from scratch. He is just critiquing them. Make one up using the stickies and other threads found in this forum. Then post in here.

  30. #470
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    I'm a lil lost.

    You posted a different diet on my forum a day ago.. correct?

    Which one would you like me to advise on at this time?

    O that one I posted was my bulking plan that I made that I plan to work my way up to after I finish this cut. I was starving and thinking so much about food that I had to make a bulking diet up with my stomach to get over it haha. All these veggies are making me insane haha.

  31. #471
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    Im am currently cutting. I am 5'10 208 lbs and prolly about 12% body fat. Basically I want to see if I can get to the 8% range. Losing some weight in the process is the bonus. I am currently following this diet I am about to list. I think I am to low on the carbs though. I have no clue though and I am trying to absorb as much as I can. Since I have always bulked my whole life this is all new to me. I only drink water and nothing else.

    Meal 1:
    2 whole eggs - 140 calories, 12g protein, 9g fat
    6 egg whites - 120 calories, 24g protein, 0g fat
    1/2 cup oats - 150 calories, 5g protein, 3g fat, 27g carbs

    Meal 2:
    6oz chicken - 165 calories, 34.5 g protein, 3.75 fat
    2 cups Broccoli - 60 calories, 4g protein 0 fat 8g carbs

    Meal 3:
    2 cans of Tuna - 200 calories, 44g protein, 4g fat
    Mayo 2 tbsp - 90 calories, 8g fat, 4g carbs

    Meal 4:
    6oz chicken - 165 calories, 34.5 g protein, 3.75 fat
    2 cups Broccoli - 60 calories, 4g protein 0 fat 8g carbs

    Meal 5:
    2 cans of Tuna - 200 calories, 44g protein, 4g fat
    Mayo 2 tbsp - 90 calories, 8g fat, 4g carbs

    Meal 6:
    6oz chicken - 165 calories, 34.5 g protein, 3.75 fat
    2 cups Broccoli - 60 calories, 4g protein 0 fat 8g carbs

    1665 calories, 244.8 g protein, 47.25 fat, 59g carbs

    I am short calories I believe.

    Your approximate daily caloric maintenance level is: 3061 calories (kcal)
    Your daily caloric goal in order to lose weight should be between: 2061 to 2561 calories (kcal)

    Thats what I came up with. What can add or lose you think to get to my goal?
    Last edited by AdamGH; 07-27-2008 at 02:58 AM.

  32. #472
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post

    Before starting though, I think you should go low-carb (i.e. high fibrous carb) 28 days (6 days fibrous carbs; 1 day tubers... for 4 consecutive 7 day cycles)... starting this eating protocol on the 29th day.

    Good luck.


    Days 1-6: 40 gr protein; 2 cups steamed vegetable; +supplemental fat (<>9gr total fat per meal)... 8 meals per day (as per your current schedule)

    Day 7: refeed.

    On day 29.. start the eating protocol as outlined above (i.e. what you should be doing right now... but aren't)... Then when fat loss stagnates, carb-cycle.



    2 cups steam vergetable that are high fibrous carb, with every meal and then on day 7 go with sweet potatoes, just making sure.

  33. #473
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    Tryin to get Abs
    nark or nova im closer than ive ever been to seeing my abs i can actaully see the top two when i flex i dont cardio after workout for an hour if i do AM cardio b4 breakfest and switch to high rep low rest, do u think In your opinion that would be good for burning extra fat? thanks

  34. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    O that one I posted was my bulking plan that I made that I plan to work my way up to after I finish this cut. I was starving and thinking so much about food that I had to make a bulking diet up with my stomach to get over it haha. All these veggies are making me insane haha.
    But how's it working sport?

  35. #475
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    Im am currently cutting. I am 5'10 208 lbs and prolly about 12% body fat.
    Get it tested.

    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    Basically I want to see if I can get to the 8% range. Losing some weight in the process is the bonus. I am currently following this diet I am about to list. I think I am to low on the carbs though. I have no clue though and I am trying to absorb as much as I can. Since I have always bulked my whole life this is all new to me. I only drink water and nothing else.

    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    Meal 1:
    2 whole eggs - 140 calories, 12g protein, 9g fat
    6 egg whites - 120 calories, 24g protein, 0g fat
    1/2 cup oats - 150 calories, 5g protein, 3g fat, 27g carbs

    Meal 2:
    6oz chicken - 165 calories, 34.5 g protein, 3.75 fat
    2 cups Broccoli - 60 calories, 4g protein 0 fat 8g carbs

    Meal 3:
    2 cans of Tuna - 200 calories, 44g protein, 4g fat
    Mayo 2 tbsp - 90 calories, 8g fat, 4g carbs

    Meal 4:
    6oz chicken - 165 calories, 34.5 g protein, 3.75 fat
    2 cups Broccoli - 60 calories, 4g protein 0 fat 8g carbs

    Meal 5:
    2 cans of Tuna - 200 calories, 44g protein, 4g fat
    Mayo 2 tbsp - 90 calories, 8g fat, 4g carbs

    Meal 6:
    6oz chicken - 165 calories, 34.5 g protein, 3.75 fat
    2 cups Broccoli - 60 calories, 4g protein 0 fat 8g carbs

    1665 calories, 244.8 g protein, 47.25 fat, 59g carbs
    Your calories are understated.

    You have not listed the soluble fiber count... just 'usable' carbs.

    Soluble fiber contributes about 3kcals/gr

    For simplicity, I prefer to go with the overall label claim... lumping soluble fiber in under total carb count.

    So in revision:

    2 cups broccoli = 22.4 gr 'carbs'... (rounded to 23gr 'fibrous carbs')

    It's a dieter's trick.

    That rectified though, your kcals are still too low.

    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    I am short calories I believe.

    Your approximate daily caloric maintenance level is: 3061 calories (kcal)
    Your daily caloric goal in order to lose weight should be between: 2061 to 2561 calories (kcal)

    Thats what I came up with. What can add or lose you think to get to my goal?

    Your kcals should be around 2500.

    While lowering kcals can come into play while cycling... you aren't.

    This is your base diet.

    And you dieting style.

    Both need to be rectified.

    This isn't a pro/fat thread by the way.

    My questions to you would be:

    Why did you choose this approach?

    Have you started?

    What does you 'bulking diet' look like?

    How long were you on it?

    Have you ever tried different styles of dieting?

    Have you carb cycled while 'bulking'?



  36. #476
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4 View Post

    2 cups steam vergetable that are high fibrous carb, with every meal and then on day 7 go with sweet potatoes, just making sure.

    Make note of the supplemental fats necessary.

    On the low-carb days (1-6)... go with 9gr fat (As noted above).

    I like a mix of fish oil and lecithin.

    so 4gr of ea. per meal.

    On day 7, drop supplemental fats down to about 5gr/meal... or 2gr ea. of lecithin and fish oil.


  37. #477
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    Quote Originally Posted by A2thej2008 View Post
    nark or nova im closer than ive ever been to seeing my abs i can actaully see the top two when i flex i dont cardio after workout for an hour if i do AM cardio b4 breakfest and switch to high rep low rest, do u think In your opinion that would be good for burning extra fat? thanks
    Punctuation please.

    I'm not getting what you're trying to say.


  38. #478
    Join Date
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    Thank you Nark, i'll keep ya updated with the progress..

  39. #479
    Join Date
    May 2004
    ^^Cool buddy

    Pics would be great.


  40. #480
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    Get it tested.
    Asap. Ill get the gym to do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    My questions to you would be:

    1. Why did you choose this approach?

    2. Have you started?

    3. What does you 'bulking diet' look like?

    4. How long were you on it?

    5. Have you ever tried different styles of dieting?

    6. Have you carb cycled while 'bulking'?
    I numbered your questions to make it easier to answer.

    1. Just doing lots of reading on various sources. I wanted to map out a base diet at least. Then tweak it as needed. It seemed like it was similar to other diets I have read about. Except mine it seems maybe missing sweet potatoes maybe or yams I guess. Also, I dont like green vegetables and brocolli is the only one I can stomach.

    2. Yes I have started. Except when at work. I eat like this at home or my days off. At work though, I eat at the cafeteria. I eat well there, but I consume a lot of carbs. No fried foods or anything like that. Im talking like breads, pastas, high GI foods and the like. I work as a Valet at a large theme park and figure it is ok to do this since I burn it right off running a lot. I am losing weight though. I weighed myself this morning and I am down to 206 lbs from about 210. I started like 7 days ago.

    3. Never tried something like this before. Meaning never cared about counting calories. I always just ate and got bigger. I was always just lucky like that. I generally ate lots of everything and stayed aways from fried foods and just drank water.

    4. Up until I stopped exercising approximately 10 years ago.

    5. No

    6. No

    Here is me in the member pictures section. I need to do updated pics since I reached my 12 week mark last Saturday. I look even tighter than the "after" pics now.

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