To be 100% is working good as far as fat loss goes but I am really starting to see it in muscle loss too. I am an extreme ectomorph by nature. Meaning I used to eat well over 3k calories of junk food a day and drink tons of beer before I lifted and still wasn't able to break 145 pounds. So I think carbs and cals that low for my body is to much. I am actually pretty happy where I am now though. I leaned out considerably and have a nice V in my abs with a few veins in there and vascularity in my biceps. So I plan to slowly start adding in carbs and cals now and start bulking DC style trying to stay as lean as possible and make serious mass gains. I got lean but I am not happy with te amount of people commenting that I look like I also lost a but of muscle. I realy need more size before I consider cutting again. I need a good two years of bulking clean to keep my body fat under control and get myself up into the 200s. Been doing a lot of reading on thew doggcrapp training and seems to be the way to go for gaining mass. Do you feel his plan of lowering carbs at night and cardio twice a week while bulking is a good way to keep lean while gaining size? There are some big ass dudes on DC.
im saying will the high rep and cardio be what ive been missing or am i maybe not eating enough i did the katch mcardle forumla and besides gym and cardio all i do is sit around so i put in 1.2 and for what loss it said 1800 cals i thought that was too low im 5'9 185 13-14 bf tryin to get down to 10%
i re-did it with 1.5 and it said eat 3100 cals so what i do cardio and minus 500 cals or what plz shed sum light to me
Thanks, down to 205 now. I seemed to dropping weight fast. Ab fat still being an issue but rest of my body is definitely showing more and more. My abs are coming along, comparatively. It just seems a little longer than rest of my body.
Hey I was reading that you get extra calories from protein or something. Is that true? Or what am I not understanding? Thank you for the help so far. Oh, did you think my carb intake was ok for cutting?
Great thread. Here's my current stats and diet. Would like some diet critique.
6'7" 215 llbs
I will post a picture later. I'd guess my bf is around 10%.
I lift 4x week for 90 min and do morning cardio for 60 min 2x a week
Typical day:
5:45 - 12 ounces 99% FF Chicken, 61 g brown rice, 8 ounces brocolli
75g P 55g C 5g F
7:45 - Met-** RTD 51, 40g peanuts
61g P 6g C 21g F
9:30 - Met-** RTD 51, 40g peanuts
61g P 6g C 21g F
12:00 - 12 ounces 99% FF Chicken, 61 g brown rice, 8 ounces brocolli
75g P 55g C 5g F
3:00 - Met-** RTD 51, 40g peanuts
61g P 6g C 21g F
5:00 - 12 ounces 99% FF Chicken, 61 g brown rice, 8 ounces brocolli
75g P 55g C 5g F
6:30 - 8:00 Weight lifting
8:00 - 60g P (whey) 70g C (dextrose) 2g F
9:15 - 12 ounces 99% FF Chicken, 61 g brown rice, 8 ounces brocolli
75g P 55g C 5g F
543g P 308g C 85g F
52%P 30%C 18%F
Before my diet gets slammed....
I know protein is WAY too high. I'm obviously trying to separate carbs and fats. It's tough when eating as much as I do. I have seen very good results with this diet.
At work the RTD's are all I can do other than lunch to get cals in.
I incorporate saturated fats 4 days a week.
I also eat tuna & other lean meats as well as oatmeal instead of brown rice.
I want to try a different approach before I start bulking in a couple of months.
Appreciate any critique/suggestions.
try hard to bring food with you and steer clear of those shakes if you can. they are more expensive than lean meat in the long run and pack unnecessary cals. whey, casein, and skim would be a much wiser choice if a shake is all you can get. but a small lunch box would be best. your protein sources are ok but incorporate (steak, chicken, fish, eggs, and chicken) in. and try other carb sources (potatoes, and oats being the top imo.)
based on all of that i would re-evaluate your diet and repost when finished. hope that helps.
my diet any good?
Meal 1 60g Carbs, 35g Protein, 15g Fats 515 Kcals
4 Serving/s Meat Category 1-Multi
3 Serving/s Fat Category 1-Fish Oil
1 Serving/s Fruit Category 1-Sesamin
2 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category
1 Serving/s Milk Category - If allergic to or dislike milk you can add to this Meal 1 additional meat and carbohydrate serving
Meal 2 45g Carbs, 28g Protein, 15g Fats 427 Kcals
4 Serving/s Meat Category 1-Fish Oil
3 Serving/s Fat Category 2-CLA
1 Serving/s Fruit Category
2 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category
Meal 3 40g Carbs, 35g Protein, 15g Fats 435 Kcals
5 Serving/s Meat Category 1-Fish Oil
3 Serving/s Fat Category 1-Sesamin
2 Serving/s Vegetable Category
2 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category
Meal 4 40g Carbs, 28g Protein, 15g Fats 407 Kcals
4 Serving/s Meat Category 1-Multi
3 Serving/s Fat Category 1-Fish Oil
2 Serving/s Vegetable Category 2-CLA
2 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category
0 Serving/s Milk Category - If allergic to or dislike milk you can add to this Meal 1 additional meat and carbohydrate serving
Meal 5 30g Carbs, 35g Protein, 15g Fats 395 Kcals
5 Serving/s Meat Category 1-Fish Oil
3 Serving/s Fat Category 1-Sesamin
3 Serving/s Vegetable Category
1 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category
Meal 6 10g Carbs, 28g Protein, 15g Fats 287 Kcals
4 Serving/s Meat Category 1-Fish Oil
3 Serving/s Fat Category 2-CLA
2 Serving/s Vegetable Category
0 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category
0 Serving/s Milk Category - If allergic to or dislike milk you can add to this Meal 1 additional meat and carbohydrate serving
Total Carbohydrates 225g 15
Total Protein 189g 27
Total Fat 90g 18
Total Calories 2466g
Stats: 5'8 165 23% bf
Workout: im doing the Tri-Phase- on my 4th week Phase 1
Phase 1—Volume
The goal of Phase 1 is to increase the volume (number of sets) each week. In addition to adding sets each week you should always strive to lift a greater load each workout.
• Week 1 = 2 sets per exercise
• Week 2 = 3 sets per exercise
• Week 3 = 4 sets per exercise
• Week 4 = 5 sets per exercise
Rest time = 90 seconds between sets.
Workout 1 Back+Traps
Workout 2 Chest+Shoulders
Workout 3 Legs
Workout 4 Arms
Deadlift 2-5 X 6-10
Pull-Up 2-5 X 6-10
Bent Over Row 2-5 X 6-10
BB Shrug 2-5 X 6-10
DB Shrug 2-5 X 6-10
Wednesday -Chest+Shoulder
Bench Press 2-5 X 6-10
Incline DB Press 2-5 X 6-10
Dips 2-5 X 6-10
Military or DB Press 2-5 X 6-10
DB Side Lateral 2-5 X 6-10
Squats 2-5 X 6-10
Stiff Leg Deadlift 2-5 X 6-10
Leg Press or Lunges 2-5 X 6-10
Leg Extension 2-5 X 6-10
Leg Curl 2-5 X 6-10
Friday- Arms+Calves
BB Curl 2-5 X 6-10
Close Grip Bench 2-5 X 6-10
Skull Crusher 2-5 X 6-10
DB Curl 2-5 X 6-10
Standing Calf Raise 2-5 X 6-10
Seated Calf Raise 2-5 X 6-10
The rep range for Phase 1 is 6-10, which means you want to get at least 6 reps but no more than 10 reps. If you cannot get 6 reps then the weight is too heavy. If you can get more than 10 reps then the weight is too light. Once you can complete 10 reps with a given weight you should increase the weight for the next set. For example, if you can squat 225 lbs. for 10 reps the increase the weight to 235 lbs.
Phase 2—Intensity
The Goal of Phase 2 is to lift a near maximal load for low reps. There will be no changes in the number of sets you complete, just the load you lift.
• Week 1 = 8-RM
• Week 2 = 6-RM
• Week 3 = 4-RM
• Week 4 = 2-RM
Rest time = 2-3 minutes between sets.
Workout 1 Upper Body A
Workout 2 Lower Body A
Workout 3 Upper Body B
Workout 4 Lower Body B
Monday- Upper Body A Friday- Upper Body B
Bench Press 3 X 2-8 Incline Press 3 X 2-8
Bent Over Row 3 X 2-8 Pull-Up 3 X 2-8
Military Press 3 X 2-8 DB Shoulder Press 3 X 2-8
BB Shrug 3 X 2-8 DB Shrug 3 X 2-8
Wednesday- Lower Body A Saturday- Lower Body B
Squats 3 X 2-8 Deadlift 3 X 2-8
Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 X 2-8 Leg Press 3 X 2-8
Seated Calf Raise 3 X 2-8 Standing Calf Raise 3 X 2-8
Close Grip Bench 3 X 2-8 Skull Crusher 3 X 2-8
BB Curl 3 X 2-8 DB Curl 3 X 2-8
The rep range for Phase 2 is 2-8, but unlike Phase 1, you are going to shoot for a given rep number for each workout. The goal for week one is to use a weight that allows you to complete 3 sets of 8 reps; week two is to complete 3 sets of 6 reps; week three is to complete 3 sets of 4 reps; week four is to complete 3 sets of 2 reps. Each week you will be lifting a heavier load. For Deadlift it may be something like:
• Week 1 = 315 for 3 X 8
• Week 2 = 335 for 3 X 6
• Week 3 = 355 for 3 X 4
• Week 4 = 375 for 3 X 2
If you prefer, you can do arms after legs on the lower body day since the volume is lower on leg day. Some people may prefer to do all of the upper body in one workout because they find leg training more taxing or just because of personal preference. I leave it up to each individual to decide whether they prefer to train arms in the upper body workouts or the lower body workouts.
Phase 3—Frequency
The goal of Phase 3 is to hit each muscle more frequently than Phase 1 & 2.
Workout 1 Whole Body A 2 X 4-6 Rest = 2 mins
Workout 2 Whole Body B 2 X 6-10 Rest = 90 sec
Workout 3 Whole Body C 2 X 10-12 Rest = 30 sec
Workout 4 Weak Point
Each workout uses different exercises and different rep ranges, though the same exercises could be used for each workout if one prefers. The goal is to do two sets of an exercise for each muscle group. Here is an example of how this workout could be set up:
Muscle Workout A (Mon) Workout B (Wed) Workout C (Fri)
Quad Squats Leg Press Leg Extension
Ham Stiff Leg Deadlift Lying Leg Curl Seated Leg Curl
Calf Seated Calf Raise Standing Calf Raise Donkey Calf Raise
Chest Flat Press Incline Press Decline Press or Dips
Back Bent Over Row Pull-up Rack Deadlift
Delt Military Press DB Side Lateral Cable Lateral
Trap Barbell Shrug DB Shrug Low-Pulley High Row
Tris Close Grip Bench Skull Crusher Tricep Pressdown
Bis Barbell Curl DB Curl Cable Curl
Goal: Lean,ripped low bf% and a six pack..i dont think ill bulk anytime soon.. i havent see myself in good enough shape to even think of bulking yet
oh and the workout i didnt make, dont want to take credit for it.. i got it from a E book called scivationbooks
Last edited by Josh*; 08-05-2008 at 12:32 AM.
responded in your thread last night.
My goal over all is cut down to 12% bf and have a lean healthy body. i dont plan on bulk until i see my self at that stage. i dont want to be skinny and ripped. pretty much want to look good for spring beak..
Last edited by Josh*; 08-05-2008 at 03:36 PM.
Please critique =)
21 years old
188 pounds
Goal is lean bulking.
Comments: I love potatoes and I would appreciate an idea not only as how to include them in my diet but how to cook them (lol). Only way I usually cook them is in the oven or on the charcoal. I would like to find a way to eat them at work also and I believe that reheated oven potatoes are not good.
Totals are Fat/Carbs/Protein
Meal 1: Pro/Carb
-7 (extra large) Egg Whites + 1 full egg
-1 cup oats
-100g fat free yogourt,
-1 banana
-some sugar free syrup
-1 multi + 6 fish oil caps
Total: 14/119/52
833 calories
Meal 2: Pro/Fat
-Fish (200g)
-Green veggies (brocolis or green peas)
-1tbsp flaxseed oil
Total: 29/1/50
447 calories
Meal 3: Pro/Carb
-1 Chicken Breast,
-125ml uncooked brown rice
-1 multi
Total: 10/71/59
627 calories
Meal 4: Pro/Fat
-Fish (200g)
-Green veggies (brocolis or green peas)
-1tbsp fish oil
Total: 29/1/50
447 calories
Meal 5: PWO Nutrition
2 Scoops Whey Protein / 80g of Dextrose
Total: 0/80/48
512 calories
Meal 6: PPWO
-200g horse meat
-1 Whole wheat hamburger bread
-1 slice fat free cheese
-Some ketchup
Total: 17/65/67
647 calories
Meal 7: Before Bed
Fat free cheese
1.5 Tbsp. Flax Seed Oil
Total: 21/3/60
399 calories
Total for the day: 120/340/386
3912 calories
I calculated I needed about 3,265 calories to maintain. I'll probably usually eat around 3500 calories or so, cause I sometimes have to miss a meal when i'm at work..
bump for Nova
Did he say pancakes ?
mmmmmm pancakessssssss
Nark & Nova, do either of you have much experience on nutrition for competitive powerlifters??
Im in my offseason atm (not training for a meet) and as always, am looking for a bit of advice regarding tailoring my diet for my goals (strength/size).
^^Performance is performance, is performance.
The difference between sports is generally the optimal macro ratio, and the required kcal intake.
Feel free to post up your current and past diet + experiences... I will assist however possible.
bump for a critique of my diet please.
Righto, well my goals are to keep getting stronger and pack on a bit more size whilst keeping the BF under control. Once I hit about 255lbs im going to drop some BF but im not to concerned about that atm.
Age: 25
Weight: 240lbs
Height 6foot
BF: 14%?? (Guestimate)
Lifting Exp: 17yrs
Test Prop - 150mg/day
NovoRapid - 10iu/PWO
Mon - Max Effort Lower Body + Assistance
Wed - Max Effort Upper Body + Assistance
Thur - Speed Work Lower Body + Assistance
Sat - Speed Work Upper Body + Assistance
Nutrition (Non WO Day)
Meal 1
6 x Extra Large Eggs
2 x Slice Grain Toast
Grated Cheese
BBQ Sauce
Meal 2 (shake)
2 x Extra Large Eggs
50g Protein Powder
Meal 3
300-500g Steak (Rump/Scotch Fillet/etc)
Green Vegetables
Meal 4
510g Can Tuna (springwater)
1Cup Basmatti Rice
Meal 5
500g Meat (chicken, ground beef, lamb, etc)
Green Vegetables
Meal 6 (shake)
2 x Extra Large Eggs
50g Protein Powder
Nutrition (WO Day)
Meal 1
6 x Extra Large Eggs
2 x Slice Grain Toast
Grated Cheese
BBQ Sauce
Meal 2 (shake)
2 x Extra Large Eggs
50g Protein Powder
Meal 3
300-500g Steak (Rump/Scotch Fillet/etc)
Green Vegetables
Meal 4
510g Can Tuna (springwater)
1Cup Basmatti Rice
50g Maltodextrin
50g Dextrose
50g Protein Powder
Meal 5
500g lean Meat (chicken, etc)
1Cup Basmatti Rice
Meal 6 (shake)
1Cup Rolled Oats
50g Protein Powder
BTW I have NFI what this totals in cals.macros etc. Its just what I eat
Thanks heaps mate
after using the good ol' katch-mcardle formula i calculated your daily expenditure to be around 3471 kcals. that being said, you will want to consume a little over 3500 cals a day. i calculated you into the very active category as well.
with the very little information you provided about yourself and your diet i don't know how much more i can help you aside from saying your food choices are good, but i would lose the honey, and other additives that seem unnecessary to the meal.
i would use potatoes and oats, since you have them included as your carb sources, and i like your varying protein sources. the diet looks like it should work well, but keep a close eye on strength gains. if you are progressing every 2 weeks in the gym, you will need to up your calorie allowance.
The Katch-McArdle formula calculates BMR based on lean body weight.
BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)
Then, using the BMR, TDEE is calculated using the activity multiplier:
Activity Multiplier:
Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
Extr. active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training)
Thanks bud.
The honey is there to add a bit of flavour to my shakes as my protein powder I buy bulk unflavored (not a fan of artificial sweetners, they give me headaches).
Ive been toying with the idea of dropping some of the fat for more carbs, swapping out half the whole eggs for equivilant whites.
Hey Nark and Nova. I've been following this thread and you guys seems to do a very good job on guiding members to the right path. thumps up to you guys!!
If you guys have time I'd appreciate if you critique my lean bulk diet that I've been following for the past 3 months.
First, I workout 6 days/week, 45mins workout session followed by 30 mins cardio at 65% of max HR 4-5 times/week.
25 yrs
200 lbs
8.3% bf (tested last week)
Now heres my diet....
Meal 1 - (696 cal):
- 12 egg whites (36p, 204 cal)
- 1.5 cups oatmeal (15p, 81c, 9f, 450 cal)
- 3/4 cup broccoli (3p, 8.5c, .5f, 42 cal)
==> [54 pro, 90 carb, 9.5 fat]
Meal 2 - (626 cal):
- 140g tuna (33p, 4f, 180 cal)
- 1 cup oatmeal (10p, 54c, 6f, 300 cal)
- 155g sweet potato (2p, 27c, 118 cal)
- 1/2 cup broccoli (2p, 5.5p, 28 cal)
- salad
==> [ 47 pro, 86.5 carb, 10 fat]
Meal 3 (Pre-Workout) - (485 cal):
- 140g chicken breasts (40.5p, 4f, 211 cal)
- 305g sweet potato (4p, 54c, .5f, 232 cal)
- 3/4 cup broccoli (3p, 8.5c, .5f, 42 cal)
==> [47.5 pro, 62.5 carb, 5 fat]
Post-Workout - (546 cal):
- 2 scope whey protein (48p, 6c, 3f, 240 cal)
- 1/2 cup oatmeal (5p, 27c, 3f, 150 cal)
- 1 banana (2p, 40c, .5f, 156 cal)
==> [55 pro, 73 carb, 6.5 fat]
Meal 4 - (466 cal):
- 200g tilapia or red snapper fish (40p, 3.5f, 192 cal)
- 305g sweet potato (6p, 52.5c, 3f, 232 cal)
- 3/4 cup broccoli (3p, 8.5c, .5f, 42 cal)
==> [49 pro, 61 carb, 7 fat]
Meal 5 - (600 cal):
- 170g chicken breast (49.5p, 5f, 257 cal)
- 1 cup oatmeal (10p, 54c, 6f, 300 cal)
- 3/4 cup broccoli (3p, 8.5c, .5f, 42 cal)
==> [62 pro, 63 carb, 11.5 fat]
Meal 6 - (341 cal):
- 140g chicken breast (40.5p, 4f, 211 cal)
- 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil (14f, 130 cal)
==> [40.5 pro, 18 fat]
Meal 7 - (455 cal):
- 150g cottage cheese (20.5p, 5.5c, 6f, 135 cal)
- 2 tablespoons natty peanut butter (8p, 6c, 16f, 200 cal)
- 1 scope whey protein (24p, 3c, 1f, 120 cal)
==> [52.5 pro, 14.5 carb, 23 fat]
Total = 4,215 calorie
407 pro (35%), 450 carb (45%), 90 fat (20%)
what are your goals with the diet? and have you made any changes since you started? what is your activity level aside from training 6 days a week? and what is your 6 day split?
goal is to gain solid muscles and retaining current BF (or gaining VERY minimal bf but not exceed 10% which i havent in the last 3 months..)
I did a cutting diet/cycle before I started this lean bulk and got down from 16 to 8% bf. since then I havent changed this lean bulk diet.
I would say activity level is moderate through out the day and very intense in the gym.
my split is as follows:
I do carb up on leg day, low carb on off day, and follow the diet above in the rest of the days.
the diet looks pretty good, and i would tell you to start using it. try to keep your carb numbers as even as you can throughout the day. so lower them a tad in the earlier meals to help even them out, and then your next to last meal can be pro/carb as well. i would say keep a 6 day split for cutting or pre-comp. but if you can make it work, go for it.
when you carb up... do you drop all fat? i would. and lower your protein to compensate a little.
as for your low carb day, you are bulking now. no need. you need to keep glycogen and energy levels as high as possible during a bulk especially if u are going with a 6 day training split. again, i wouldn't low carb. i would keep them even throughout the day and then have a refeed day, maybe once a week or every 10 days. therefore you will benefit from the high carb day on various workouts. if your workouts arent progressing well, you may need to add another refeed day during the week.
if your training continually progresses for a few weeks, bump the cals by a few hundred. incorporate more protein into your post workout meals and more carbs into your preworkout meals. but again, for now i say keep it up, and if you're moving forward you are doing it right.
I've been playing with different workout splits and I feel that 6 days split works best for me weither bulking or cutting. I would sometimes eliminate the bi/tri day and add them to chest and shoulders. I do that every 6 weeks then back to 6 days split, just to break the routine!!
when I carb up I add 600-800 more cals on that day. do you think thats enough addition of carbs? how much total should my calories be in the carb up day, considering the 4200 cals i consume? when you say to drop all fats in carb up day, you mean to eliminate the flax oil, cottage cheese, PB and reply on the fat coming from protein and carbs?
I usually low carb on off days because I feel I'm not burning enough calories (no workout, but i still do cardio on off day) and need to consume/eat less. but if you say its better to not low carb then I'd give it a try and see how things goes.
Actually I've been slightly playing with the diet doing more calories and reached 4700 cals aday, but I found that I started adding more fats faster than i wanted so I kept scaling down total calories till I found the sweet spot which is 4200 cals where I maintain max 9% bf and slowly add muscles and strengh.
One more thing, regarding ALA, I take 300mg with every carb meal, should I also add biotin or it should only be taken with R-ALA? I also take 6 caps of fish oil, should I add them to fats cal consumption or they dont count?
Sounds good Nova. I'll follow your tips. thanks buddy!!
I've read everything here from you guys, and was hoping you could give me some much needed guidance.
Age: 26
Weight: 264
Height: 6’4”
(Done solo, may not be 100%. Use standard guidelines for where/how to take measurements.)
Neck: 17”
Chest: 46”
Shoulders: 21”
Waist: 42”
Hips: 46”
Biceps: 13.5”
Forearms: 12”
Thighs: 22.5”
Calves: 18.5”
Body Fat % - Unknown / High
I’d like to be in the range of 220-230lbs at a minimum, with a reduction of 6-10” in waist line. I would obviously like to build lean muscle mass, and build my upper body but I want to focus on overall weight reduction and getting my body fat down considerably.
I am willing to eat anything, prep food days in advance (I’m pretty skilled in the kitchen), and need all the help anyone can provide. My current routine in the evenings is not complex, I do a full body routine using mainly machines and some free weights. I workout alone, and have very little skill or knowledge in what exactly to do in the gym. My focus right now is just getting there, getting my cardio in every day, and getting comfortable in the routine.
Also, I am using the program Fitness Assistant to track my diet and workout daily, in order to keep myself focused and to track my progress.
Diet / Routine:
Time: P/C/F - Calories
6:00am: Oatmeal 4/60/6 – 320
Eggs 25/6/1 – 184
6:30am: 30-45 Min Cardio / Elliptical or Treadmill
10:30am: 6 oz Chicken 39/0/2 – 246
4 oz Sweet Potato 3/27/0 – 120
1 cup Celery Raw 1/0/1 – 10
1:30pm: 6 oz Chicken 39/0/2 – 246
4 oz Sweet Potato 3/27/0 – 120
1 cup Celery Raw 1/0/1 – 10
4:30pm: 6oz Beef 97% Fat Free 20/0/7 – 145
4 oz Sweet Potato 3/27/0 – 120
1 cup Broccoli Steamed 3/2/0 – 23
7:00pm: 6 oz Chicken 39/0/2 – 246
4 oz Sweet Potato 3/27/0 – 120
1 cup Celery Raw 1/0/1 – 10
7:30pm: 1-1.5 hr workout, including 20 min cardio
PWO: Protein Shake / Bar 20/37/7 – 290
10:00pm: ½ Cup Cottage Cheese 13/5/0 – 70
Protein – 219g
Carbs – 218g
Fat – 30g
Calories - 2096
Thoughts, questions, or suggestions?
Let's see how this can be done...
Your current diet:
Oatmeal 4/60/6 – 320
Eggs 25/6/1 – 184
6 oz Chicken 39/0/2 – 246
4 oz Sweet Potato 3/27/0 – 120
1 cup Celery Raw 1/0/1 – 10
6 oz Chicken 39/0/2 – 246
4 oz Sweet Potato 3/27/0 – 120
1 cup Celery Raw 1/0/1 – 10
6oz Beef 97% Fat Free 20/0/7 – 145
4 oz Sweet Potato 3/27/0 – 120
1 cup Broccoli Steamed 3/2/0 – 23
6 oz Chicken 39/0/2 – 246
4 oz Sweet Potato 3/27/0 – 120
1 cup Celery Raw 1/0/1 – 10
Protein Shake / Bar 20/37/7 – 290
½ Cup Cottage Cheese 13/5/0 – 70
Protein – 219g
Carbs – 218g
Fat – 30g
Calories - 2096
Plausible Adjustments:
kcals: 2700
Protein: 270 gr
Carbs: 270 gr
Fat: 60gr (your fat was way too low prior as well)
I see you're basically spreading your macros equally over the course of the day.
Well... you're trying to.
What you need to shoot for is:
<>38 gr protein; <>38 gr carbs; 8.5 gr fat per meal
You're not meeting this in at least 3 meals listed above.
Thanks for the advice. I'll work on the total fat and overall cal intake as I adjust the diet.
I've read splitting your carbs and fat into different meals can be beneficial, and also that keeping the macros spread out over each meal can also be good. Do you have a method on this that you follow?
Thanks again,
bump, a lot of questions lately are addressed in this thread. it's a read, but definitely worth it.
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