Not a terrible lift tonight. Left arm and shoulder seem to continue the slow improvement, but dang, I'm impatient.
Sticking with sets but dropping a bit of weight between sets on most stuff.
Preacher curls- 2 w/u, Work 1- (L)- 8 reps and 8 forced w/ slow 5 count neg. (R)- 8 reps, drop, 4, drop,4. Work 2 - (L)- 5 reps, drop,4+ reps and 6 forced w/ a slow 5 count neg. (R) - 5, drop, 4, drop, 3+ reps.
Seated CC - 1 w/j, Work 1 - (L)- 6, drop, 2+ reps, drop, 3+ reps and 5 forced reps with a slow 5 count neg. (R)- 6, drop, 3+ reps, drop, 3+ reps. Work2 - (L)- 5,drop,3,and 5 forced reps with a slow 5 count negative. (R) - 6, drop,3 and 4 forced reps with a slow 5 count negative.
Triceps pressdown w/ bent handle - 2 w/u, Work1-12 reps, Work2-8 reps, Work3- 7+ reps w/ a 5 count hold on the partial.
Close grip bench - 2 w/u, Work1- 10 reps. Work 2- 10 reps. Work3-7 reps.
51 minutes total. Did a little better on the close grip bench tonight so I believe the shoulder is slowly getting there. Now if the nerve will keep healing I hope the biceps, forearm, and grip will improve as well. Triceps seems to be totally unaffected because pressdown are going smooth as silk.
GH should be here today.