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Thread: All you need to know about GYNO.

  1. #681
    actually i did more research and answered my own question

    i dont understand the concept of using nolvadex after letro though. letro will kill my estrogen levels and my sex drive will be dead. will nolvadex bring back my sex drive while blocking the estrogen binding sites? what if i took clomid for a month (last month, keep in mind that its been 1-2 yrs since i took steroids that i started to take clomid), do i still have to take nolvadex? any help would be appreciated. thanks!!!!!

  2. #682
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Canada, Ontario
    Nice Read Canadian

  3. #683
    Join Date
    May 2011
    can anavar cause gyno ? and if so at what dosage

  4. #684

    Hey bino

    I messed up my cycle.
    Please help brother.

    Tren 70 mg ED week 1-6
    T-400 3 shots 1200 mg week 1-6
    EQ 2 shots 600 mg
    Anavar 40 Ed week 1-6

    Here is where i messed uP I started to add nolvadex in my cycle since week 3-6 40 mg Ed.

    I have stopped nolva now
    And continuing my cycle just on test and EQ.
    Test till week 14
    EQ till week 12.

    I don't see any signs of gyno. Or do you think it will show up in a couple of weeks.
    I used nolva on tren. Is it to messed up???
    Please help bro.

  5. #685
    Thank you for the information. I am learning a lot. I have already had a previous surgery for Gyno in the past and my doc had me on Tamoxifen 20mg twice a day. Obviously isnt working as I just began Test cypionate 210mg week and Oxandrolone/Stanozol 100mg 3x week. Tenderness in breasts again. I obviously am going to take your advice and begin Letrozole immediately. My question is do you know about generic letovel? Will this work just as well? New to site and I appreciate the information from all of you. SHould I stick strictly to Femara or Letrozole or are generics fine? Thank you for the advice.


  6. #686
    Ok so I need some help I wanted to get big and this guy at nutrition depot sold me this stuff called Sustevol( orange and silver box pill form) and said when Im done with the box take some liver flushing pills of course I didn't research like a dumbass and my nipples are puffy and I have a knot rght by my nipple that hurts. i stopped taking it and dnt take anything currently and no I didn't take the whole box how do I reverse this its been awhile since I've takin it but seems to keep getting worse?

  7. #687
    You could try and get some anti estrogens but from my experience it doesn't go completely away and it would have to be removed.

  8. #688
    great advice thank you

  9. #689
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

  10. #690

  11. #691
    so im about to take deca and apex all test... then test e after to kind of help lean off... can i run aromasin all the way through and be fine? my idea is take one shot of test e then 2 week take one of deca and one of apex repeat that til i run out then use the last 9 shots of test e to help lean off the big stuff... i have juiced before but never stacked... i am just really afraid of gyno and i heard shitty things about letro ... all advice is appreciated ... what should i do during the cycle and as a pct?

  12. #692
    Thank you so much for all the info. was really lost before reading this:
    I have had estrogen gyno for months now(about 7+) and i haven't taken anything since then. should i still try the letro? And how long do you take letro before going into nova? Also, what is PCT? Your help is really appreciated.

  13. #693
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I started to get Gyno from dbols... but the leto fixed it thank god

  14. #694
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Great post bro. Tons of great info here, especially for a noobie like me. Much appreciated. I'm going to bookmark this to read over again before my cycle.

  15. #695
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    okay i did the first protocol of letro but i still feel sensitivity in my right nipple and i stayed on an additional 7 days after. What do i do know? I have tapered down to 1.25 the last two days. Any suggestions?

  16. #696
    YES it will be gyno - i also have gyno from long time back - ive started using letro and its only been 10 days and its already working - one lump is gone from one side the other is getting smaller day by day.

  17. #697
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    just a question ive had gyno for over a month now. the reason being i have been ****ed around with getting an ai. im not 2weeks into my pct. after tappering of letro how much and how long shud i use nolva for? also my balls shrank a little. ive read hcg will fix that? but shud hcg be ran with nolva for it to be effective??

  18. #698
    hey i am 15 and ive had puffy nipples for about 1 year and a half now and ive got that fibery type feel under my nipple. i recently started bodybuilding and am pretty skinny so far. i weight about 137lbs and i was wondering if you think that letro would work to get rid of the lumps and the puffy nipples for me?

  19. #699
    You are way to young to mess with your hormones. See a Doctor.

  20. #700
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I have about 25% body fat at 250 lbs atm and ran tren twice. I don't have any of these sides of nipple soreness or lumps. Now, I've over weight for about 5 yrs now and have had fat in my chest most of that time. I doubt that this is gyno but if it can be plz let me know.

    My question is can letro help reduce this fat build up around my chest?
    Last edited by keionte; 10-09-2011 at 12:04 AM.

  21. #701
    Quote Originally Posted by keionte View Post
    I have about 25% body fat at 250 lbs atm and ran tren twice. I don't have any of these sides of nipple soreness or lumps. Now, I've over weight for about 5 yrs now and have had fat in my chest most of that time. I doubt that this is gyno but if it can be plz let me know.

    My question is can letro help reduce this fat build up around my chest?
    If your looking for something that *assist* you in burning fat. Than look into T3 and Clen.

    Letrozole is a AI.

  22. #702
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    what is the best drug to stop progesterone from happening? (running through cycle) planning on running a big deca course. and can i run it together with an ai aswell for my test? my arimdex.


  23. #703
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by denzel View Post
    what is the best drug to stop progesterone from happening? (running through cycle) planning on running a big deca course. and can i run it together with an ai aswell for my test? my arimdex.

    An AI will do:

  24. #704
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    i thought progesterone wasnt estrogen related, so your nolva/arimdex would not work.....

  25. #705

    Letro Calender

    Okay, so that letro calender you have posted. Is that for the 2 weeks before you start your cycle and while your on it?

  26. #706
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Chico, CA
    Thanks for a great write up!

  27. #707
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Thanks for the info its great

  28. #708

    Stop being lazy

    I just joined this website and this is my first post...

    To thank to C Bino for the information, he was way too kind and I see why he doesn't even come to this thread anymore or answer any questions.

    I read all 18 pages and probably wasted over an hour having to read the same questions & answers over and over and over, C bino answered them all, multiple times.

    All of you who "read the entire thread" but didn't find the answer "this specific question" are either lying about reading this post or just plain incompetent.

    EVERY question I read was answered at least 3x.

    Stop being lazy and read.


    Thanks again Tit Dr.

  29. #709
    This is such a great read and a tremendous help--thanks, fellas! One question I've never really been able to answer is if the lump(s) stay permanently. The reason I ask is because I think I had a touch of gyno from my very first cycle (Sustanon at 500mg/week), but I never have had any lumps or solid masses behind the nipples. My nipples are very puffy, but I wonder if it's just genetic or the very first signs of gyno. I'm at about 14% BF now and suspect I may hold fat in this area as well.

    Can anyone shed light on this? Thanks, brothers!

  30. #710
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    British Columbia, Canada
    So because there are 18 pages of replies (and I'm not going through them all lol) in regards to Letro during cycle to prevent sides, would the Liquid Letro from AR-R do the trick?

  31. #711
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    ^^^ Yes it would but L-dex or Extremestane would work far better...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  32. #712
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    British Columbia, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    ^^^ Yes it would but L-dex or Extremestane would work far better...
    far better for use during cycle or pct?

  33. #713
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    great thread this helped alot with all my concerns.....

  34. #714
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    New York
    I was about 4 weeks into a regular testosterone/deca/dianabol cycle and i got bad gyno in both nipples. The lumps cause my nipples to be very noticable, even with a shirt on, and its very embarrassing. I was taking .5mg arimidex EOD during the cycle. I just stopped the cycle, and recently purchased letro from ar-r to get rid of the gyno. I've been on it for about a week now (7days), ramping up, as suggested. I haven't seen any results so far and the gyno is still there. Any advice? How long does it take to start seeing results? In previous cycles, I had gyno and took arimidex after the cycle was over and it went away pretty quickly...

  35. #715
    thanks for the info

  36. #716
    Hi Bino
    i am started now the third week on my first cycle, i take Test E 30mg. e5d and dianabol 20 mg. everyday, i realized today that i have little bit swollow around my nipples, only when i stretch my arms high, my nipple didnt get swore or itchy, as u know i have some fat around my breast area, is this a gyno issue? i started yesterday with Nolva 20 mg. everyday, can u plz help me. thxxx

  37. #717
    on my first cycle wondering if i would need any other kind of estrogen blocker other than what i have, i know its a beginer stack so i think im good just wondering though.

    2 GP Test Enath250
    1 GP Deca250
    2 GP Turan
    3 GP Anastrozole


    Weeks 1-10: 500mg GP Test Enath250 ( 1ml Twice per week)
    Weeks 1-10: 250mg GP Deca250 - 250mg ( 0.5ml Twice per week)
    Weeks 1-4: 40mg GP Turan per day
    Weeks 1-13: 0.5mg GP Anastrozole per day

    thats what i am doing now.

  38. #718
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    That is not a beginners stack. Your first cycle should be test only no deca that way if you get bad sides you no its coming from the test if you run two compounds it could be either one. Which then makes it harder to treat.

  39. #719
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    im interested in trying test e, right now the only thing slightly pushing me from is it the fact that gyno is a possibility. As crazy as this may sound.

  40. #720
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    I have extensively researched PCT and know that estrogen and Aromatization suppression is key in any good cycle. Reading through some things I have heard that taking prescription SSRI's (i.e. Prozac) can inhibit the efficacy of the AI or SERM. Does anyone know anything further about this? Or do you know the mechanism which may render the two medications inactive? Thanks and hope to hear back!

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