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Thread: Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.

  1. #681
    Great Post answered a lot of my questions.

    Can I start of Clenbuterol with half of the pill like 10mcg so that I DON'T SCREW UP THE HORMONES IN MY BODY and continue to maybe 20mcg. Will it have an affect? I am sure it will still act as a thermogenic? Can I stck this with anavar? Is it a good idea.

  2. #682
    will taking caffeine while on clen, or during the off period effect it in anyway? if EC has the down regulating effect, could just caffeine have the same effect?

  3. #683
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by 1000_DaysAsTheLion View Post
    will taking caffeine while on clen, or during the off period effect it in anyway? if EC has the down regulating effect, could just caffeine have the same effect?
    AFAIK EC doesn't have a down regulating effect. It's just a bridge to keep burning fat while you take a break from clen while your receptors "get back to normal".

    Keto is used to down regulate your receptors while on clen.

  4. #684
    Join Date
    May 2012
    West Texas
    great read. im currently studying options to get "over the hump" this looks like the thing i need!

  5. #685
    Loving this thread!!!

    One question. I've received my liquid clen & L-Taurine in the mail. I'm going to follow as prompted in the info, the only thing I don't understand is the dosages of clen when taking Benadryl in the 3rd week? Do you keep it the dosage as you were on day 14 e.g. 100-120mcg or start to lower and come off the dosage to allow the beta receptors to up regulate?

    Oh and any particular sizes of syringes/squirters that makes it easier to serve?

    This is my first time so any help would be great. Thanks

  6. #686
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Perth, Western Australia
    is it ok to get on the clen when i am only 21?

  7. #687
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Perth, Western Australia
    also does the research formula from ar-r go off after time?

  8. #688
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    One question. I've received my liquid clen & L-Taurine in the mail. I'm going to follow as prompted in the info, the only thing I don't understand is the dosages of clen when taking Benadryl in the 3rd week? Do you keep it the dosage as you were on day 14 e.g. 100-120mcg or start to lower and come off the dosage to allow the beta receptors to up regulate? Benadryl is old school, need to run keto with clen, run 1ml before bed. I keep running 120mcg all the time, I don't see no reason to lower. Keto is used so you can run clen for longer cycles and it keeps the beta receptors all good.

  9. #689
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    What you mean go off. Off page if so just put AR-R in to google it comes up that way to, lol

  10. #690
    Would clen/T3 come up in a standard LE drug test? My brother is LE and I've been telling him about this but I don't know about the UA portion as I don't really have to worry about it with my job.

  11. #691
    Great post bro! Exactly what I needed!

  12. #692
    You say you lost 100 lbs...that's awesome...just curious why people say not to take clean unless ur bf is really low? Worked for you....just saying....

  13. #693
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    Interesting read, nice info!

  14. #694
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    is it ok to take clen while taking creatine, I know I will retain water but will it still burn the fat?

  15. #695
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Good info there mate, thanx for the post.

  16. #696
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Is it ok to take a blood thiner while on Clen? or some aspirin daily may be?

  17. #697
    I have some questions of you could email me michellehume144 at gmail . Com

  18. #698
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Missmeesha144
    I have some questions of you could email me Com
    You know you are gonna get spammed to death leaving an email address on this site. You might want to delete it and just go ahead and ask your questions.

  19. #699
    Thanks. I am in NY and just got some Clen from AR-R. Wondering if you had any experience with them, most people who mention on this site seems to have been pleased by their service.

  20. #700
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    they are g2g

    I've gotten clen, T3, Stane, Clomid, Nova, Liquid Cia, and I think a few other compounds from them.

  21. #701
    I confirm that clen works well! BUT, it works much better when you use it with Ketotifen/Zaditen and T3. I needed to cut fast before unexpected competition so I cut from being a fat mother*ucker at 21%% bodyfat to shredded monster at 6% body fat in 9 weeks. Unbeliavable. I took Clen for 9 weeks with no off period since I took Ketotifen at 2mg a day and clem at 100 a day. T3 at 100 as well. It is amazing stuff but be careful, you will lose some muscle when not using no anabolics and also you will get back to where you started when you don't watch your diet or start bulking again after competition.

  22. #702
    thank you for creating this post, i found it very helpful man

  23. #703
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by AverageGymRat View Post
    I confirm that clen works well! BUT, it works much better when you use it with Ketotifen/Zaditen and T3. I needed to cut fast before unexpected competition so I cut from being a fat mother*ucker at 21%% bodyfat to shredded monster at 6% body fat in 9 weeks. Unbeliavable. I took Clen for 9 weeks with no off period since I took Ketotifen at 2mg a day and clem at 100 a day. T3 at 100 as well. It is amazing stuff but be careful, you will lose some muscle when not using no anabolics and also you will get back to where you started when you don't watch your diet or start bulking again after competition.
    That is freaking insane if true. What other compounds did you run besides clen and t3? And more importantly what did your diet look like in order to pull that off?

  24. #704
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline99 View Post

    That is freaking insane if true. What other compounds did you run besides clen and t3? And more importantly what did your diet look like in order to pull that off?
    Bare in mind that the 100 of t3 is approx a burn rate of 3x faster than your normal metabolism , since I believe your normal t3 is approx 25mcg .
    So the t3 some might argue is borderline a high dose .
    Obviously he used a AAS otherwise he'd be skin and bone .

    His diet must of been high calories , when he swallowed the food the t3 and clen probably made the food explode while falling to his stomache lol .
    Last edited by Reiid13; 12-08-2013 at 05:54 AM.

  25. #705
    good infos sir! helped me alot! thanks!

  26. #706
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Pretty helpful sum-uo. Thanks beast!

  27. #707
    I bought some the guy told me it's suppose to be 40 mcg I took four pills don't feel shit ...I'm pissed can't find legit shit anywhere piss looks toxic as hell almost looks red

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