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Thread: My last picture and cycle

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The exact dosages are:

    week 1-3 2 100mg anapolon
    week 1-10 250mg sustanon every other day
    week 1-10 100mg trenbolone acetate every other
    week 1-12 400 mg equipoise week
    week 10-15 400 mg primobolan
    week 1-15 4 100mg proviron
    week 1-15 20mg arimidex
    week 1-15 20mg nolvadex
    week 12-15 150mg clomid
    week 1-12 100mg clenbuterol
    week 8-10 100mg cytomel

    I used to use clomid at the end before real start of pct. Here's my pct starting at week 16 without any break:

    Week1-3: 500IU/Hcg day+20mg nolvadex
    Week4-8: 150mg clomid+40mg nolvadex

    I did many cycles with lower doses but now instead of doing 3 intermediate cycles per year I did one mega cycle for year. In addition, from my experiences if you block estrogen during your entire cycle you will make harder, ripped body. If you not, your gains will be twice with lots of fat. My personal preference is to make a cycle both build mass and cuts you down. Some of my friends ask me why did I use Anapolon. I use A-bombs to explode my cardiac capacity. At week 4 my endurance increased. This helps me to train harder and recover faster.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    hi i want to know how you can test your fat index there is some little machine for bay or i have to go special doctor ?????

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Looks like your doin a great job keep it up anad nice cycle

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    This thread is a month old!!! But the most common way you check your BF is with some calipers.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hi. I said I will use trestelone. Many people have asked me here is my comments:

    I used it at 100mg/day intead of 30mg/day. And started to use it immediately after my cycle. I only used it( I mean I do not use anything including anti-estrogens-test-t3-gh-igh-insulin...) Because Abdi Ibrahim (producing also Anapolon) a major official drug firm from Turkey (still working on it) offered me to test it. I causes a mass explosion on me. I feel like i have done my first test-anapolon cycle On strength basis it effects like heavy test-tren cycle. I feel very good but its bloating is far greater than a-50. it creates fat like anything else. it is the most strongest fat builder in the world i think. However if I able to use femara and nolva i think results will be very different.

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