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Thread: 20 y/o 245 lbs ALL NATURAL

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by RuN3
    I know what your saying but when I come off a cycle now the thought of deflating and getting weaker scares me. Its like I have a phsycological addiction to roids, if I'm not using them I feel weak. When my parents found out about my first cycle they were gonna chuck it away, but I told them if t hey did that I would kill mysel. I hope I can take a long break after this cycle is over. I dont really care if I dont live very long, or having any kids. Who wants to live till their 60...
    You say this now...

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by RuN3
    I know what your saying but when I come off a cycle now the thought of deflating and getting weaker scares me. Its like I have a phsycological addiction to roids, if I'm not using them I feel weak. I hope I can take a long break after this cycle is over. I dont really care if I dont live very long, or having any kids. Who wants to live till their 60...
    It sounds like you need to get your shit together. Feel weak when not on roids blah blah blah. Get stronger mentally.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Damn dude, there's more to life than pushing weight around.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I'll give you credit on your mass and build... but it's a shame you have that outlook on life... I'm gonna get some puutietang til' I'm 95... and fuking love it!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by RuN3
    Im sorry if i 'offended' anyone saying that im all natural...*cough* swolecat *cough*
    I'm not offended whatsoever, as I really don't give a rat's ass.

    I just think it's outright stupid to lie, then get caught, then try to play it off as if you planned it like that all along.

    If that's what's fun/entertaining for you, then by all means enjoy.


  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    New West BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Sane
    I'll give you credit on your mass and build... but it's a shame you have that outlook on life... I'm gonna get some puutietang til' I'm 95... and fuking love it!
    You wont be living till 95 if you juice. Some people point at arnold and say look hees still alive, well he has already had 4 heart bypasses and he can afford the most expensive medical bills. If he wasnt so rich he would already be dead.

  7. #47
    man I dont like your attitute. You seem really immature. You told your parents you would kill yourself if they didnt give it back to you? And you dont care if you live long? Who wants to live to 60 anyways?

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    New West BC
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    man I dont like your attitute. You seem really immature. You told your parents you would kill yourself if they didnt give it back to you? And you dont care if you live long? Who wants to live to 60 anyways?
    It was the only thing I could say to make them give it back to me. And as for living long, I dunno ...I just never look at the future, I'm living in the present so why worry. I mean I know the consequences of what I am doing to myself so obviously I wont live to be very old.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Woa dude, what a crappy attitude, i had my doubts that you were only 20 but after the stuff your sayng here i believe you now. As far as where your lacking, its definetly in strength.....MENTAL STRENGTH.....its all in your head, how do you know that your going to deflate/weaken when off if youve never even really been off in the first place. With an outlook like that you might as well put a bullet in your head right now.....j/k but come on, your freaking huge, youve accomplished something work on the stuff that matters.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    New West BC
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I'm not offended whatsoever, as I really don't give a rat's ass.

    I just think it's outright stupid to lie, then get caught, then try to play it off as if you planned it like that all along.

    If that's what's fun/entertaining for you, then by all means enjoy.

    I'm not that big an idiot... It would only take someone to search my other posts on this board to realize that I AM NOT NATURAL This is a Steroid Forum, I dont know why I would be posting pics here if I wasnt a phony. I just didnt think you would take it this serious, You have even helped me out with steroid advice in other posts. I wont be making a 'misleading' forum topic again, although I found it kinda amusing.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    yeah your huge atleast be happy be optimistic bro your attitude aint helpin you what so ever. Killing your self isnt the answer getting help for your self is.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by RuN3
    You wont be living till 95 if you juice. Some people point at arnold and say look hees still alive, well he has already had 4 heart bypasses and he can afford the most expensive medical bills. If he wasnt so rich he would already be dead.
    wow... you aren't the most positive character, are you? Arnold may have had 4 heart bypasses... but so do some (ie.) med doctors who have never touched a drug their lives. You are using steroids as a correlation to health problems, that give us the bad rap in the eye of the public. You're clearly too young to be using AAS, considering you are planning your own burial at the age of 60. Everything can be monitored in moderation. May I just point out that the bolded text could possibly be one of the stupidest thing I have ever heard... Thanks for keeping my day interesting...

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by RuN3
    I'm not that big an idiot... It would only take someone to search my other posts on this board to realize that I AM NOT NATURAL This is a Steroid Forum, I dont know why I would be posting pics here if I wasnt a phony. I just didnt think you would take it this serious, You have even helped me out with steroid advice in other posts. I wont be making a 'misleading' forum topic again, although I found it kinda amusing.
    Here's another one... Swole, can you give me steroid advice too???

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Im not sure why this bro is getting flamed. A lot of ppl claim to be natural that ARE NOT.

  15. #55
    OMG, look what I've started. RUN3, you are very immature for your age, I am very sorry for you and your outlook on life. I would suggest seeking help for yourself, you have a lot of issues and you are only causing harm to yourself. By the way, there is no reason at all for you to lose size or strength when you come off if you know what you are doing. Again, good luck, you need it.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by RuN3
    I thought it was kinda obvious that I wasnt natural. Im not ashamed of people knowing that I juice, cuz just looking at me and the acne...people arnt dumb. What are you talking about didnt research my cycles ??

    I did two 10 week cycles of:
    test 500/wk
    deca 300wk
    With proper PCT

    And now im doing:
    Test 250/wk
    Tren 75/ed
    HCG 2x/week @ 500 ius
    followed by proper PCT again

    I started when I was 19 and I took like 4 weeks off between cycles. Im sorry if i 'offended' anyone saying that im all natural...*cough* swolecat *cough*

    Well let me be the first to say you look like a leper.

    When you go to parties, do people dip Doritos into your back?

    That looks like a relief map of Switzerland

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    Hmmm..lets see..

    Im pretty much in the same boat as you, only I took a different route.

    My acne which is pretty bad, comparable to you in a way is being taken care of first.

    I have postponed my cycle until I get my skin completely clear with the accutane(not doctor prescribed).

    Its been over 2 months with the Tane, I am starting to clear up..

    I just dont see the point of getting big and having a "nice body" if you cant even take your shirt off because of stupid skin imperfections...

    Id also suggest you to get off the cycle and start up on some Tane..

    Tren is gonna make your acne way worse than what it is on top of that...
    I pretty much told him that sweetie, but he seems to love being Zitman.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by RuN3
    I know what your saying but when I come off a cycle now the thought of deflating and getting weaker scares me. Its like I have a phsycological addiction to roids, if I'm not using them I feel weak. When my parents found out about my first cycle they were gonna chuck it away, but I told them if they did that I would kill myself. I hope I can take a long break after this cycle is over. I dont really care if I dont live very long, or having any kids. Who wants to live till their 60...
    telling your parents you were going to kill yourself? hmm. Was that just a ploy or were you serious?

  19. #59
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    do something about that acne.

    (noone even mentioned the acne....geesh, first thing I noticed!!)

    your not natural ... no way.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    you need legs.......and some erythramoyacian..

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You basically buried yourself w/this thread.



  22. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Pizza face has been banned for sending me the following P.M.

    Quote Originally Posted by RuN3
    Yeah, sure. The only thing you'll do to me is flex really hard and have all those zits pop, thus covering me in your pus you f*ckin' pepperoni pizza ridden accutane poster boy.


  23. #63
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    BTW, don't ever send me threats like that again, or I'll have law enforcement contact your ISP and get a hold of you. Don't think that I don't have your information from the Admin Control Panel, because indeed I do. All it takes is filing a complaint with my California Tax I.D. number as a legit Internet business, and you'll be getting a knock on your door.

    U remember that you walking whitehead.

    Last edited by SwoleCat; 09-20-2005 at 08:43 AM.

  24. #64
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    BTW, don't ever send me threats like that again, or I'll have law enforcement contact your ISP and get a hold of you. Don't think that I don't have your information from the Admin Control Panel, because indeed I do. All it takes is filing a complaint with my California Tax I.D. number as a legit Internet business, and you'll be getting a knock on your door.

    U remember that you walking whitehead.



    OMG ... I just shit my pants.

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I bet that smells!


  26. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    U remember that you walking whitehead

  27. #67
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    U remember that you walking whitehead
    you f*ckin' pepperoni pizza ridden accutane poster boy

  28. #68
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Internet tough-guy gets booted on his ass.


    blah blah blah


  29. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by RuN3
    I thought it was kinda obvious that I wasnt natural. Im not ashamed of people knowing that I juice, cuz just looking at me and the acne...people arnt dumb. What are you talking about didnt research my cycles ??

    I did two 10 week cycles of:
    test 500/wk
    deca 300wk
    With proper PCT

    And now im doing:
    Test 250/wk
    Tren 75/ed
    HCG 2x/week @ 500 ius
    followed by proper PCT again

    I started when I was 19 and I took like 4 weeks off between cycles. Im sorry if i 'offended' anyone saying that im all natural...*cough* swolecat *cough*
    You look thick man you have obviously been working hard keep it up, but i think what a lot of people who have commented are trying to say is 1. everything that you have gained you probably could have done naturally and 2. 19 is way to young to start juicing. my personal opinion on using is that you should not even attempt to take roids until your body is fully developed and in some males that is 25 hopefully you did not mess your self up permanently

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    nice ending to a very funny thread

  31. #71
    hey..well its back open. I would watch out..he might go kill himself now. Why is everyone being ban material lately..can't we all just get along?

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I understand idiots as the boards are laced w/them. I also understand people upset at getting flamed and possibly getting upset. What I DON'T understand is how you can be upset when you LIE, get called on it, then have a moderator protect you from getting BAGGED ON even more by locking the thread? Then take it one step further and pm a threat to the moderator?

    That is what is totally astonishing to me.


  33. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Who cares about bacne?!!?

    He's not a "Dove" model, nor any skincare product model for that matter. And if hes not dealin with any girls then let the bacne GROW!!!!!!!! seriously lol, just get huge man. You already lookin very thick for 20, keep on doing what your doing.

    Nothing an 8-week cycle of accutane wont get rid of!

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    This guy is totally nuts! He said he was natural, then said he wasn't and he just wanted to make some give him some Roaccutane

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Bro go drop 10 bux into a tanning bed somewhere, that'll help w/the acne. A tan is the #1 defense against taht kind of acne. It will dry all of that oil up. Take care of yourself man.

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    this thread just became real funny LOL..
    thanx swole lmao...

    this thread is waste time too...

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Vick
    if hes not dealin with any girls then let the bacne GROW!!!!!!!!
    That's nasty, you make it sound as if he should just not care and let himself turn into pus. Girls or not, what about simple/basic respect for oneself and HYGIENE?? You make it sound like he should be Mr. Green Thumb of zits.

    BTW, he's banned so he can't read the responses.


  38. #78
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    mr green
    yes he should take care of the acne man
    who cares bout girls its for his own could and help
    gees that cannot be healthy for ya

  39. #79
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    At least if he runs out of oil, he can squeeze his back to fry chicken.


  40. #80
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

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