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Thread: New Pics at $280lbs

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2004

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2004
    glad to add you to the list of known non-fakes...where I'm president and Prime is second in command.

    What changes do you plan on instituting in order to make pro in 6 years?

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    glad to add you to the list of known non-fakes...where I'm president and Prime is second in command.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Well, Im far from ready now as you can see but I do have the frame for a good heavyweight. I need to REALLY get my diet in check 1st and foremost and get my training to the next level. To hit the next level or to come close to the pro ranks we all know the type of gear use involved. I literally get comments everyday from strangers so I know things are going somewhere. I tried Boxing but after my last fight with a 320lb samoan who hit like tyson (had it tatood on his arm cuz of his KO rate) I said to hell with this and retired. I think I lost half my childhood memories that night. I got my 1st standing 8 count ever and literally blacked out with every punch he threw. I was shocked when I won a close decision but knew I was done. Ill post some pics of the fight if anyone requests me to. I was 230lbs.
    The bottom line is I have to get 100% serious bodybuilding is a 100% of the time sport. Its you against you and thats why I loved the fight game. When you win a team sport the whole team shares the victory. When you win in these types of sports YOU win and win ALONE. Or you LOSE alone. I have rambled enough. Thank you all for the compliments. Cat

  5. #45
    Goodluck on your progress, post up some leg pics in your spare time. May help motivate you. Keep us posted.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    North America
    Thanks for your MMA advice! I'm very happy with my instructors for BJJ and Muay Thai. I'd like to find a good boxing instructor. Can you suggestion someone in the Detroit area who gives private boxing lessons? I live in Troy. Thanks.


  7. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    15 and Van Dyke is a Gym called Challengers. I trained there for years. They train boxing and kick boxing. Look em up and give em a call. It not too far from you. They can give you fights like crazy if you wanna compete of you can just learn to box. Good luck. Rob

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by CatGrabber
    Also Pinn, for your future investigations and accusations, take a look at the background. See the SAME WALLS? Those pics were taken seconds apart. Same wood paneling in my basemement. I have been a member of this board since April of 2002 and had nothing but positive responses and help. These guys helped me through all of my 1st issues and questions now I see we have people like this. Welll, actually Pinn is the only one who has given me crap like this. Im sure he has his reasons though.
    Let the wars begin haha. Good development bro.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    LOL I proved my point and walk the talk. I dont need to hide behind a computer and talk shiznit to make myself feel like a bad azz to compensate for my own insecurities like sooo many "Pinn" heads do on here. I am everything I say I am and more. I have proved myself in front of a thousand people many times over. The fact I am even concerned one "Pinn" head talks trash to me is retarded. In fact, I dont recall a certain pinnhead posting HIS pics at all correct? All I see from him is CONSTANT critisizing of other members. "Thats wrong! this is wrong! thats not you! Why did you do that?!! ETC..." Take a look at his posts for yourself. I must be slipping. I must be losing it! Who cares really?
    Last edited by CatGrabber; 10-06-2005 at 02:09 PM.

  10. #50
    haha, Are you still upset about Pinnacle's comments. Don't let it bother you.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    When I picture who is actually writing it I laugh.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    North America

    MMA and Iron Game in Detroit Area


    If you have time, I'd like to hook up with you to hear a lot more about your MMA and ring experience. I'll buy you a beer or a protien shake! Shoot me an email at [email protected] It's great to find a bro who is interested in both the iron game and fighting.

    98% of the guys at my BJJ club are very skilled but have the strength of a toothpick! A 190lbs guy I rolled with last week was really surprised when he had me in a "sort of" leg triangle and I just stood and picked him up (so he lost his base) like I was powercleaning. When I put him down, I just gently pressed his face against the mat and he tapped. Not much he could do at his skill level against a guy my size/strength (we're both white belts). Having said all that, I really want to develop skills and not really on strength.

    Keep Training Hard.

    Big_Bang -- [email protected]

  13. #53
    That would've made an excellent PM. Opps. you have 12 posts.

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