Well here i am 2 days away, well i guess only one caus eit is getting late and i have one meal left and then i am going to bed.....i stopped my water at 8pm, and took 50mg diazide at 7pm...made my pee a lot for the first bit then i got a run of the runs....but i look vascular already, and feel better now....i applied my first coat of pro tan, and will apply another in a couple hours....then get up tomorrow, and at around 2 we are heading to the comp city and i am going to the hotel to just relax....and paint on more tannning...weigh ins are at 7pm, and i should be full and close to 235lbs....i will get up at 3am and take 50mg more of diazide, and try and sleep....sleep has been hard to find lately....i will be doing my 100mcg IGF tomorrow mornig to help load still, but i am stopping it saturday , so my journal is now complete....kinda sad...
went to the grocery store and got my saturday night snacks, 40 bucks for....3 big bags chips, 12 diet pop with lime, can of baked beans in molasses, 6 bavarian creme doughnuts, 12 oatmeal cookies, oreo's, chocolate cake icing, and cherry pie filer....and some rice cakes, peanut butter and honey....
i will not be on tomorrow, but i will update my pics and have a good result for you on sunday night when i get back.....thanks again to everyone for all your support, and you made it impossible to quit or cheat cause i knew i couldnt let anyone of my bro's down...so this win will be dedicated to all of you here....
A HUGE thanks goes to Mike_XXL, who pretty much single handedly pulled my head from my ass and got me squared away on everything.....Jayhova, your cardio ideas, and support were inspirational to say the least.... and all the members who wouldnt let me think about placing second....Thank you...
WEBB...first place mens overall june 24th...