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Thread: How do i get her to go out with me?

  1. #41
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    in the freaking cold
    here is the deal i am an expert at this... first you need to not dress like a bumb... chicks dont like that - like no sweats or ripped shirts that crap... just dress what is normal but nice... smile and dont seem like to much of a bad ass to her... if you are a bad ass remember to have manners around her - example holding a door for her or another girl.

    so here is what to do: you are both in the same class - ask her how she is doing in the class, what ever she says (good or bad) tell her "i feel like i need another prespective on the info just covered and want to start a study group", then tell her "do you want to help me over coffee?"

    so now you look smart, sensitive cause your asking for help, and you are proactive and a "go-getter" cause you want to go over the info from a dif persons idea... you following this?

    ok, so at that point, that exact point!! do not wait till later set a mid day appt w her, if you can grab a cup at that exact time... leave after 25 - 35 minutes no matter how good the conversation is going... but!!!! before you go set the next appt you are going to have with her (dont say hang our anything like that) keep it business like... so dont ask for her #, ask to contact her via email - she will give it to you or she will say i bearly use it... either way after she gives you her email ask her " o by the way WHAT is the best way to contact you? " lol, you didnt ask but she is offering you her cell # ... the rest is up to you - be your self, dont be anything else. and no gifts - you can pay for her coffee.


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by genetisch View Post
    Theres this girl ive known for half a year,only speak to her in class (college) and barely know each other.How can i get her to go out with me?please HELP!!
    Say this, REALLY be honest, clear, bold, be a MAN, no shame at all, pride and honor:

    (deep look to her eyes) "Hey X, You're (cute, nice, beautiful, or what ever YOU feel she is) and for Y reason (honest) I want to get to know you better. I'm having brunch (or where ever you are going to REALLY go with or without her) tomorrow at Z's at Xpm. Hang out with me, it'll be stimulant" END

    This should not take you more that 1 minute to say.


    Volands Warrior's Code.

    Appliable to whole life (including girls).

    Only 3 rules:
    1. A warrior trust himself Knows what he wants, how, when and he commands.
    2. A warrior doesnt give shit what other think/say about you.
    3. A warrior knows he is the most important one in his life and has strict rules that others are to follow. Make sure to do this list of laws. Like: i do not tolerate disrespect, My time, space, intelligence is Very worthy so better fill it with worthy things. And genuinly ask yourself what can someone can bring to you life that can make you really better/happier.

    Truely live by this laws and you can become a king (that inlcudes getting laid).
    You know what the song says "be a slave or be a lord" YOU choose.

  3. #43
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    in the freaking cold
    great job voland!!!

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