sure you did
sure you did
exactly, i'm actually friends with AFC adam(adam lyons), who's considered the best PUA in the world right now, great guy
hell yeah, i've got some PUA material if anyone is interested
These won't be up long, but here are a couple of pics from a party a little while back, i didn't know either of the girls before the party, here are some pics from 10-15 minutes after i met them
okay so i can't edit one of them so you can see the other girls cause i'm right in the middle, but i think that pic should suffice
i'll take some pics of the chicks i met today and will be partyin with us tonight sunday
Damn phate.....
I wish I could put together an AR dream team and tackle vegas over a weekend.....
Read the book by neil Strauss Called : The Game
Only book I ever read and it helped me adjust my game enough to pick up almost any chick.
What grinds my gears?
#1- people who drive Caravans, anytime I'm stuck its behind some slow **** driving a minivan, EVERY ****ING TIME!!!! And some people are proud to own these pieces of shit, if your a guy who buys a caravan your wife truly has your nuts in her purse and ur a bitch!!
#2- People who bring their kids out at mid night
#3- Spray deoderant. I wake up every morning at the firehouse to this smell, this fat **** I work with uses it, probably because he cant reach his fat armpit with regular deoderant. Instant pissed off smelling this shit
#4- commercials that make you think you'll get more ass if you buy Axe spray deoderant, they even go so far as to call it cologne/deoderant. No $3 product is that great its going to get you any ****ing ass unless its a beer.
#5- Jeans, will they make a pair that fits guys legs who work out. This new trend with these nuthugger ****ing emo kid jeans. Or hiphuggers for guys>? What the fuk does a guy have to show near his hips, little feminine if you ask me.
#6- guys with died black hair, often the same guys wearing the nuthugger jeans!!
#7- the rising cost of Gilette Fusion razor blades!! I dont give a **** how good they are, $17 for 4 blades are you out of your ****ing minds!!! For 4 razor blades?
#8- This ***** ass trend where all of a sudden our poor feetsies hurt all of the time, and we need 20 different pairs of Nike Air max **** me in the ass cushion soles. I seen one ***** at my gym who has 2 pairs of $160 sneakers, the other were a different color so he needed them I guess. *****!!
#9- Reality TV!! **** this shit in a midgets ass with Paul Bunyans fat ****ing cock!! I'm sick of it!! All this shit, not one good program to watch at night because of this crap on every station. "tonight, one of you goes home" real ****ing original, **** em!!
#10- the cost of cable TV.
#11- everyone who thinks they need a 52" flatscreen. America is ****ing lazy and pathetic, we waste $ on bullshit, take a camping trip with your God damn family, the TV can wait!!
#12- oh nevermind, I'm too pissed to keep going now. Damn I need to lower my dosage
Phate, you are the man bro. Looks like you got the girl lol. Congrats bro. When do you turn 21? It is a tradition to get a friendly beatdown on your 21st birthday, followed by a night of free drinks and lap dances and phone numbers.
Basically, every 21 year old we took out went to the strip club and pulled the finest tail lol
in may, and trust me, i'm sure i'll get a beat down, i'm already planning it, i'm gonna have a huge rave here with a "private" section in the back and i've already gotten a ton of chicks to say they'll go(including our entire cheerleading team), should be a great night
Something else that grinds my gears... People with tribal tattoos...ya wtf... Tats are cool and they are supposed to mean sumthing to the owner... Every tattoo i have has a story behind it, yuh know, a meaning... Getting a tribal tattoo is like saying...
"tattoos are so cool, i want a tattoo soooo bad but i dont know what i want... I was was going to just pick out a picture at the studio, but i didn't see anything that i felt descibed me, so im just guna get a tribal on me somewhere im not even sure where i want it yet..."
ive heard so many people say similar sh*t. Tattoos have always been a right of passage in the past and even still today among certain people, but now tattoos are sooo accepted becuase everybodys mom and daughter are getting them, and they have no meaning most of the time
it grinds my gears when im sittin in my car and some hells angel wanna be pulls up on his harley with his tribal tattoos...
It makes me wanna bike-jack that bitch, i see it in my mind and think about showing him what badass really is... Yuh know??? Bike-jack/throatpunch/facestomp/and take his sh*t... Ur bad know aintcha fvker?!?!?
Fake ass mother fu**ers... Uhhh
fvkin stupid
You Know what else grinds my gears.
Im 24 and I own my own buisness.
People come in here everyday and try and tell me how to run my buisness etc.
I want to tell these people to f**K off.
Some old f**k just wasted tons of my time. I want to kick the shit out of him.
Hes actually talking to me as I write this message. Im just nodding my head every few minutes.
what really grinds my gears?????
what chaps my ass is when you get to drunk and drop your phone in the toilet right after taking a piss and not flushing
You know what really grinds my gear is not coming up with something to impress u all.
u know what grinds my gears.....having fvking emotions.
they suck, i see no point in them. the highs never match the lows, and trust me, i love highs...
im officially done with emotions, from this day forward i will walk with no emotions, just be a emotionless asshole..........................
allowed myself to fall head over heals for my ex-fiance....
man did that fvk me...
heart just ripped fvking done, i will never be put in this situation again....
thanks brother....
lmao that's what i do unless im really drunk i'll talk to them and make myself look stupidOriginally Posted by BigKuntry1984;5046***
Phate you are a genius
What really pissed me off today was going into the gym, being surprised that it was relatively quiet but just seeing virtually every dumbell, bar and christ knows what just lying around on the floor.
There's a big fvckoff sign asking people to re-rack their crap afterwards but I suppose when the gym is full of emo dickheads that are more concerned with chatting on the phone, what do you expect!
Oh yeah, and the dickhead doing tricep extentions at the squat rack today. RAAAARGH!
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