If you want to compete, be as more professional as possible.
So, combining DEXA with an underwater weighing, it is the best solution.
If you want to compete, be as more professional as possible.
So, combining DEXA with an underwater weighing, it is the best solution.
Last edited by BJJ; 03-26-2010 at 03:24 PM.
ok.. i got sum more pix... ( no handcuffs ... sry lol)
ok.. this is why im not competing this year.. in the fall i need 2 put sum serious mass on my back... my lats are seriously suffering. but my shoulders look greattrapz are huge for my size.
and my last pic.. i donno if its coz im not sure how to pose for lats.. or if i just dont have very big ones. lol...
ok ... so i got my HG var in yay!!!!
on and im cuttin out my pwo drink. so that brings me down to 1650 cals.
but im gonna find sumthing else to replace it. about 100 cals ( preferably carbs)![]()
new pix.
1st pic is from last week. then the 2nd is from this morning.
ok.. i decided to stay at 1650 cals.... its a pretty big drop but i think it will be perfect for this cycle![]()
If you're losing around 2.2 pounds or 1kg a week then you've found your sweet spot. Just keep the calories the same and you'll be good. 2.2 pnds a week is healthy weight loss.
Try bumping up your cardio time first, before cutting calories.
This is a weird question... but could you update perhaps mid-cycle if the anavar + winstrol is causing problems w/ your menstrual cycle? That's very good info to have loggedand would be very beneficial for other women IMO.
I'm pretty sure the winny will have an impact on it.
i didnt lose weight in week 2. i actually gain 1lb.. i just think 1890 cals is too much on a cycle... 1900 cals is pretty good tho when i just wanna keep where im at.. i think droppin it to 1650 would be good for me. im still eating tons..
i already do 2 hrs of cardio lol... lol i rather play with my food intake lol
yea..., c the problem with that is that i never had a regular period. i can say one thing tho.. after doin my 1st cycle bak in september.. i've been more regular post cycle. like b4 i would go 4-6 months w/o gettin my period.. NOW i will get my period monthly... but only for a day or so.
Last edited by Diamond*K; 04-06-2010 at 12:58 PM.
ok... im still at 145.. and man was i gettin frustrated ...
i got my numbers done 2day and im down to 20.2 %
fat = 29.3 lbs
lbm= 115.7
i lost ( roughly) 2 lbs of fat while gaining 2lbs of muscle
i also got a new diet.. i lowered my carbs just a bit. and i'm keepin my cals at roughly 1650.
8:00 meal 1 330 cals/ 11 f/ 21 p/ 37 carbs
1/2 cup oats - 100cals/ 1.5g fat/ 1.5 g protein/ 22 carbs
1/2 cup almond milk- 20 cals/1.5 g fat/ .5g pro/ 1g carbs
1tbsp natty peanut-butter- 100 cals/ 8g fats/ 5g pro/ 3 carbs
2 egg whites 30 cals/ 0fat/ 7g pro/ 0carb
11:00 meal 2- 264.5 cal/ 8.5 f/ 30p/ 16 carbs
3.5 oz chicken- 116.5 cals/ 2 g fat/ 26.5 g pro/ 0 carbs
1slice ezekiel bread- 80 cals/.5fat/ 4g pro/ 14carb
almonds 10g - 68 cals/ 6g fat/ 2 pro/1 g carb
1:00 meal 3- 334cals/ 13 g fat/ 29g pro/ 27g carbs
1cup almond milk- 40 cals/ 3 g fat/ 1g pro/ 2g carbs
1 scoop whey- 119 cal/ 2g fat/ 23g pro/ 2g carbs
3oz banana 75 cals/ 0fat/ 0pro/ 20 carbs
1tbsp natty peanut-butter- 100 cals/ 8g fats/ 5g pro/ 3 carbs
1:30 ---wrk out----
4:00(30-45min later)meal 5 - 280cals/ 2.5 g fat/ 36 g pro/ 30carbs
2/3 cup quinoa- 160 cals/ 2.5 fat/ 6 g pro/ 30 carbs
4oz tuna- 120 cals/ 0fat/ 30g pro/ 0carbs
7:00 meal 6- 264.5 cal/ 8.5 f/ 30p/ 16 carbs
3.5 oz chicken- 116.5 cals/ 2 g fat/ 24 g pro/ 0 carbs
1slice ezekiel bread- 80 cals/.5fat/ 4g pro/ 15 carbs
almonds 10g - 68 cals/ 6g fat/ 2 pro/1 g carb
10:00 meal 7- 180cal/ 22.5p/ 7 fat/ 8.5carb
banana Protein 130 cals/ 20 pro/ 3 f/ 7 carb
1tsp natty peanut-butter- 50 cals/ 4g fats/ 2.5g pro/ 1.5 carbs
b12,glutamine, ALA, Chromium Picolinate, Betaine Hydrochloride
168.5 pro
50.4 f
134.5 carbs
im also eating a bit cleaner for my cheat days.
and im adding in an extra leg day
so my routine looks like this now:
monday- chest
tuesday- back& abs
wed- arms
thurday- legs (heavy)
friday- shoulders,trapz& abs
saturday- rest (cheat day)
sunday- legs (lots of reps)
im thinking 2 different routines for my legs... like one day possibly work mostly on strength& do big movement workouts. then on sunday it will be mostly cardio and isolated workouts.
ok you guys are gonna hate me but im adding in sum t3s lol. just for 25 days at 25mcg.
and im thinking for my last week when im on winny and proviron im gonna do a keto style diet to help cut out all water .....? LOL
Last edited by Diamond*K; 04-09-2010 at 01:58 PM.
Keep up the good work.....
Marcus talked me out of a Keto diet to prime this cycle. He is for carb cycling. Which basically is 3 days of Keto like diet and 1 day of carbing up. There are many threads here about it.
Tell us about the thermos you use? Caffine, I know clen, T3, Ephedrine, and so on...?
looking good diamond........keep up the good work!
i concur, cycling carbs is the best way to go imo.. i always tried to coordinate the carb intake to match my training regiment as best as possible. for instance, on my weaker muscle group training days .. i'd make that my max carb intake day.. and gradually drop carbs down to nothing as i trained on my stronger and stronger points..
so like i would do
arms day (weakest aspect)/ 350gCarbs intake
No resistance just intense cardio w/ carbs before (this was to build up high end stamina/ 200g carb intake
chest n' frontal delts/ 100-150g Carb intake
legs/ 50-100g carb intake
off / 50g carb intake
back,rear n' medial delts (best aspect) / 50g carb intake
off/ lil as possible carb intake
Last edited by taiboxa; 04-09-2010 at 08:43 PM.
yea maybe if i do carb cycling like that i would do it for the past 2 weeks...
im taking caffine, clen and just started on t3... my doses on t3 arent very high...
lol i gotta say tho..i love var.. it fuking awsum coz i can gain muscle just as fast as i lose fat... its great coz i kno when i lose weight i wont lose much lbm.. the only prob is i gotta put my cals low or i will just keep bilding lean tissue ( which is fine.. but im more focused on getting really ripped)
i like that keto style diet for 3 days than a carb load
for my last couple weeks i can do a keto style diet and carb up on wed(my arm day) than again on sat my day off.
arms were my harder days.. they were my lagging body part thus i made sure to have adequate carb/caloric intake for those training days.. on training days where im training one of my more developed muscle groups i didnt worry about having large amounts of glycogen in my reserves.
This is the first time I come across this thread, from the link you have posted in the lounge.
Good on you for trying different things and seen what works for you.
Last edited by collar; 04-10-2010 at 12:44 AM. Reason: k
You look good, I like the tats and handcuffs.
I assume you meant bi-monthly? Comping every 3.5 days isnt necessary IMHO. I do them every saturday, same time, every time.
Diamond Krys, you mentioned you don't take winny for more than 5 weeks due to sides. What type of sides are you talking about here? Joint pains? Or something to do with your mestrual cycle?
Main Entry: 1bi·week·ly
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)bī-ˈwē-klē\
Function: adjective
Date: 1832
1 : occurring twice a week
2 : occurring every two weeks : fortnightly
Obviously it can mean either. Was just clarifying your intent.
ummmmm.... lol
well i noticed my voice start to deepen a lil..
but i did notice my clit get very sensitive and it looked like i was in heat or sumthing.. very weird.
so i stopped my cycle.. a few weeks later everything was bak to normal.
I actually agree with Tai, once every two weeks is plenty this far out. I only do them once a week starting at 14-16 weeks out.
i only wanted 2 do it for the next 6 weeks.. til my cycle is done.
ohkkkk..... i just finished making my diets up for next week. im on week 4 right now and starting sunday this is what im doin for 2 weeks. then im gonna cut my cals down to 1500 with the same basic idea .
so im getting rid of my cheat day. and starting mycarb cycling. it will go like this
Sunday- legs (high carb diet) 150 g carbs
monday- back &abs 100g carbs
tuesday- chest 100g carbs
wed- arms & abs 50g carbs
thursday- legs 150 g carbs
friday- shoulders&trapz- 100g carbs
saturday- cardio 50 g carbs
at 1,650 cals
I guess it depends what your purpose for the comps are. I love calipers because they are consistent. I dont care of they are off by 2% as long as it's consistent. I dont do comps to find out what my bodyfat is per se. I do comps to see what changes are occuring in my body so I know what changes I need to make in my diet and cardio schedule for the following week. If that's your intended purpose for them then weekly is fine. Just be sure you get them done the exact same way by the same person, use the same scale for weighing yourself ect..
ohh of course. i always use the same scale, same person.
i usually do it every morning on thursday or friday.
my stupid ex usually does it for me.. but now im getting a girl 2 do it for me from now on.. coz he has no interest in doin them for me.
i keep tellin him i wanna do it every friday morning and he wants me 2 do it whenever he likes...
but i need sum1 that will be consistent with me...
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