You don't need steroids at your age and you really need to sort your diet out and increase your cardio, it takes hardwork and motivation and your not getting the results the problem us within these areas, there's no easy fix.
You don't need steroids at your age and you really need to sort your diet out and increase your cardio, it takes hardwork and motivation and your not getting the results the problem us within these areas, there's no easy fix.
What a very bitter thread.
Your attitude is abysmal.
"Everything you see about bodybuilding is fake. They say they are natural, but they are using lots of steroids" is a slap in the face of the dedicated (real) natural bodybuilders out there.
I used to be a natty competitor...and I was very successful at being so.
Furthermore, when I was a competitor, I was working a full-time job, going to school full-time, and still managing to compete. My waist at the time was under 26 inches.
I know a lot of people like this.
Career men. Business owners. Service men.
This thread is disgraceful.
My suggestion to you?
If you're convinced that ergogenics are your only recourse, use 'em. Nothing wrong with using 'em if you educate yourself on their proper application.
But don't get self-righteous and piss on the dedication of others.
Steroids aren't gatdamned magic.
The truth is, 110% its your diet. Diet diet diet! No amount of aas or ECA is going to counter act a bad diet and, if you have been working out as hard as you say and your not losing bodyfat, its your diet. If you have a crappy diet and add aas you will be a guy with 22% bf on aas and not happy with your results because, you guess it... your diet sucks.
Post a sample day of diet here or better yet, do a diet track for a few days (EVERYTHING you eat in that time) and post that in the diet section. Get that figured out FIRST and you will be able to naturally get in at least the low teens bodyfat without losing much muscle mass with out aas.
I know you say your not looking for a "Magic Pill" but you are like someone desperate to lose and look the way they want to look but without putting the time into diet. People say its 90% diet and 10% everything else...NO, its 100% diet, 100% workouts, 100% lifestyle to look the way you want to look. Does that mean you cant work or have to make a living off your body, no, it means you have to dedicate yourself to it, make a commitment and stay with it more than a month or so. If it means you have to pack food to a meeting, or order something "off menu" to get what you need then you have to do that. As for your workouts, I workout with weights no more than 45min, 5 days a week...Thats it and thats all you need. Infact thats BETTER than your 1.5 hours, then do the extra time on the tredmill or doing some kind of cardio.
Fact is I guess Im gonig to be one of the liars here and say that steroids are not your problem...You shouldnt even try them at this point because you will think that everyone using them is against you because you didnt get what you wanted out of the cycle because you NEED, Ill say it again, NEED to get your diet right first!
you say you bf is too high, you say your diet sucks, you say you dont get enough sleep, youve just answered all your q.s buddy.
Ok guys. I guess im convinced. 90 percent of you gave me the same answer. Maybe steroids are the wrong thing to do. I need to fix my diet. Have you guys posted your diets anywhere? Maybe on the diet section?
Im very happy with all your answers by the way. Even the angry sounding ones. It shows good character and faith in what you believe.
Uh...I was actually just making fun of you. You went on a rant and are upset because competitive bodybuilders won't talk to you about steroids on the internet. Well, duh...dude. Did it ever occur to you that if legitimate probable cause came up that they were using AAS, it could put their careers and well-being into jeopardy? Come on man.
All the stuff that you want to know, as outlined by your original post can be found using the "search" function. It's all there, and then some x100.
Here's a tip...insulting people won't make you any friends. There's no reason for it, and it doesn't help any one or any thing.
From what I remember I didn't insult anybody Nooomoto. Most of the guys that I asked about AAS in the past were not professional bodybuilders. I don't think you have read all the posts. One more thing.... This forum is not to make friends. It is a community to create relationships who have similar interests and goals as yourself. If the main goal is for you to make friends then this is not the site for that. I respect everyone in general without ever looking down at anybody and don't hate people that are above me. In this case I was talking in a negative way about certain people I MYSELF have encountered. I wasn't speaking in a general way. Not even the title says it.
Anyway, the thread is not about that. Its about something else. AAS and the fact that all of these great people have convinced me to remain drug free. They actually gave me an explanation on why I shouldn't do steroids when others lied, said they had never taken them, were scared of going to jail, or were just simply jealous and thought I would look as good as they did. Their motives might be many. In this thread the guys actually took the time to explain why I shouldn't and it actually helped.
When you say something you have to back up your facts. You can't tell a teenage girl right before prom to simply be careful. You have to explain to her why she should be careful, what can happen, and how it can happen.
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