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  1. #41
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    Vishus, firstly i'm glad to have you back around here. Second, chalk this up to a learning experience and KILL IT at your next show. You have the dedication and discipline to do it. You KNOW you've got them beat in terms of size. Get in the best shape of your life and the next one is yours. FG is showing tough love, and I think it's great. It's what we need... too much coddling goes on nowadays... all this 'there are no losers, we're all winners' attitude. Sometimes loss builds character. It certainly makes us wiser.

    My personal .02 - you're a fvcking BEAST. I'd kill to have 1/8th of your size... i'm an 35 year old dude and you're in your early 20's... you have your whole life ahead of you. This is just the beginning brotha!

  2. #42
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Fireguy is dead on with his logic. As a former competitor I've been on both ends. There is only one 1st place. Keep working hard, seek constructive criticism, just not from friends and family please. If you can get it from the judges, do so. Politics can play a part in local shows where judges are also local. I've seen it several times and have been on judging panels where it seemed evident, although unprovable, to me.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by DFRELAT View Post
    You just got knocked down, only question is what you gonna do about it? You gonna stay down or you gonna use this as motivation to shut the mouths of those little pusssy haters on this board and come back bigger and better?
    i know what you mean and yes i will come back bigger and leaner. im lookin to add another 5-6lbs of solid muscle before my next show
    Quote Originally Posted by amar7 View Post
    good work, judges of bb competitions decide on their subjective impression often, so not winning a contest does not mean anything IMHO without being an expert on competitions, that's just how I feel about it. How can a body shape be judged otherwise but on subjective opinions, especially if the competitiors are all well-built
    i know, but they are comparing me to other guys up there based on there criteria...i guess i didnt have what they wanted
    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    Lookin massive man. Regroup and crush them at the next one. I need to borrow those legs for my next show.
    lol! thanks bro
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    So if the judging is so subjective, that not winning a contest doesnt mean anything then, by your same logic winning a contest doesnt mean anything either. People, HE GOT BEAT!! End of discussion. This show doesnt define him as a bodybuilder or a person.I know several competitive bodybuilders and every single one of them has been through what Vishus is dealing with now.

    Judges have several well defined criteria they judge upon, shape, symmetry, muscularity, guys are making it sound like it's a crap shoot as to who places where. I have attended well over 100 bodybuilding shows and over 90% of the time I can tell you who will be the judges will have as the top 3 in any class. 80% of the time I can put them in correct order 1-3 as well.

    The message I am trying to get across is if you are going to attribute a poor placing to bad judging then you need to be prepared to say the judging sucked on the days you win as well.

    Clarification: I am not by any means suggesting Vishus is doing the above.
    thank you FG, dude u should seriously write a book about the sport. u always have a sense of logic behind everything you say, its amazing. my new fav quote is the one you told me :"be humble in victory adn gracious in defeat"
    Quote Originally Posted by GGot FFina? View Post
    Bro you look great!! Its results and feelings like this which make you win events. Its great to hear you have these disappointments in you which will push you to conquer those dreams. Some say fook it, others like you will see where you went wrong and never let it happen again.

    Good luck with next run!
    thanks bro, and im lookin forward now. lookin to get my upper body bigger so i can suffer next time to bring in my glutes and lower back
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Ronnie coleman took 14th in his 1st Olympia I believe.....

    Vishus...... you know you've got it..... one show doesn't define you. You're young yet man LOL and you're leaps and bounds ahead of a lot of other guys. I know all the posotive words in the world wont make you feel better about it because i've got that same competative edge..... if you don't win you lose..... it's hard to deal with. You just have to know what mistakes you've made..... and how to correct them for the next one. Learn from this and use it as fuel from this point on.....

    thankis haz, means a lot comin from you. and yes i am hard on myself because i am so competitive. thats why im going to get fvkckin bigger this year so next time i step on stage its LIGHTS OUT

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Vishus, firstly i'm glad to have you back around here. Second, chalk this up to a learning experience and KILL IT at your next show. You have the dedication and discipline to do it. You KNOW you've got them beat in terms of size. Get in the best shape of your life and the next one is yours. FG is showing tough love, and I think it's great. It's what we need... too much coddling goes on nowadays... all this 'there are no losers, we're all winners' attitude. Sometimes loss builds character. It certainly makes us wiser.

    My personal .02 - you're a fvcking BEAST. I'd kill to have 1/8th of your size... i'm an 35 year old dude and you're in your early 20's... you have your whole life ahead of you. This is just the beginning brotha!
    thanks G and yes i did learn from this and it has only sparked a fire thats gonna make me eat and train like crazy. like i said before. next eyar when i step on stage itll be LIGHTS OUT
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Fireguy is dead on with his logic. As a former competitor I've been on both ends. There is only one 1st place. Keep working hard, seek constructive criticism, just not from friends and family please. If you can get it from the judges, do so. Politics can play a part in local shows where judges are also local. I've seen it several times and have been on judging panels where it seemed evident, although unprovable, to me.
    yes i always look to FG for constructive criticism, he knows what i need to hear whether i like it or not. i am done babbling about the politics. so what if there was politics involved, as you guys stated i am only 22 and have a good decade left to get to where i really want to be

  5. #45
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    Nice your back Vishus....

    Now you see how long it takes for you to overcome the negatives of this sport? About a week.....and your probably STILL over thinking everything said or not said.

    We do this sport for a started to as well for a reason...and it wasn't for anyone else but you. Keep thinking that off season.....challenge yourself.
    Your going to be that one competitor that pushed out that last rep when all others gave up!

    Stick with'll be something great one day!

  6. #46
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawigirl View Post
    Nice your back Vishus....

    Now you see how long it takes for you to overcome the negatives of this sport? About a week.....and your probably STILL over thinking everything said or not said.

    We do this sport for a started to as well for a reason...and it wasn't for anyone else but you. Keep thinking that off season.....challenge yourself.
    Your going to be that one competitor that pushed out that last rep when all others gave up!

    Stick with'll be something great one day!
    thanks kawi and yes im still thinking of it everyday. finally get to train today tho lol get to put all that pissed off aggression towards something

  8. #48
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    You really are becoming a monster....

    Bring those calves up and you will be brilliant
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

  9. #49
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Your calves may not be too bad but the quads overpower them big time....

    I know u don't wanna loose quad size so the only way is 'up' with the calves...

    U look fukin amazin either way
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

  10. #50
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    wow man regardless whether you took 4th you are a force to be reckoned with. You truly look amazing and I know it has been beaten to death in this thread but you truly should not be so hard on yourself.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    You really are becoming a monster....

    Bring those calves up and you will be brilliant
    i agree. trying heavy weight with high reps this offseason

    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Your calves may not be too bad but the quads overpower them big time....

    I know u don't wanna loose quad size so the only way is 'up' with the calves...

    U look fukin amazin either way
    i appreciate the kind words. and ill still train quads like i always do, i will have to focus on my calves like you said and try to bring them up to par
    Quote Originally Posted by chi View Post
    wow man regardless whether you took 4th you are a force to be reckoned with. You truly look amazing and I know it has been beaten to death in this thread but you truly should not be so hard on yourself.
    thanks bro, i appreciate it. and for me to NOT be hard on myself is an impossibility in itself, from a very dark and sh1tty past i have come to find that i tend to seek out a sense of accomplishment and success and for me, bodybuilding has been a long road to find such a euphoria. i hope to one day win my class and maybe do nationals and finally have a sense that i did accomplish something and take it into effect

  12. #52
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    i know fireguy will be here soon and just wanted to point out (to you fireguy) that my lower back has been a problem with me dieting down. any suggestions? it looks like a flap of skin in my back lat spread and has always been like that :s any advice (pertaining to my entire physique as well as my lower back) is welcomed. thank you

  13. #53
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Love the overhead pics from prejudging, dont often get them from that angle. First off, glad to see you have taken the stance of being accountable and are using this experience as motivation going forward. I have really found this entire thread to be quite interesting. It's been my experience that non competitors are the ones who always try to tell you things to make you feel better while fellow competitors know there isnt anything they can say that will make things better and will often just give you the truth. I know a couple shows where I didnt come in as I should of, my mom was always there to tell me how great I still looked and how "You are still a winner". I remember telling her, Mom, I am NOT a winner, there is only one winner here tonight and he is the guy holding the trophy that says 1st on it. Mine says 5th therefore I am not a winner tonight. When I win then you can call me the winner and when that happens I dont want to hear about how everyone on the stage is winner then either.

    The same logic is very much alive in this thread. I found it very interesting how many people say you are a winner just for having the balls to compete and how they feel accomplished even if they finished 40th out of 40. If you dont compete and feel you never could then rightfully so, you should be proud if you could improve enough to do so. But, they dont seem to understand that same logic doesnt apply to people who already compete and compete to win. Not only that, it's ok to be disappointed and frustrated with yourself when you dont win. You SHOULD be disappointed. Like Lombardi said, Show me a good loser and I will show you a loser. I am not suggesting we exhibit poor sportsmanship but by all means, turn that frustration into motivation.

    I honestly believe this 4th place finsish is going to be the best thing that has ever happened to you in your bodybuilding career. Had you won you would have thought giving 85% was good enough and you would have kept doing it. Now you know it's going to take more and you will be a drastically improved bodybuilding because of it. I know one thing, I dont want to be on the same stage as you next time you do a show!!

    Anyways, as far as the lower back, it looks like mostly water to me, lil bit of bodyfat and lil bit due to you arching and leaning back during the pose. A bit leaner, a bit dryer and a bit of pose altering and I think that will take care of itself. It's actually a pretty small wrinkle you are dealing with.

  14. #54
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    This is just part of your journey. The kind of learning this minor bump in the road will create will make you a force to be reckoned with in the future. Just think, if you won in the condition that you were, you wouldve moved up to bigger shows, be completely crushed, and your ego would've taken twice the pounding.. perhaps, you gotta lose a few battles earlier on to win the war

    still, you got up on stage and did what most people only talk about... and you look massive!


  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    Love the overhead pics from prejudging, dont often get them from that angle. First off, glad to see you have taken the stance of being accountable and are using this experience as motivation going forward. I have really found this entire thread to be quite interesting. It's been my experience that non competitors are the ones who always try to tell you things to make you feel better while fellow competitors know there isnt anything they can say that will make things better and will often just give you the truth. I know a couple shows where I didnt come in as I should of, my mom was always there to tell me how great I still looked and how "You are still a winner". I remember telling her, Mom, I am NOT a winner, there is only one winner here tonight and he is the guy holding the trophy that says 1st on it. Mine says 5th therefore I am not a winner tonight. When I win then you can call me the winner and when that happens I dont want to hear about how everyone on the stage is winner then either.

    The same logic is very much alive in this thread. I found it very interesting how many people say you are a winner just for having the balls to compete and how they feel accomplished even if they finished 40th out of 40. If you dont compete and feel you never could then rightfully so, you should be proud if you could improve enough to do so. But, they dont seem to understand that same logic doesnt apply to people who already compete and compete to win. Not only that, it's ok to be disappointed and frustrated with yourself when you dont win. You SHOULD be disappointed. Like Lombardi said, Show me a good loser and I will show you a loser. I am not suggesting we exhibit poor sportsmanship but by all means, turn that frustration into motivation.

    I honestly believe this 4th place finsish is going to be the best thing that has ever happened to you in your bodybuilding career
    . Had you won you would have thought giving 85% was good enough and you would have kept doing it. Now you know it's going to take more and you will be a drastically improved bodybuilding because of it. I know one thing, I dont want to be on the same stage as you next time you do a show!!

    Anyways, as far as the lower back, it looks like mostly water to me, lil bit of bodyfat and lil bit due to you arching and leaning back during the pose. A bit leaner, a bit dryer and a bit of pose altering and I think that will take care of itself. It's actually a pretty small wrinkle you are dealing with.
    thank you for your input FG, always makes sense when u post your thoughts. i highlighted the best part of this, and i am using it as an energy, the frustration and anger i felt when i got my placing. also thank you for your input on the lower back, i always seemed to have that when doing my back shots, i need to find a way to get rid of that when i pose. i will be talking to you in the future when preparing for my next show
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    This is just part of your journey. The kind of learning this minor bump in the road will create will make you a force to be reckoned with in the future. Just think, if you won in the condition that you were, you wouldve moved up to bigger shows, be completely crushed, and your ego would've taken twice the pounding.. perhaps, you gotta lose a few battles earlier on to win the war

    still, you got up on stage and did what most people only talk about... and you look massive!

    thanks bro, and you are right. if i wouldve placed first and went on to do jr nat's i wouldve gotten my @ss handed to me haha

  16. #56
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    glad to see the shots; pretty cool. rise up with a new heart my friend and nail their a--es to the floor next time. just curious what was your weight on the other photos from an older thread? i could be wrong just thinking there was another set of shots where you looked real dry.

  17. #57
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    Just a little thought mate, but was looking at your back pic at the wrinkle you mentioned. See how your thumbs are pushing into your sides, this might be making the wrinkle look worse by them pulling the skin. Maybe if you tuck your thumbs inside your fingers it might help a little. Might not make much difference but it was just something I noticed.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldschoolfitness View Post
    glad to see the shots; pretty cool. rise up with a new heart my friend and nail their a--es to the floor next time. just curious what was your weight on the other photos from an older thread? i could be wrong just thinking there was another set of shots where you looked real dry.
    yes that was me 2 years ago and i was shredded, but tiny lol my weight jumped 30lbs between that old thread adn this one. i couldve lost maybe 7-8 more lbs for this show so ill say a good 20lb increase in stage weight from 2 years ago
    Quote Originally Posted by |2ogue View Post
    Just a little thought mate, but was looking at your back pic at the wrinkle you mentioned. See how your thumbs are pushing into your sides, this might be making the wrinkle look worse by them pulling the skin. Maybe if you tuck your thumbs inside your fingers it might help a little. Might not make much difference but it was just something I noticed.
    thanks for the advice bro, will work on it to see if it helps!

  19. #59
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    You live and learn mate

    Im not a bodybuilding competitor but even someone with limited knowledge would say to build that sort of physic would take alot of time and dedication.

    Keep competiting got great base just thicken out those calves and keep improving...

  20. #60
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    on a semi off topic note..when people say things like "you aren't in shape" ..the term grossly exaggerated comes to mind (even though i get what they're saying lol)'re about 80 times as jacked and shredded as any mere mortal could ever be even juiced to the gills

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