I appreciate your dedication and your ability to digest and implement feedback. It’s a lifestyle change and doesn’t always reap immediate returns. Slow and steady wins the race.
If you’re dead set on a 1911, although Kimbers are held in high regard…you can do better. They are definitely finicky and need 500 rounds of hardball through them before they can be trusted. Also ditch the stock magazines that come with and get the “Kim pro tec” magazines (or a variety of after market mags).
The stock mags will have a small dimple on the feed ramp and are garbage. Huge differences in the magazines. I’ve sold both of mine (Pro Covert and Pro Raptor II) I could not get regular reliability with them and reassembly is notoriously a pain in the ass and the “kimber scratch” is a real thing.
I much prefer my Colt, CZ and Wilson combat 1911’s. Hands down.
The first two aren’t far off in cost either.
Kimbers are fine weapons and have a cult like following but there is well documented information that mirrors my experiences with them, especially with the magazines and break in period. My WC Vickers Elite Commander is by far the sweetest shooting tack driver of a 1911 that has ever graced my hands.
Regardless, everyone needs a .45
Keep up the hard work, congrats on the progress and I hope you’re stuffing basketballs like MJ before too long.