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Thread: DAZ log - recomp & destroying pubertal gyno

  1. #41
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    DAZ log - recomp & destroying pubertal gyno

    Leg cuts are starting to look good. Yes I know a trim and a suntan would do me good.

    Upper body needs to lose more fat and add more muscle before anything looks cool.

    I’ll add upper body progress pics tomorrow gotta crop out face. I trust all you members to see my face just not all the lurking guests. especially considering I have a public service job.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinAZ View Post
    Oh and happy F’n Friday! I think I’m going to go get some strip club chicken wings. I learned that strippers really like touching your arms when you have a pump. They would probably maul you really swole guys.

    Edit: had to add 4x12 DB curls at home. I can’t have pumped chest and shoulders and tris but not biceps.
    When the NBA was in the bubble in 2020, wasn’t there a player that got videoed at a strip club, but his excuse was he was there for the chicken wings (apparently the place does have a rep for them)?

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    When the NBA was in the bubble in 2020, wasn’t there a player that got videoed at a strip club, but his excuse was he was there for the chicken wings (apparently the place does have a rep for them)?
    Lol I believe so. There were multiple guys in trouble for it but only one with that great excuse. I think he went to some club in Atlanta, which I have heard are great but I have never been. I’ve only been to clubs in Cali, LA, & NYC. IDK how I never made it to one I’m Vegas with all the trips there…plenty of other fun to do there I guess.

    1 of the strip clubs here has really good wings and hamburgers but the kitchen was closed. They were cleaning up and offered to make some fries and kind of looked at me weird when I said I don’t eat that.

    I just ended up drinking club soda and blowing $50 and going home. I’m still craving chicken wings but I’m not looking to cultivate a lifestyle that includes me being a weekend regular at a strip joint. I’ll have to get some wings somewhere else. The only caviat is they have to be naked wings no breading lol.

  4. #44
    Keep up the good work daz. Excited to follow along and see where you take this.

  5. #45
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    Never been to a strip club in my life as weird as that may sound!

  6. #46
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    DAZ log - recomp & destroying pubertal gyno

    Did more plyometrics yesterday along with some hip smashing and some band exercises. I’m trying to add more band work and flexibility work because I do some with my trainer and it has really helped my shoulder. My left hip is a bit crunchy feeling sometimes but certain exercises seem to help it stay moving and feeling right so I’m going to focus on doing more mobility and band work. Have some from Supple Leopard book I do and some other YouTube ideas try.

    It’s been 5 days since last test shot. I still feel very good but I assume my T levels are still rather high.

    *edit: and yeah strip clubs in general aren’t that great but when the stars align and you are in the right one at the right time it can be fun

  7. #47
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    Progress pic 1 week after last shot of test-e. More fat lost.

    Still some around hips & stomach but less than before. Right nip still puffier than left but much better than before ralox. I am very happy with Raloxifene results for gyno. I still have a long way to go as far as physique but I am very happy with the progress over 3 months. In the 6 months before cycle I felt weak and barely added strength and on cycle I am gaining strength and looking better.

    I know my T was low pre-cycle but I don’t know about free test. I plan to go TRT route but I will PCT and take some recovery time first. This way I can get full labs so that going forward I have a baseline for free test and other health markers.

  8. #48
    Biceps and shoulders are poppin’!

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chark View Post
    Biceps and shoulders are poppin’!
    Thx. Shoulders have probably been most noticeable progress for me.

  10. #50
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    DAZ log - recomp & destroying pubertal gyno

    I’ve only been lifting 3 days a week last 2 weeks and doing running and bands a couple days a week. More volume at gym would be good I’ll try to get back to more as work settles down.

    10 days since last test shot. I feel a little less drive last couple days but pretty good overall. I’m cutting calories to lose a little more weight but I’m doing it slowly and I’m watching protein intake as I don’t wanna lose muscle.

    Im going to start shopping for some new firearms this weekend. I’d like to find a new pistol first I sold my 45 snd 10mm snd only pistol I have is a 9mm. Need another with more punch. I’ve always wanted a Kimber. there was a gov issue Colt 45 that was around 100 years old that I’d also love to collect as I’ve always liked the WWI-WWII sidearms. We will see what catches my eye.

  11. #51
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    DAZ log - recomp & destroying pubertal gyno

    I can grab basketball rim again. Only barely with 1st knuckle. It’s been 17 years since I dunked a basketball and like 6 years since I could touch the rim.

    Can I throw a dunk down again by/at 40 years old? Who friggin knows but my vertical was non-existent 6 months ago and now I have a lil spring back so I’m sure as F gonna try.

    I can touch about 10 feet 1 inch right now. I need to add 5+ inches of vertical to tip dunk and about 7+ inches of vert to dunk off a 2 footed jump.
    Last edited by DinAZ; 08-29-2021 at 10:33 AM.

  12. #52
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    I was obsessed with dunking since I was 15. Actually still have an occasional dunk dream, usually accompanied with crazy hang time.

    Last solid dunk for me was at 35, after that my hips and knees wouldn’t allow heavy leg work. Still jumped well and kept my first step and quickness into my 40’s.

    Congrats on the return of Air DinAZ.
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    Last edited by wango; 08-29-2021 at 10:02 AM.

  13. #53
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    La Cocina
    I appreciate your dedication and your ability to digest and implement feedback. It’s a lifestyle change and doesn’t always reap immediate returns. Slow and steady wins the race.

    If you’re dead set on a 1911, although Kimbers are held in high regard…you can do better. They are definitely finicky and need 500 rounds of hardball through them before they can be trusted. Also ditch the stock magazines that come with and get the “Kim pro tec” magazines (or a variety of after market mags).

    The stock mags will have a small dimple on the feed ramp and are garbage. Huge differences in the magazines. I’ve sold both of mine (Pro Covert and Pro Raptor II) I could not get regular reliability with them and reassembly is notoriously a pain in the ass and the “kimber scratch” is a real thing.

    I much prefer my Colt, CZ and Wilson combat 1911’s. Hands down.
    The first two aren’t far off in cost either.

    Kimbers are fine weapons and have a cult like following but there is well documented information that mirrors my experiences with them, especially with the magazines and break in period. My WC Vickers Elite Commander is by far the sweetest shooting tack driver of a 1911 that has ever graced my hands.

    Regardless, everyone needs a .45

    Keep up the hard work, congrats on the progress and I hope you’re stuffing basketballs like MJ before too long.

    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 08-29-2021 at 10:24 AM.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I appreciate your dedication and your ability to digest and implement feedback. It’s a lifestyle change and doesn’t always reap immediate returns. Slow and steady wins the race.

    If you’re dead set on a 1911, although Kimbers are held in high regard…you can do better. They are definitely finicky and need 500 rounds of hardball through them before they can be trusted. Also ditch the stock magazines that come with and get the “Kim pro tec” magazines (or a variety of after market mags).

    The stock mags will have a small dimple on the feed ramp and are garbage. Huge differences in the magazines. I’ve sold both of mine (Pro Covert and Pro Raptor II) I could not get regular reliability with them and reassembly is notoriously a pain in the ass and the “kimber scratch” is a real thing.

    I much prefer my Colt, CZ and Wilson combat 1911’s. Hands down.
    The first two aren’t far off in cost either.

    Kimbers are fine weapons and have a cult like following but there is well documented information that mirrors my experiences with them, especially with the magazines and break in period. My WC Vickers Elite Commander is by far the sweetest shooting tack driver of a 1911 that has ever graced my hands.

    Regardless, everyone needs a .45

    Keep up the hard work, congrats on the progress and I hope you’re stuffing basketballs like MJ before too long.

    I’ll go for one of the 1911s you recommended then most likely.

    I sold my 10mm due to reliability issues. I loved the weight and balance of it but a baseball bat is better home security than an unreliable firearm so I’m not trying to go through that again.

  15. #55
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    PCT starts today. I can’t find 1 of 2 packets of Clomid I need but my UGL get them to me in 2 days and I have enough to start. Waste of a shipping charge but whatever. I thought I lost a bottle of cardarine too but I found it just not the clomid.

    18 days after last shot and I can really tell. I deadlifted Wednesday night and I’m still sore Saturday morning. I’d get sore for like half a day on test. Muscle growth has slowed down with less lifts but fat loss is continuing so that’s good.

    Biggest issues for me right now is that energy and drive are diminished and sleep isn’t as good. I have solid drive for maybe 10-12 hours but then I’m exhausted. On test I was feeling good for 16-18 hours.

    I am rethinking my plan of recovery time after PCT and am considering doing the 1 month PCT and then going straight on TRT. I wanted to do recovery time to get baseline labs but I just feel like a better version of myself on testosterone.

    I don’t know what I’m going to do for certain yet but I have a month to decide since I’m committed to completing PCT already.

  16. #56
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    DAZ log - recomp & destroying pubertal gyno

    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    You can get clomid all over the net. It is good to have things on hand before cycle starts, but any number of places can get it to you quick. Faster if a research chem from a US vendor, but still pretty quick if pharma from overseas.

    Are you using Tamoxifen for PCT as well or just clomid? The one item I trust from Peptides Warehouse is their tamoxifen.

    And that was one heck of a well thought out cycle, especially if this is your first?
    It’s my first cycle but my old roommate helps me some along with asking q’s and reading here.

    I have clomid and tamoxifen both and took 100/50 today as first dose (I know clomid is supposed to be 40 but UGL makes 25mg pills). I definitely agree about having it up front! I had 2 packets of clomid but I seem to have lost 1 moving :/

    I will look into some of the ones you mentioned to see if shipping is cheaper than my UGL. My UGL charges $25 for shipping which is reasonable I just don’t wanna pay it for a clomid packet. I’ll probably add some other stuff to justify shipping cost. Some testosterone for future is always good to have. They also have some 50/50 viagra/cialis pills that I wouldn’t mind having a stash of.

  17. #57
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    DAZ log - recomp & destroying pubertal gyno

    Feeling good today and yesterday afternoon! I felt like I was dragging Saturday and Sunday, I shook it off Monday mid-morning.

    I don’t have the drive I did on test but I’m having no problem getting work done and getting to gym last couple days. Saturday and Sunday I felt pretty blah but that was day 19 and 20 since last shot so i imagine it was a test trough.

    I think I’m starting to feel the PCT meds helping a tiny bit. Last week was a work week from hell but life is good again.

    I’ll post a final pic when I close out this thread. I need a couple of years of lifting to reach my short term goals but I am very happy with the results of this cycle so far.

    I have another packet of Raloxifene I plan to run in the future. I probably won’t buy more anytime soon after that. I had a lot of pseudo gyno/fat I worked off but I for sure had some real gyno and it shrunk a lot I’m no longer self-conscious about walking around with my shirt off.

    It feels good when 20 something year old women flirt with you instead of looking at you like some old dude with a dad bod. My self confidence doesn’t depend on it, but it isn’t a bad stroke for the ego.

  18. #58
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    Some of my students don’t do their work so I’m making every class watch Arnold Schwarzenegger motivational speeches and write an essay about it. If I had known how fulfilling this would be I would have done it a long time ago.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinAZ View Post
    Some of my students don’t do their work so I’m making every class watch Arnold Schwarzenegger motivational speeches and write an essay about it. If I had known how fulfilling this would be I would have done it a long time ago.
    As big a pain the job could be, it was truly a privilege to do it. Extremely happy that you have that satisfaction!

  20. #60
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    PCT week 2 begins today. I feel much better today than 1 week ago. I’m sleeping a bit better but not as good as I was on cycle. My energy and motivation are night and day better so I believe the PCT is working.

    Muscle growth has slowed but fat loss has continued. I was 230 at start of cycle and now I am 220lbs now. I’m focusing on toning and losing fat now that I am off cycle, in addition to weights.

    50/20 clomid/tamoxifen will be taken for the next 3 weeks and will conclude PCT. I will post final progress pics after PCT.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    How are you feeling on PCT now?
    Pretty good overall. The main thing is that I get fatigued earlier in the day but that was pre-existing as a result of injury, not cycle related. But test sure did give me energy so I think TRT may be the answer.

    I get pretty drag ass the first week but now I’m feeling pretty good overall. I’ll likely go on TRT but waiting a few months to getsome baseline labs done doesn’t sound as horrible now as it did the first few days of PCT.

  22. #62
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    I bought some 60lb used dumbbells today! I still need some 15lb dumbbells and some 45-50lbs ones. I’d also like to buy an ab roller. I want to start doing ab work but my back doesn’t love sit-ups so I do bird dogs and other ab stuff. Im thinking an ab roller might help me do more ab work at home.

  23. #63
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    Russian twists with a small weighted ball (even an old bowling ball) is a great easy ab workout at home.

    Keep pushing through PCT

    I think you’re right about TRT, it’s so much easier on your body and mental health too in my opinion

  24. #64
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    DAZ log - recomp & destroying pubertal gyno

    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Russian twists with a small weighted ball (even an old bowling ball) is a great easy ab workout at home.

    Keep pushing through PCT

    I think you’re right about TRT, it’s so much easier on your body and mental health too in my opinion
    I’ll be sure to try the Russian Twists. we used to do something similar with medicine balls in our pre-training workouts when I did ju-jitsu years ago.

    The mental health part of testosterone is really interesting to me because it is mentioned by people but most talk and serious research I see is about physical effects. I think the mental effects can’t be understated, especially for those of us with lower than desirable T levels.

    I definitely slept better and was more motivated for not just gym but life in general on cycle. I’d say it helped far beyond the gym and increased mental well being overall.

    I’m excited to try TRT in the future. Getting the mental benefits with less side effects from a smaller TRt dose sounds perfect for daily life.

  25. #65
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    That’s exactly the approach, it’s far less of an emotional roller coaster than running PCT too. Clomid and Nolva fucked with me as did the dips and swings waiting for my HPTA to jump start again.

    Now it’s so common, when I started about a decade ago it was still kind of taboo. Woman’s hormonal health was widely discussed and treated but don’t dare mention that about a man.

    Times have definitely changed, it’s worth exploring.

    Best of luck!

  26. #66
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    UPDATE: PCT is done! I did 1 month of PCT and now I am in "recovery time".

    I am down to 215lbs from 230lbs! I am keeping protein intake high and working on cutting down my fat! I am probably burning a little muscle too, but that will be hard to avoid until I start TRT. I will keep protein intake high and I will not go too far into caloric deficit in order to preserve as much lean tissue as possible while I lose weight.

    The boards here are very inspiring and encouraging to me, but I have been feeling kind of blah while in recovery. Reading on the boards just makes me want to cycle or at least start my TRT right away! I will start TRT in the coming months but I want to keep my health in mind, and I feel that having the baseline labs is worth waiting for since TRT is a big commitment, and this will be the last chance for me to get baseline labs before beginning replacement therapy. So I am taking a bit of a break from the boards just because it makes it easier for me to not inject the test sitting in my drawer (trust me I have thought about it)!

    I will update progress before I start TRT. I'm currently taking nothing but OTC supplements, protein, NAC etc. I am feeling much better than I did 4-5 weeks ago, but I am still feeling the same way that got me trying test in the first place. I'm going to get onto TRT as soon as possible (after baseline labs in couple months), and avoid anything but testosterone until I have a bigger base to build on.

    I hope all you guys and gals are doing great and I look forward to talking more soon!

  27. #67
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    Ayyyy!!! Good news!!! I’ve reached one of my goals [emoji3] I want to get to 15% BF or less but I started with a more reasonable goal of 20%.

    I was:
    -250lbs 32% body fat 15 months ago.
    -230lbs and 25.3% BF 6 months ago in April.

    Today: 217lbs and 19.4% BF!!!!!

    I still have a long way to go to reach my long-term goals but I savor the small victories. 18 months until my 40th birthday. I’ll continue to work so I can get in great shape by 40!

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinAZ View Post
    Ayyyy!!! Good news!!! I’ve reached one of my goals [emoji3] I want to get to 15% BF or less but I started with a more reasonable goal of 20%.

    I was:
    -250lbs 32% body fat 15 months ago.
    -230lbs and 25.3% BF 6 months ago in April.

    Today: 217lbs and 19.4% BF!!!!!

    I still have a long way to go to reach my long-term goals but I savor the small victories. 18 months until my 40th birthday. I’ll continue to work so I can get in great shape by 40!
    Very nice work, congrats!!!

  29. #69
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    I joined a men’s health clinic this week! I’m not starting TRT because I need to wait more time, but I got them established as my primary care. It is covered by my insurance/HSA which is great. Most Drs had a wait of 4-8+ weeks to get in as a new patient. This place got me an appointment in 3 days. They also accept same-day appointments and walk-in appointments! I’m happy to have all my medical care under 1 roof, and to have a doc that is easy see quickly if I ever need him.

  30. #70
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    DAZ log - recomp & destroying pubertal gyno

    I got labs done. It was a few weeks earlier than I wanted to do hormone panel labs but my Doc told me I was due for a free annual checkup. He could add hormone panel to the other labs so I took advantage. For my insurance to cover TRT it takes 2 labs confirming low T, so 3-4 weeks after my first labs I’ll be doing a second hormone panel.

    My T levels were 180, so even with more recovery time my T would almost surely be under 300. My E2 levels and free T were also low. I feel like my motivation, drive, and energy levels are low, similar to how they felt before I did my cycle so I don’t think things got any worse, I just think I have been low T for years.

    On a positive note, I’ve managed to drop down to 205lbs from 235lbs over many months.

    I’m glad I tried a cycle to see how I respond to test. It helped me confirm that TRT was a worthwhile commitment for me. Cycle test dose was more than I need on a regular basis so I think TRT dosage will be perfect.

    I’m thankful for the education and support I’ve gotten from this forum. I am looking forward to starting TRT soon and having a fantastic 2022.
    Last edited by DinAZ; 11-27-2021 at 03:14 PM.

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