Can we have this moved to the Educational threads forum.
Can we have this moved to the Educational threads forum.
nice just the info i was looking for, have you ever heard of a 15mg pill not sure the company
Thats was extremely helpful, thanks.
How much should one worry about the supression of HPTA?
Yep, that's just what I was about to do.Originally Posted by JohnDoe1234
I am fairly new in this forum and fairly new to steroids. Just finish a mild cycle and gained 17 pouns of solid muscle. I am 5' 11" and weight about 203lbs with 10% bf. My ?? is that i have recently aquired 200 spa anavar pills. My source told me they are 5mg, but every book and web page tells me spa only makes 2.5 mg pills. Who is correct?
I've used Var both times on the two cycles I've done -first in the last few weeks of Test/EQ at 30mg/day while coming off both pre PCT and second alone with Prop for 12 weeks, 40mg/day.
A month after the first cycle my HDL was badly low and LDL up slightly, a month after the second my LDL was normal and my HDL was normal. That was my only concern about taking Var so long and at least in my case my fears were unfounded. I prefer it to EQ myself -no anxiety or blood pressure increase, decent gains and about the same vascularity.
I had the same side effect the first time I took it of being nauseous the first week, but no problem the second time.
Last edited by johnsomebody; 06-15-2004 at 08:59 PM.
take policosanol during your anavar cycles and it will help significantly with cholesterol issues.
Awsome Thread Bro!!!
is there any point is supplementing with trib on a cycle? or should you just wait for pct?
Since I spoke glowingly about Var previously I wanna report six months later I've decided it sucks big time. It's taken me six months to get my cardio capacity and normal energy level back after that cycle, and I'd never do that to myself again. My previous T/EQ cycle hardly made a dent by comparison. I didn't use policosanol or much else other than a little Nolva so I can't say if that kind of stuff helps. But I did go into the cycle with my total cholesterol at 150 so I wasn't too worried. I didn't test HDL levels during so I can't say how bad it was but it must have been bad.
I've been researching it and nearly every study mentions its neg effects on HDL. One conerning HIV muscle wasting compared deca and Var -the Var group lost fat and the deca gained but the Var group had such bad HDL levels they cut the study short and switched them to deca. That was on 20mg/day and I believe it was 12 weeks, if I recall correctly.
Keep in mind lower HDL means higher likelihood of atherosclerosis/heart disease, at least in everything I've read. I have one article stating a one point drop represents a six percent increase in the likelihood of heart disease.
Last edited by johnsomebody; 11-02-2004 at 08:57 PM.
XBiker, solid post bro. Great post for people considering Oxandrolone.
wondering if var has the bad sides at 5-10 mg a day
5-10 mg a day isnt that much at all, you need at least 20 to see minimum effects. Var itself doesnt comparitvely have that many bad sides. ive never tried running it that low. and to me it wouldnt make sense taking 5 mg twice a day because of the low dosage. there is a recommended dosage per pound of bodyweight, it slips my mind right now for some reason. but drummer boy thats an interesting question. hmm...
Good post, Im thinking of trying anavar soon, thanks.
what about nolva during the cycle?
its great that your using 'reputable' journals as references, however how can you reference liver values and hpta supression in children and alcoholics with heptatitis and expect that to be comparable for 20-40 yr old body builders? completely different ballgame, let alone a completely different sport...i dont see how you can rationalize these results to 'our' community...?
Agreed.Originally Posted by djdjdjddjon
Great Var post. Bump
I don´t think it is a good IDea Matto20...
Only because it boozes the cholesterol to transport the roid over the blood, so if you cut it...
You cut the roid effect... Doesn´t it ?
Originally Posted by Matto20
hit the nail right on the head, one question though? maybe i missed it, are var alone cycles recommended
I read off an online source that Anavar will gain you 20 to 30 pounds in about 3 weeks. Said it was mostly waterweight though. It also said that the other sides were quite serious. I'm confused.
That site also said that males should take between 50mg and 150mg daily.
that site was way off. You can gain some serious waterweight with dbol, with sometimes nasty sides. Var is a lot more mild, and won't pack on the water weight. It sounds like the average user takes 40-60 mg daily.
thanks for the great info i've been hearing about this and has sparked my curiosity. Leaness and hardness! what else would be beneficial to take this with?
Sorry to hijack but Generic Supplements anavar are they good to go? do u know anything about them?
Originally Posted by proboy1
hahah ur confusing anadrol and anavar![]()
this was a good post. very informative. all i want to know is what can i expect to pay for a 30 day supply at a time
Thanks for the info bro. I actually just started my first var cycle so stumbling upon this post was quite pleasing! I'm just taking 2 12.5mg's a ED. People have told me to up the dose, but I want to see if this will do it for me. If 25mgs ED does the trick then why waste, right? BTW, I'm also doing cyp,eq, and deca.....(another reason for the low dose!)
Var rocks i love to take 100mgs a day and get strong , great post learn somthin every day.
For me I think the strength gains and lack of sides are what keep me coming back to it plus I can buy powder, mix with peg 300, a little peppermint flavoring and I am set with some nice oral anavar. 60mg daily. If anyone else can recommend a better dose than 60mg for 8 weeks to 10 weejs, I am all ears. Thanks. Oh I do mix it with prop- would be a waste in my mind to do it alone.
Last edited by mark956101957; 08-11-2005 at 10:12 PM.
Great informative post.
done var 3 times... umm i love it... oh and policosanol will help your cholesterol dramatically... well for me it did.
i gained 9 lbs and lost some bf (var is the only steroid that aids in sub q fat loss) and was vascular as a mofo. when on var, i reccoment taking creatine with it as you absorb more of it into your muscles. i didnt take creatine, cause it gives me the shits.
only steroid i love better than var is tren. next cycle will be 100mg tren eod, 400mg test prop/week, 40 mg of btg var.
w1-2: test/dnp
w2-6: test/tren
w6-12: test/tren/var
w12-14: test/var
w14-15 var
w15-16 var/dnp
hcg administered half way through cycle @500 iu's for 4 days
and week 14 for 5 days @ 500
nolva(25), clomid(50), and adex(2.5) administered for 5 weeks and check levels.
ya var is awsome, sorry had to share that, lol.... should be in mid november.
sounds good
sweet..good info
After reading this article, it sound like it shouldn't be used for a bridge.
I have checked profiles on this all over the net and it sounds like a dose of 40mg gets good results. Opinions on this then?
If I have 100 20mg caps, would it make more sense to go 60mg for 33 days or 40mg for 7 weeks?
bump bump.......var dose?60 for 33 days or 40 for 7 weeks
i want some anavar but my sources cant get it! so piisssssseed
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