I just don’t have anything to talk about with lame ass people. I have no interest in it. Drinking only enhances the chance that I’m going to let everyone know that I think they suck.
On the flip side of that I can talk to an interesting person forever. Alcohol enhances that. But once you start blaming other people for being 3 months behind on your electric bill, or bitching about your weak ass job doing nothing, or start telling me your 10 year old is “pan sexual” and you’re cool with it... the chances of getting hit in your cock holster go up astronomically
so my Magnalone (injectible LGD40) just showed up today .. from my research being there is no ester attached and its strong affinity to receptors, there is a strong possibility of localized site enhancement at the site of injection . so I'm going to inject biceps only daily. 25mg per day to start. with Bayer test at 250mg every 5th day.
this is supposed to be way way more potent then oral LGD. and I've had good results in the past with oral LGD at 10-20mg a day. so I have high expectations for injectible at 25mg - 50mg.
The shorter the ester the more localized the site injection stimulus and PIP.
TNE every day in biceps will create results visible in 90 injects or so imo.
That being said I burned my syringe boxes the other day. I cannot understand how I injected way over 1000 times...
It was those 8x per day slin with tne and the like.
well I'm up 8 pounds in about a week (over a pound a day since starting).. hit chest and shoulders today. fullness is coming back. I keep pinning this LGD in the biceps every single day.
too early to tell, but off to a good start
Last edited by GearHeaded; 09-01-2019 at 09:38 PM.
I thought it was 6 pounds, did the math and looked at the calendar and my log. its not even been a full week. things are clicking (and without Tren or Deca, my two favs) with just an injectible SARM and some test . hmm. we'll see. its probably just muscle memory being it was such a shit summer and I'm down a lot of weight compared to my normal weight
well shit , I couldn't resist. I got this Tri-Tren just sitting there. I had to shoot 200mg yesterday. will be adding this to the mix at 400 per week
its quite possible you've developed a physical dependency on the drug and your addicted . you may want to seek professional help
actually I'm like you. I can fit deca into pretty much any stack.. just a cc here and there every week or so seems to work wonders and I feel better, less inflamed and achy
time for a high protein diet .. meat meat meat .
why. my best friend (and bother in law) who started a hunting and outfitting business a little while back,, just got done bow hunting in multiple states (with multiple guys that paid to outfit and hunt with him) , harvested a bunch of "organic grass feed in nature" all natural wild animals on this run. he just stopped by and dropped off like 200+ pounds of quality meat for me (um he lives in NY and I live in the Rocky Mountains .. but he's been traveling the country state to state hunting.. so kinda funny when someone who lives 1000+ miles aways just drops by on a run to drop me off meat for free).
so thats pretty damn sweet.. looks like I'm on an all natural grass fed venison diet for awhile now.
note - no he did not just drop off dead animals. lol. this shit is killed, then immediately quality processed at local butchers and custom flavored and processed (from spicy Italian sausage to morning sausage, to fat free ground, to roasts etc..)
never underestimate the power of quality friends and family guys and always give back
That’s awesome GH. Buying fresh quality meat is so expensive these days. Having 200lbs on hand is going to make it much easier to get it done!
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another note here .. so most you guys may know I get some crappy acne and skin irritation when on test, even low dose. but I've been running this Bayer pharma test and have been totally fine (and frickin morning wood is off the charts to the point that its annoying) . I'm running 500mg per week now.
I think there is something to be said about pharma gear or name brand gear that is just slightly different then UGL even if chemically its all the same drug
I don't think pharma gear is necessarily "stronger" .. 200mg of test is 200mg wither its pharma or UGL . however there are other possible differences. Molecular and Dalton weight of the chemical structure itself (pharma gear is likely much refined and purified) and toxicity.
also not every drug is the same even though its marketed the same (a generic is not always a name brand).. for example.
Organon's Deca-Durabolan.. they hold the original patent for Deca. they've not shared it with competing companies. any one that produces their own Deca (by trying to reverse engineer Organons deca) is making something new, not the original . only deca-durabloin is deca-durabloin . all the UGL deca or even generic pharma grade stuff is 'nandrolone' , sure, but its not the original patented formula of Organons deca.
there are going to be differences at the molecular level .
now how this effects us when we take deca , wither Organon or some generic, I don't know.. maybe the small molecular differences don't really have much effect on us , or maybe it does .
heres a crappy analogy -
you have two different cooks/chefs . one is world renown and has his recipes all locked up in his head. the other cooks is just a nobody line cook .. now give them both all the exact same ingredients. have them prepare the same meal . and even though the ingredients used were all the same , chef 1 meal may be outstanding and chef 2 meal may end up being garbage..
just because you have the raw ingredients , does not mean you necessarily know the proper formulation.
Organons Deca has millions of dollars of research behind it and patents.
Joe's deca has a cheap batch or raws from china and a stove top to cook it on
theres probably going to be some differences .. having said that though, there is some damn good UGL gear out there
Last edited by GearHeaded; 09-18-2019 at 08:43 AM.
Thsts a valid point.
No medicine that is generic is quite as good as the original patent. Usually because patents are circumvented by very slightly altering the structure of it.
Raws are so cheap that overdosing is common.
Chinese rawss that are legitimate every time are rare. I shot the hell out of perrigo though and was not impressed. Possibly because of less sides?
I have no idea.
so I've been tinkering around all damn summer.. too busy doing summer stuff. like sipping on whisky on the back patio , taking hikes and just enjoying the weather. my training goes to shit, my diet also goes to shit (not much of an appetite).
With AAS I've done some compound rotation and some experimentation but mainly just at 'cruise' dosages . I have not done a heavy blast in quite a long time .
well fall is here. its getting colder. its going to start getting dark by 5pm. going to be nothing to do but eat, sleep, train, shoot tons of gear, and get HUGE
so I'm ramping up for a blast..
shot 350mg of Test and 30mg of Magnalone Tuesday (running the magnalone at 30mg per day).. then shot 600mg of test and 250mg of EQ yesterday.
will shoot another 350mg of test and 250mg of EQ tomorrow.
so looking at starting out with 1 gram+ of test per week, 500 Eq , 30mg Mag per day . then in a bit I'll phase in 400mg of tren and either winny or anadrol and of course be adding Mast in at some point as well. the Eq will likely get dropped off at some point and Npp/Deca will take its place.
and we'll go from there
going to go ahead and spend all fall/winter bulking , 6 months straight . time to put on some size
heres a little combo that works well for me
Dbols don't get any better then Balkan Dbol
Adrols don't get any better then Iranian Adrols
Test doesn't get any better then Bayer
Insulin of course
and utilizing Tren for a bulk , its best done mixed with wet compounds and plenty of estrogen
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