goosbumps begin to form
then looks down at the skin and starts to tear up
realises nothing can be done its just the emotion taking over.
and begins to cry from overwhelming greatness
goosbumps begin to form
then looks down at the skin and starts to tear up
realises nothing can be done its just the emotion taking over.
and begins to cry from overwhelming greatness
people die, new are born
its the cycle.
what if the cycle was not like this.
i hear a sound so great, it makes me do anything.
what is it?
it makes me more powerful than ever .
i feel i can carry and do anything.
but what is this sound?
You can do it, if you put your mind to it, you are trully greatness(dad)
am i not the one you believed i am.
what has changed?
YOU have changed.
Im still me , you are not yourself.
your anyone but you.
the worlds starts to fall apart
You can travel the world
But you can't run away
From the person you are in your heart
You can be who you want to be
Make us believe in you
Keep all your light in the dark
If you're searchin for truth
You must look in the mirror
And make sense of what you can see
They say learning to love yourself
Is the first step
That you take when you want to be real
Flying on planes to exotic locations
Won't teach you
How you really feel
Face up to the fact
That you are who you are
Nothing can change that belief
am i trully insane??
or am i just inlove?
inlove with what though?
that is something i have to find out.
finger pointing.
is the easy way out
admit your wrong doing
it will only make you stronger
and better for the future.
honesty is harder than deceiving,lying,cheating and stealing.
into thin air, the soul disapears.
just as it came, it goes.
but why must it go?
you have to move on my son.
there is another job for you now
im dead......
that is your job
whyyyyyyyyyyyyy must i crawl.
im weak, i cant feel my legs or arms.
am i dead?
nope you just have woken up.
lonely in the dark.
lonely in the light of sun.
justify yourself to me.
no justification
are you not merciful?
i am regretful
i am who i am.
who would that be?
thats something i still have not worked out
guns kill people.
people kill people
people kill guns
knifes kill people
people kill people.
the ocean so fresh and clean.
soothing like the wind of heaven
the sand exfoliating my skin
just be
just be
'cause now I know
It's not so far
To where I go
The hardest part
Is inside me
I need
To just be
Just be
the thoughts.
the sound
the speaking
IM going insane
no im not
yes you are
no im NOT.
i rest my case
people watch and say look this crazy man.
who is that?
approaching from the right.
its a man with long white beard, is it who i think it is.
my mind sometimes is running hundred miles an hour.
how do i slow it down?
just keep going.
it will eventually slow its self down.
or it will snap.
the heaven light
the sunlight
the green grass
i lay in the lushes flowery heaven
somebody help!!!
theres an insane man in here.
how can we get him out.
6 0 .
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im on the train to nowhere.
i want to get off
the thought run through my mind of jumping.
but do you really want to do that.
jump you can do it
dont listen to him
he is trying get you get killed
no im not you want off? well jump.
cause this train is not stopping for you.
dont do it you jump you die.
its risk im willing to take.
the roach.
the coach?
no the roach
why would you say that?
cause the roach
lays in bed
Originally Posted by THE_DOME
honestly, my best cycle was the one i just finished. i was running dbol, tbol and winstrol each at 50 mgs ed for 7 weeks, then i finished with 3 weeks of winni at 150 mgs ed, and tbol at 100 mgs ed.
i hear ya on the hgh. its very expensive, and from what ive heard, its not nearly as effective as a nice stack of steroids
hey whats up boys?
haha collar, you whore
Originally Posted by audis4
what up my brother?
hey whats going on tren?
you know what would be really good right now?
about 8 hard boild eggs with the yolks removed... throw in some oatmeal and ya got a gourmet meal
sounds like what I will be eating in about an hour!!
Originally Posted by audis4
just kickin it man. woke up about 30 minutes ago and took a shower. now im just procrastinating on the studying.
man yesterday was so nice. i came home, got myself in the right mind frame and layed in bed all day... haha, watched scarface then went to sleep at 11
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