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Thread: Test is the worst AAS Ever!

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Ive used doses over 2g/week of test and didnt get a single pimple! During pct is when I break out.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Wait till you cant wear white shirts as you got blood on them and ruin new bed sheets!
    OMG, i thought i was the only one...Even though it wasnt from test E .. I got all my acne from Freaking Dbol...Messed ME UP!! Back face and especailly my chest was covered with blood so bad, took 2 years for scars to "fade" ....

  3. #83
    Join Date
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    accutane worked amazing for me

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    But its isnt use to the rapid change in testosterone, estorgen and DHT. Not to mention PCT and the fluctuating hormone's.

    I wont start a cycle now unless I have at least 3-4 months worth of Accuatne.
    i posted something about accutane while on a cycle and everyone was saying it was a bad idea because of its effect on the liver... But being as how I break out bad like you It seems like the only solution...Plus with injectables your liver isnt affected as much, and when i was Accutane b4 my liver was AOK...

    Also when on accutane the doc has blood test's every month, so that cant hurt

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Do they sell proactive at stores, or is it somthing you have to order online or from phone?
    PROACTIVE IS SH*T!!!! Makes my face and acne red as hell!!!

  6. #86
    Join Date
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    Northern athmospere
    Am I the only one who uses body scrub?

    those litle pathces you put strong soap in and scrup your face with ?

    Never acne while using body scrub + stove cleaner(the one who says: "FOR FAT/GREASE").


  7. #87
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    A body scrub or creams and such arent gonna do crap for cist acne... I've bled more from my acne cists over 5 months period of time then if i cut my wrists right now... Shit is horrible

  8. #88
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    Oct 2004
    I tried Tetracycline and Lymecycline before self prescribing Accuatne at 20-40mg/ED for 1 month. Cleard up my acne on my chest, but my lower back still gets little breakouts 1 month after. I may run another course before my next cycle I'm not sure.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    ohhh no,, i heard about the shoulders and back , but the face too?
    are they little whiteheads or cysts/ boils and those under the skin ones

    im getting ready for a 12 week cycle on tuesday at 500mg/week, you guys just freaked me out now

  10. #90
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Yes, that's not a good news. Everyone has been praising test on this board and no one has really mentioned all these problems before.

    I suppose everyone reacts differently. My biggest concern is hair loss.

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I'm just finishing up a 12wk Test E and EQ(500mg/wk), I havent really had any on my chest or face but my shoulders are pretty bad right now...The only thing that really helps me is to tan all the time.. Also I make my wife pop mine every night and put clearsil on them..

  12. #92
    its about time i see a thread hating on test ppl sont seem to realize its not for everyone some ppl respond well to it some dont and respond way better to other ass such as myself

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Don't get me wrong I LOVE TEST!!! I just dont like acne...

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky IV
    its about time i see a thread hating on test ppl sont seem to realize its not for everyone some ppl respond well to it some dont and respond way better to other ass such as myself

    It's not that I hate it, I just hate the acne it gives.
    I like what test does, like gssxr said "it works".
    Feel good right now, good sense of well being, have alot of energy, sex drive, gaining good size/strength. Great Compound!

    With some of my non-test cycles, I felt "good" but felt tired throughout the day somtimes, and sex drive slowed alittle. Hardly any acne whatsoeva though.

  15. #95
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    Dec 2006
    Boys. Way back when, before when I did my first ever cycle (tst. susp. and Win.V) I had acne. The cycle made my acne retarded! Doc put me on differnet cyclenes and they didn't work. Put me on 2 months of accutane and dozens of cycles later haven't had an acne problem since! Shit is way strong bros! Thought I'd mention since doesn't seem many have been on it. If you do it be prepared for pretty strong possible side effects - blurred night vision, retarded sore joints and back (like you body feels when you have a bad flu), dry skin to the point that almost no amount of cream can remidy, sores forming around corners of mouth like coldsores (they actually aren't though.), tiredness etc.

    I took this way back and since then from what I understand recommended doses have been lowered because of way more serious sides (research into this you will be shocked at what some speculated it could cause)

    Anyways just some fyi for you bros. Would I do it again - without hesitation - battled acne all my teens until this shut it down cold. I wouldn't recommend it mixed with AAS, counter productive imo. Just wait it out and hit the gear when your done again...

  16. #96
    marcus300's Avatar
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    If the acne starts to come on in PCT a slight tapering down of the test at the end of cycle can help a great deal, ive seen it more or less all stop in some if the taper is done slowly, might be worth a try.

  17. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky IV
    its about time i see a thread hating on test ppl sont seem to realize its not for everyone some ppl respond well to it some dont and respond way better to other ass such as myself


  18. #98
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Ive started my test cycle know i get the worst acne of deca but last cycle of tren my face got pretty much acne but when i start cycling my face gets better but my body worse strange and my acne get much worse after the cycle.
    How much is low dosage of accutan?
    thank you

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    Its for that very reason that my first cycle is an ill-advised, anavar only... Ive gotten acne naturally my whole life and acne ****in sucks!!!!, i finally got on a anti-biotic called solydyn and its cleared it up quite nicley,,, I really wanted to run test because of all the great things you here about it, But for me, Its just not worth the risk of acne...I mean, whats the point of gaining 20 solid pounds and being horny all the time if im so self concious about my skin, i dont want to even leave the house... Because i will tell you this,, i am two completley different people when im clear faced as opposed to not...For you guys who have never battled acne, be glad, because you can really become a prisoner to ill take my 5-6lbs from var, and stay acne free(knock on wood)
    I'm in the same boat bro. Had acne throughout highschool - not the cystic type but still pretty bad and VERY persistent. The only thing that EVER worked for me was accutane. I'm about to start my first cycle and am QUITE worried about acne. Plus, I only get zits on my face, not shoulders. At least on shoulders you can cover it with a shirt - on your face EVERYBODY sees it. I've got 150 tabs of 10mg accutane, not prescribed, but I think I'll need more. I'm gonna start out low dose of tane and see what happens. If I break out, then I'll up the dose. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I read on another board and on this one that B-5 will help with the acne.

    This is my first cycle (400mg Test C, 200mg Deca), everything was great up until my 5th week and I broke out like a bitch. My forehead, back, shoulders and arms. I started on the b-5 (also called pantothenic acid) at 2000mg four times a day and it cleared up in a little over a week. I am going to stay at that dose until after PCT. Try it. Worked for me.

  21. #101
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Do you still suffer acne when using it in conjuction with androgens?

    Did you suffer alot? Scars?

    Accuatne and AS isnt exaclty ideal by all means. There a few strong reasons why they shouldnt be combined. Liver values spring to mind.
    Well I tend to get it bad on my shoulders. I am just the kinda guy who would go to a knife fight with a hand gernade. Also as far as liver values I run a very low dose. Only 25mg a day and I really don't worry about my liver. It was able to withstand a few years of heavy drinking I am sure it can handle 14 weeks of accutane and 6 weeks of winny.

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
    Well I tend to get it bad on my shoulders. I am just the kinda guy who would go to a knife fight with a hand gernade. Also as far as liver values I run a very low dose. Only 25mg a day and I really don't worry about my liver. It was able to withstand a few years of heavy drinking I am sure it can handle 14 weeks of accutane and 6 weeks of winny.
    Thanks for your response.

    I dont condone anyone to do this, you included. BW is imperitive when using androgens, let alone combing them with Accuane.

  23. #103
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    Under A Bar
    So far tanning is helping out alittle, and my face soap. Acne on face is clearing up but on the bottom of my neck/shoulders/back still has a nice constalation going on. + I don't feel as oily as usual.

  24. #104
    Join Date
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    Dark Side of the Moon
    I still love test, but I NEVER thought i would see a thread that did anything but echo "Test Is King!"
    Nice to see varying opinions make it out there without being shot down immediately by 15 members.

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    So far tanning is helping out alittle, and my face soap. Acne on face is clearing up but on the bottom of my neck/shoulders/back still has a nice constalation going on. + I don't feel as oily as usual.
    Have you tried the "Iron Curtian Acne Defense Cream". Its advertised on A few have said its works very well. Its fairly expensive though.

  26. #106
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    Act as if...
    Quote Originally Posted by Stackertoo
    I still love test, but I NEVER thought i would see a thread that did anything but echo "Test Is King!"
    Nice to see varying opinions make it out there without being shot down immediately by 15 members.
    +1, i think alot of people see all about " no test , no cycle" and belive thats is the ONLY way, again, im NOT disputing the fact test is king, but for some people with different goals, there are other options you can persue, as long as its well thought out and researched ofcourse

  27. #107
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Have you tried the "Iron Curtian Acne Defense Cream". Its advertised on A few have said its works very well. Its fairly expensive though.

    No havent heard of it I'll check it out.
    Have you used it?

  28. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Wait till you cant wear white shirts as you got blood on them and ruin new bed sheets!
    I remember those days.....same shit.
    Accutane was the only thing that cured it, then I did a cycle durring accutane treatment and had NO acne!! I will do low dose accutane durring my next cycle to keep it at bay.

  29. #109
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    My gf the aka "zit popper" has told me there were only around 5 zits on my back that needed popped this time. Definitly an improvement. Tanning, showering after anything were I sweat, new face soap, has made it better. Still some acne though.

  30. #110
    Join Date
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Dont pop it or squiz it...DONT.


  31. #111
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by LatinoPR
    Dont pop it or squiz it...DONT.



  32. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    My gf the aka "zit popper" h.
    hahahha my woman does the same thing

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Thanks for your response.

    I dont condone anyone to do this, you included. BW is imperitive when using androgens, let alone combing them with Accuane.
    I agree it is somewhat a reckless approach but I really am willing to take some risks to avoid acne.

  34. #114
    I have the shitty acne problem too.. I got some on my first cycle on Test Cyp 400mg/w, but it left me off after the cycle. I have it back and and not from roids - i have no idea what it caused it, i think it could be an allergy from a supplement, it was months after the cycle. Now i am planning my second cycle with Test Cyp and dbol kickstart but i got pretty scared by this thread guys.. I have tried almost everything except accutane, Nizoral and Dalacin TM seems to kinda work, now treating trying to treat with oxy cream. Has anybody tried tea tree oil ? Some say it works wonders and it's pretty cheap and easy to get it. I have some light back acne, my face seems to cleared a little with oxy gel and oxy cream but it's not so hard on the face - the worst is on my chest, i think it is a cystic one, I went to two dermatologists but they dont ****ing seem to understand from their job - they seem to just prescribe on the "try this try that" principe, which doesnt suit me because we can keep doing this for years that way.. last time the one of them told me to go to a physiotherapist but i pretty hesitate doing this, because as far as i know they expose you to to some radiation there. I advice everybody who is prone to acne and using roids to include a low-dose anti-e during the cycle, even if this might affect your gains. Sorry for the long post.

  35. #115
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicpower
    I have the shitty acne problem too.. I got some on my first cycle on Test Cyp 400mg/w, but it left me off after the cycle. I have it back and and not from roids - i have no idea what it caused it, i think it could be an allergy from a supplement, it was months after the cycle. Now i am planning my second cycle with Test Cyp and dbol kickstart but i got pretty scared by this thread guys.. I have tried almost everything except accutane, Nizoral and Dalacin TM seems to kinda work, now treating trying to treat with oxy cream. Has anybody tried tea tree oil ? Some say it works wonders and it's pretty cheap and easy to get it. I have some light back acne, my face seems to cleared a little with oxy gel and oxy cream but it's not so hard on the face - the worst is on my chest, i think it is a cystic one, I went to two dermatologists but they dont ****ing seem to understand from their job - they seem to just prescribe on the "try this try that" principe, which doesnt suit me because we can keep doing this for years that way.. last time the one of them told me to go to a physiotherapist but i pretty hesitate doing this, because as far as i know they expose you to to some radiation there. I advice everybody who is prone to acne and using roids to include a low-dose anti-e during the cycle, even if this might affect your gains. Sorry for the long post.
    AMEN BRO! The "try this try that" approach, FVUK THAT! I don't have time to be your go**amn guine pig doctor! I dealt with that for years. They don't seem to realize that it's US who have to go face the world looking like SHIT! Why should they care? You guys that get it on the back/chest are lucky - you can cover it with a shirt. I only get it on my face (used to). Imagine going to work/school everyday with those cists/bums/scabs on your FACE. I've never been more depressed. I've been on every med available for acne, and doctor, If I say accutane is the only thing that works for me, you better FVKIN BELIEVE IT!

  36. #116
    Regarding accutane. Maybe some don't know but you can get a topical accutane (Isotretinoin) cream, from europe usually. Research says "negligible" systemic absorption so your liver is off the hook. It's called Isotrex gel in England.

  37. #117
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    2 words>>>>> AC NE!


    Never have had this much acne before from any other AAS I've used.

    Would doing 200mgs/week other than 400mgs/week make any difference? Thinking no....So I won't change, but damn.

    I'm showering constintly, Acne Washes, Tanning....
    It's not the test, it's the fluctuating estrogen levels from the test. Are you using an A1, that makes all the difference for me!

  38. #118
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    I'm thinking it's estrogen as well.

    Now, the items that I'm planning to include as part of my first cycle start making more and more sense. Some people say it's too much or not necessary. But I think this might become norm if people will want to control/avoid some of the nastier sides.

    Of course, I'm don't have any experience, other than reading, but, I will be running this protocol over few cycle in the future and see how it stacks up. Yes, it's more expensive and yes, it might be an overkill in some instances but it should ensure good recovery. Time will only tell...

    Here it is:

    1 – 10 Enan 500mg/wk (here of course you would use any gear that you want)
    1 – 11 Nolvadex 10mg ED
    1 – 11 A-dex .25mg ED

    week Nolva hcg aromasin vit E
    12 20mg ED 500iu ED 20-25mg 1000iu
    13 20mg ED 500iu ED 20-25mg 1000iu
    14 20mg ED 500iu ED 20-25mg 1000iu
    15 20mg ED 20-25mg
    16 20mg ED 20-25mg
    17 20mg ED 20-25mg

  39. #119
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    its odd...bcse i had rather moderate acne growing up...but now that im grown up...and even use aas ..i dont get it anymore lol

  40. #120

    I was just reading that. Very interesting. It states that the acne is caused by hormonal imbalance combined with excess toxins that your liver cant manage to do with. So the main problem is the liver not managing with the toxins. Looks like there is some truth, that kind of explains to me for example why dbol causes so much acne since it is a 17aa steroid toxic for liver. So as far as i get it from that one, if we take a medicine for liver support to strenthen the liver function that would help. What do you think guys?

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