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Thanks Vishus. What's funny was one of the promoters was talking to me as I was checking in and asked what class I was doing. He says, I saw you last week you,you really should jump in the Open Class. I ask how many guys are in it? He says "13". He says, take off your shirt. So I peel off and he goes, GET YOUR ASS IN THE OPEN CLASS! I look at the wife, she says, you need to go for it! So I way WTF, if I can squeeze into the Top 5 here that would make me very happy. When they called my name last I cant even describe the feeling, it was like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. My mom travelled 6 hours and was in the audience, she has been to all but two of my shows. I can see my wife a couple rows back and she has tears streaming down her face, it was better than great. I dont believe in predetermined destinations but I know there was something at work here that made this happen. No way in hell I would ever jump in an Open Class that big last minute normally. It's like the forces of the universe just took over. I dont even remember thinking about it. Sorry, I am rambling.