My guess labs were messed up OR the amount they injected you with may have been more the first time and you (and who ever injected you) may not have noticed.
Last edited by 1; 08-22-2011 at 12:35 PM.
I am going to guess the labs were messed up because each time I was the one that drew the test out the week prior to my blood work. Hopefully it will have corrected itself this time and we will not have any problems.
Head back to the doc next Thursday September 1st. Should be interesting to see what the labs say this time.
Well my appointment got changed so I go in today to get my blood work done since my test was so high last time. I am going to get another FULL panel done. Hopefully everything is pretty much the same and I can then start scheduling my blood work every 6 months instead of every 6 weeks. Starting to run out of excuses at work. LOL!!!
Just got a call from my doc. Testosterone came back at 975 and estrogen at 30. He is wanting me also to start taking an Omega 3 and B12 injections. Can anybody elaborate on these two for me. I will post the full blood panel when I get the copy. But from what I remember my last results were test 1077 and estrogen 18. Full results to follow.
numbers look do u feel
I feel good. If I could change or fix anything would be the damn acne on my back!!!! That is the only bad thing I am experiencing from the TRT. I still haven't really seen any major changes in body composition yet even though I have got back into the gym on a normal schedule. I am going to start doing carb cycling on Monday hoping that helps a little bit with the weight loss. Plus I am going to up my cardio. I have been doing a strength workout the last 4 weeks in hope of getting the ever elusive 405 bench press. I plan on getting it before Halloween. I attempted Wednesday, but the guy spotting me kind of grabbed the bar too soon instead of letting me give it a shot. I went down and came back up and kind of got stuck about 6" off my chest and he just grabbed the bar instead of letting me fight through it. That was after I did 135x10, 225x12, 315x1, 365x1...I might have warmed up too much before I tried it. Next time I will go 225x5, 315x1 then 405x1.
The wife is getting a little frustrated with what all I am taking. She says "I really haven't seen that much change in your body, and your libido is pretty much the same." I was always a horny motherfvker any way. LOL!!!! She just doesn't want anything to happen to me by taking too much stuff. Now she didn't say she would like for me to quit...she is just getting worried that I am taking too much stuff.
Does anybody have some ideas on the Omega 3 and the B12?
[QUOTE=NOSUPERMODEL;5714198]Here are the results from September 8, 2011 blood work. Comparison blood work was from August 4, 2011. I started TRT on April 9, 2011.
Here was the protocol for this 5 weeks duration
Test Cyp. 1.25cc EW I do shots on Thursday
Anastrazole 1mg Monday, Wednesday, Friday
The Doc told me to start taking an Omega 3 and B12 injections. Not sure why he would want to do this, as the nurse is the one who called and gave me my test results and told me about the Omega 3 and B12 shots. Can anybody help explain this stuff to me. Also I noticed my cholesterol is WAY off from last time. Especialy my Triglycerides.
Any help guys would be appreciated.
Cholesterol, Total 202 Range 125-200mg/dL THIS WAS AT 209 LAST TIME
HDL Cholesterol 40 Range >or = 40mg/dL THIS WAS AT 57 LAST TIME
Triglycerides 176 Range >150mg/dL THIS WAS AT 82 LAST TIME
LDL-Cholesterol 127 Range <130 mg/dL THIS WAS AT 136 LAST TIME
Chol/HDLC Ratio 5.1 Range , OR =5.0 THIS WAS AT 3.7 LAST TIME
Glucose 90 Range 65-99 mg/dL THIS WAS AT 85 LAST TIME
Urea Nitrogen(BUN) 21 Range 7-25 mg/dL WAS AT 11 LAST TIME
Creatine 1.09 Range .79-1.33 mg/dL WAS AT 1.11 LAST TIME
eGFR NON-AFR. AMERICAN 88 Range . OR = 60mL/min/1.73m2 WAS AT 86 LAST TIME
Bun/Creatine Ratio NOT APPLICABLE
Sodium 135 Range 135-146mmoL/L WAS AT 138 LAST TIME
Potassium 4.2 Range 3.5-5.3 mmol/L WAS AT 143 LAST TIME
Chloride 103 Range 98-110 mmol/L WAS AT 102 LAST TIME
Carbon Dioxide 25 Range 21-33 mmol/L WAS AT 27 LAST TIME
Calcium 9.5 Range 8.6-10.2 mg/dL WAS AT 9.8 LAST TIME
Protein ,TOTAL 7.2 Range 6.2-8.3 g/dL WAS AT 7.7 LAST TIME
Albumin 4.5 Range 3.6-5.1 g/dL WAS AT 5.1 LAST TIME
Globulin 2.4 Range 2.1-3.7g/dL(calc) WAS AT 2.6 LAST TIME
Albumin/Globulin Ratio 2.0 range 1.0-2.1(calc) WAS AT 2.0 LAST TIME
Bilirubin, TOTAL 0.5 Range 0.2-1.2 mg/dL SAME
Alkaline Phosphate 49 Range 40-115U/L WAS AT 51 LAST TIME
AST 21 Range 10-40U/L WAS AT 22 LAST TIME
ALT 20 Range 9-60 U/L WAS AT 27 LAST TIME
TSH, 3rd Generation 2.37 Range .40-4.50mIU/L WAS AT 1.94 LAST TIME
T4, FREE 1.0 Range 0.8-1.8 ng/dL WAS AT 1.4 LAST TIME
T3 , FREE 3.0 Range 2.3-4.2 pg.mL WAS AT 3.8 LAST TIME
Antibodies <10 Range <35IU/mL SAME
White Blood Cell Count 5.4 Range 3.8-10.8 Thousand/uL WAS AT 5.6 LAST TIME
Red Blood Cell Count 4.82 Range 4.20-5.80 Million/uL WAS AT 5.03 LAST TIME
Hemoglobin 16.0 Range 13.2-17.1 g/dL WAS AT 16.1 LAST TIME
Hematocrit 45.2 Range 38.5-50.0% WAS AT 47.7 LAST TIME
MCV 93.9 Range 80.0-100.0 fL WAS AT 94.7 LAST TIME
MCH 33.3 Range 27-33 pg WAS AT 31.9 LAST TIME
MCHC 36.5 Range 32-36g/dL WAS AT 33.7 LAST TIME
RDW 14.5 Range 11.0-15.0% WAS AT 13.8 LAST TIME
Platelet Count 189 Range 140-400 Thousand/uL WAS AT 179 LAST TIME
Absolute Neutrophils 3359 Range 1500-***0 cells/uL WAS AT 3791 LAST TIME
Absolute Lymphocytes 1350 Range 850-3900 cells u/L WAS AT 1226 LAST TIME
Absolute Monocytes 518 Range 200-950 cells/uL WAS AT 448 LAST TIME
Absolute Eosinophils 140 Range 15-500 cells/uL WAS AT 101 LAST TIME
Absolute Basophils 32 Range 0-200 cells/uL WAS AT 34 LAST TIME
Estradiol 30 HIGH Range 13-54 pg.mL WAS AT 17 LAST TIME
PSA, TOTAL .9 Range < OR = 4.0 ng/mL WAS AT 1.0 LAST TIME
LH <0.2 LOW Range 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL DID NOT TEST THIS TIME
Last edited by NOSUPERMODEL; 09-16-2011 at 09:38 AM.
They took the same amount of blood as last time but I didn't get free T tested or Bio tested. Also no SHBG. Kind of pisses me off because I told him thats what I wanted. Maybe it was because there was a new lab girl for Quest Diagnostics that took my blood and entered everything in the computer.
Okay I read on Wikipedia that Omega 3 can help reduce Triglycerides. So maybe that is why he told me to take that. Funny thing is that I take a Fish Oil in the morning and at night....Optimum Nutrition Fish Oil.
I also saw on Wikipedia that alcohol can raise Triglycerides. I did not drink anything the night before. Now Labor Day weekend before was a different story. LOL!!!
The doc wrote my prescription for 1cc of B12 IM once a week. Do you only need to take this once a week? Will the benefits last a week?
The clinic I use has me inject 1cc of B12 with my test and that is a once a week shot IM?
I got my blood work results back in but my computer crapped out onme because of a virus. So it will probably be Monday before I can post the results. I will give you some of the highlights now
Total Test. 562. Range. 250-1100ng/dL
Free Test 96.4. Range 46-224pg/mL
Bioavalailable Test. 215.1. Range 110.5-575ng/dL
SHBG 24. Range 10-50nmol/L
FSH .8. Range 1.6-8.0mIU/mL
LH. .2. Range. 1.5-9.3mIU/mL
Esradiol. 23. Range. 13-54 pg/mL
PSA. .6. Range. < or = 4.0 nf/mL
This draw was different in that I had to do it on a Friday compared usually to a Thursday. I do my shots on Thursday nights so I had an extra day before the draw than I usually do.
I will post up the remainder of the info on Monday.
so you gave blood sample one day after your injection?
i had to go to page one to see how much you were injecting....250mg?
HOW R U FEELING???????????????????????????
test looks low for that much test....maybe your dose changed in the 3 pages idk..
u hit the magic 23 for estradiol
No guys. I am on 200mgs per week. 3mgs of AI per week. 500iu of sublingual HCG per week.
Bass I got tested on a Friday. Example.... Took my shot at home on Thursday(thanksgiving) and then I did blood work the following Friday morning. So I had not had a shot for a full 7 days when they tested where it is usually only a full 6 days on all my other blood draws.
okay that makes sense. i think your numbers are not bad! for me when i was on 200 mgs ew and did labs 6 days after my shot, my TT level was at 1500 and free T was almost double. the only thing i can think if is hCG dose, it might be too low for your protocol, i was doing 500 iu twice a week, but now i do 300 iu 3 times a week. i look forward to the rest of your lab results.
are you taking hCG orally?
Yes I am taking it HCG orally right now Bass. Just got a prescription for injectable. Hopefully get it filled soon.
Below are the results from my blood draw on De***ber 2, 2011. The "LAST TIME" blood draw was September 8, 2011.
I am currently on 200 mgs of Test Cyp EW, 3 mgs Anastozole a week, 500iu of sublingual HCG a week
Let me know what you think.
Cholesterol, Total 202 Range 125-200mg/dL THIS WAS AT 209 LAST TIME
HDL Cholesterol 40 Range >or = 40mg/dL THIS WAS AT 57 LAST TIME
Triglycerides 176 Range >150mg/dL THIS WAS AT 82 LAST TIME
LDL-Cholesterol 127 Range <130 mg/dL THIS WAS AT 136 LAST TIME
Chol/HDLC Ratio 5.1 Range , OR =5.0 THIS WAS AT 3.7 LAST TIME
Glucose 55 Range 65-99 mg/dL THIS WAS AT 90 LAST TIME----THIS CHANGED BID TIME
Urea Nitrogen(BUN) 22 Range 7-25 mg/dL WAS AT 21 LAST TIME
Creatine 1.08 Range .79-1.33 mg/dL WAS AT 1.09 LAST TIME
eGFR NON-AFR. AMERICAN 69 Range . OR = 60mL/min/1.73m2 WAS AT 88 LAST TIME
Bun/Creatine Ratio NOT APPLICABLE
Sodium 137 Range 135-146mmoL/L WAS AT 137 LAST TIME
Potassium 4.2 Range 3.5-5.3 mmol/L WAS AT 4.2 LAST TIME
Chloride 103 Range 98-110 mmol/L WAS AT 103 LAST TIME
Carbon Dioxide 25 Range 21-33 mmol/L WAS AT 25 LAST TIME
Calcium 9.6 Range 8.6-10.2 mg/dL WAS AT 9.5 LAST TIME
Protein ,TOTAL 7.7 Range 6.2-8.3 g/dL WAS AT 7.2 LAST TIME
Albumin 5.1 Range 3.6-5.1 g/dL WAS AT 4.5 LAST TIME
Globulin 2.6 Range 2.1-3.7g/dL(calc) WAS AT 2.4 LAST TIME
Albumin/Globulin Ratio 2.0 range 1.0-2.1(calc) WAS AT 2.0 LAST TIME
Bilirubin, TOTAL 0.6 Range 0.2-1.2 mg/dL WAS AT .5 LAST TIME
Alkaline Phosphate 51 Range 40-115U/L WAS AT 49 LAST TIME
AST 27 Range 10-40U/L WAS AT 21 LAST TIME
ALT 226 Range 9-60 U/L WAS AT 20 LAST TIME
TSH, 3rd Generation 2.79 Range .40-4.50mIU/L WAS AT 2.37 LAST TIME----THIS SEEMS TO KEEP GOING UP
T4, FREE 1.2 Range 0.8-1.8 ng/dL WAS AT 1.0 LAST TIME
T3 , FREE 3.1 Range 2.3-4.2 pg.mL WAS AT 3.0 LAST TIME
Antibodies <10 Range <35IU/mL SAME
White Blood Cell Count 4.6 Range 3.8-10.8 Thousand/uL WAS AT 5.4 LAST TIME
Red Blood Cell Count 4.71 Range 4.20-5.80 Million/uL WAS AT 4.82 LAST TIME
Hemoglobin 15.1 Range 13.2-17.1 g/dL WAS AT 16 LAST TIME
Hematocrit 44.4 Range 38.5-50.0% WAS AT 45.2 LAST TIME
MCV 94.2 Range 80.0-100.0 fL WAS AT 93.9 LAST TIME
MCH 32.1 Range 27-33 pg WAS AT 33.3 LAST TIME
MCHC 34 Range 32-36g/dL WAS AT 36.5 LAST TIME
RDW 13.2 Range 11.0-15.0% WAS AT 14.5 LAST TIME
Platelet Count 162 Range 140-400 Thousand/uL WAS AT 189 LAST TIME
Absolute Neutrophils 2714 Range 1500-***0 cells/uL WAS AT 3359 LAST TIME---BIG CHANGE
Absolute Lymphocytes 1329 Range 850-3900 cells u/L WAS AT 1350 LAST TIME
Absolute Monocytes 432 Range 200-950 cells/uL WAS AT 518 LAST TIME
Absolute Eosinophils 97 Range 15-500 cells/uL WAS AT 140 LAST TIME---BIG CHANGE
Absolute Basophils 28 Range 0-200 cells/uL WAS AT 32 LAST TIME
Estradiol 23 HIGH Range 13-54 pg.mL WAS AT 30 LAST TIME---BIG CHANGE
FSH 0.8 LOW Range 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL .7 LAST TIME
LH <0.2 LOW Range 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL SAME AS LAST TIME
Testosterone Free 96.4 Range 46.0-224.0 ph/mL
Testosterone Bioavailable 215.1 Range 110.0-575.0 ng/dL
SHBG 24 Range 10-50 amoL/L
Albumin Serum 4.9 Range 3.6-5.1g/dL
Progesterone, LC/MS/MS <1 Range < or =.2ng/mL
17 Hydroxyprenenolone, LC?MS/MS 45 Range < or =905 ng/dL
IGF Binding protein 3 4.7 Range 3.4-7.0 ng/L
DHEA Sulface 157 Range 110-370ncg/dL
Hopefully somebody can shed some light on this.
Where is GDevine? He is usually all over these blood work results.
i agree with GD regarding ALT, usually if there is something wrong with the liver both ALT and AST get elevated. let us know if thats a typo!
Yes it is a typo. It should be 22. My testosterone probably dropped because I do my shots on a Thursday and usually get tested the following Thursday morning. This time I got tested on the following Friday morning. So there was an extra day than normal. Probably why my estrogen was lower also. I have not given any blood at all. My diet was not on point for about a week prior to this test. So that may be the reason on the TSH.
So overall things look good?
Well I did blood work right at my 1 year anniversary and here are the results.
TSH 1.62---RANGE .40-4.50 mIU/L
T4, Free 1.0---RANGE .8-1.8 ng/dL
T3, Free 3.1---RANGE 2.3-4.2 pg/mL
Red blood cell count 4.67---RANGE 4.20-5.80 Million/dL
Hematocrit 44.2---RANGE 38.5-50.0 %
Total Testosterone 617---RANGE 241-827ng/dL
Estradiol <15 ---RANGE < or =39pg/mL..........I never had estrogen test this way. They said it was low.
Reference range established on post-pubertal patient population. No pre-pubertal range established using this assay.
PSA .5---RANGE < or = 4.0ng/mL
Let me know what you think guys.
Would be curious to see a "free test" lab, and/or SHBG & albumin ...
Not sure what you're currently doing on for AI, but that might need to get tapered back a bit.
Also curious with how you feel? Any sides to lower E2? (libido, joints, fatigue ...)
My current AI protocol is 1mg of Arimidex 3 times a week. The reason it might be low, is I have lost 20lbs in the past month and half. I know excessive fat effects estrogen, so the weight loss may require me to adjust the AI down.
No sides of low E2. Joints are good, libido is still good. No problem with erections.
NSM, there are two (2) things to this that I want to comment on ...
1) If possible, get a firm E2 sensitive assay score; possibly from a place like Labcorp or comparable, where the range might be something like 3 -to- 48 (or whatever it is), but this way you have an exact score. Just have something that says <15 leaves a lot of speculation.
2) I realize AT THIS TIME you're feeling fairly good, HOWEVER, at 3mg/wk of Arimidex, I will bank that it's only a matter of time before it takes its toll on you! I can pretty much assure you that you won't sustain feeling good for all that long at that dosage. At some stage, you might start feeling a little achy, and notice the hair looking a bit raggedy, nails not looking healthy, etc ... Then it all hits at once ... Libido, feel like crap, picking up colds, ... The list goes on. It isn't wondering if it will happen, it's just a matter of when!
^^^^ copy Vette.
NSM, what is your current protocol?
If you look up at post #102, you will notice my estrogen was 23. I was on the same protocol. I have been on the same protocol for about 6 months.
200mg Test C EW
3 mg of Arimidex EW
I recently(2 weeks ago) added 250iu of HCG twice a week.
I have been on a year now, I try and keep a watch out for low estrogen sides. Been feeling pretty good though on this protocol since I started it. I was on lower AI before and my estrogen was up in the 60's. I have posted my blood work and protocol of every blood draw since I have started in this thread.
I appreciate the concern and advise on what to look for in relation to estrogen. Thats what we are all here for. To help each other out.
200mg cyp a week has probably kept your from crashing your e2, follow the above advice asap! I was taking .5mg anastrozole a week while on 250mg cyp a week, hcd 250iu eod, E2 test was upper midrange... I also originally tested with above normal total estrogen and now its seems like I dont need much ai at all?
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