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Thread: Methyl 1-Test

  1. #81
    Started my M1T cycle one week ago, since then I have gone from 187lbs up to 195. I am taking 20 mg a day.
    Strength increases are there as well.
    As far as sides , the only thing I have noticed is the appetite suppression.No lethagy at all. In fact I feel even more energized.

    I have made tremendous gains in the last couple of years.
    In 2001 I was 35years old weighed
    145 lbs, and smoked a pack a day of players filter.
    Then one day I was driving home listening to the radio. There was some nutritional talk show going on about HGH supplements.
    This caught my interest. Next thing I knew I was at the local gym.
    I had quit smoking, and was starting to see results almost right away. I went natural for quite some time, maybe a year or so.
    Then I hit a platueau at about 175lbs. Got some gear and climbed up to 196 lbs. (Deca+D-Bol) Lost a little after and was hovering around 186 to 188 . I was tempted a few times to smoke again but with the gains I had made thre was no @%&*ing way I was gonna lose that!!
    People looked at me in a whole new light as well. It was really freaking weird seemed to be contagiuos. Everybody around me wanted a piece of what I had found ...people at work stated asking me what gym I went to what my diet was etc etc. Even the owner of My workplace got in there. He opened up a gym himself. Spent tens of thousands of dollars on it. I was also promoted within My company as well. It was like some stupid comicbook story.....LOL. Anyway as far as the M1T , I am very glad happy with the results , hopefully I can keep a good portion of the gains I made. I know I will lose some , But would like to get over the 200lbs mark, and settle back to around 195 or so.
    Well see. I will post an update on my progress.

  2. #82

    M 1-T + 4Ad?

    Quick question for the uninformed(myself). I read somewhere a while back that 1-ad should be taken with 4-ad. Does the same rule apply for the m 1-t? I am ordering MONSTER TEST (M 1-T) 240 CC, and MAD-250 240 CC (4-AD) from, am i wasting my money? Also, I'm a Marine stationed in Iraq, should i be worried about popping on a piss test with this stuff? LASTLY, i weight about 145 and am 5'10'' and 21 years old.. I'm very fit, just pretty light. What would be the recomeded dossage for someone about my size? What about cycling? Thanks for all the help gents.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    With M 1-T aka Monster Test you should certainly use a 4-AD product. With MAD 250 you have one, but in general, its not very healthy to take 2 methylated products at once. What you CAN do is take only a half dose of each, which will probably work quite well for someone of your weight anyway. So, 5 cc daily of Monster and 3 cc daily of MAD would be your dose.

    As far as flagging a drug test...yes, its possible with these products. If you know when they are scheduled, try to get off these products about a week before.

    You should also purchase some VPX Aromadex or Ergopharm 6-OXO for "off" periods. You should do 2 weeks Monster/MAD, then 2 weeks Aromadex or OXO, then 2 weeks Monster/MAD, then 4 weeks Aromadex or OXO. Done!

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Kingdom Of Heaven !
    Quote Originally Posted by BREASTMAN
    With M 1-T aka Monster Test you should certainly use a 4-AD product. With MAD 250 you have one, but in general, its not very healthy to take 2 methylated products at once. What you CAN do is take only a half dose of each, which will probably work quite well for someone of your weight anyway. So, 5 cc daily of Monster and 3 cc daily of MAD would be your dose.

    As far as flagging a drug test...yes, its possible with these products. If you know when they are scheduled, try to get off these products about a week before.

    You should also purchase some VPX Aromadex or Ergopharm 6-OXO for "off" periods. You should do 2 weeks Monster/MAD, then 2 weeks Aromadex or OXO, then 2 weeks Monster/MAD, then 4 weeks Aromadex or OXO. Done!
    i am gonna start M1T monster test by vpx , i was thinking of stacking it with 1-tu by nutrex , does anyone think its a good stack , or just get 4ad with the m1t . lem me know thx

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    I don't think stacking it with 1-tu is a good idea at all. Why would you want to stack m1t with another 1-test product? Just go with 4-ad to offset the lethargy and loss of libido.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    miami , fl
    is that u in the avatar NSA ?

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Yes it is.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    Why can't anyone show their faces????? Every avatar has their face all messed up on purpose....

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    No one wants to give up their identity. Sh*t if my parents knew i was taking M1t or anything anabolic like that they would flip.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    I plan to get some m1t from underground labs soon, should i take this alone or stack this with something for synergistic effects? im totally learning everything about m1t im pretty excited

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast

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