Quick intro...
I'm 38, started TRT 10 months ago & have been training consistently with good Nutrition for a couple years now. Comming from running rest/pause style training for the past year or so, but I miss failure. My gym is at home in my garage with pretty decent equipment I've got over time.
I miss going to failure though & Kel has suggested to to some reading over here...so I read a few pages here & there, but only 1/4 way through as it's a huge thread, but great!
I started last week, trying it as a 4 day split for now & have been using drop sets as I train alone. I wanted to try forced/negs so I had my wife spot me this morning...she actually told me my eyes we're were twitching & asked why I was crying after the set, lol! I told her it was normal for this type of training...she said I'm crazy
My BF is high right now at 18% as I'm about done with my first blast (500mg test only 12 weeks), which IMO I got poor results from. Gear tested legit at 2800 total & I was consistently at a 500 cal surplus, but I have a problem with putting fat on very fast as I was legitimately at 13% when I started. I came to the conclusion I need to train better/harder so here I am & so far I'm into it!
I'll pop up here & there but my son keeps me pretty busy, but just wanted to say what's up & I'm enjoying all the great info from this thread...props to Marcus & Kel!