dont be afraid to join in our kinky PM sessions haz...i waint tell
Failing math. I think I just won't go to the exam today.
Kill time as a personal trainer or something for a while until I can retake the class? Shit, I don't know.
coffee makes my teeth feel fuzzy. i dont like it
im so lonely. oh so lonely. aint got nobody. lickin my balls
morning Moose, siggy dukki, kane and rest of the whore bags......
dukki u need a dog or fatty to keep licking ur balls........ii rather have a dog but its just me...
wow so far today i feel like myself aka asshole......
lol. sup cal?? hows your morn?
im good. workin. eating. bout it
yeah shes good. im the one who isnt
not getting any? im getting plenty. my girl loves sex. and ive only been on tren for a week. so nope
^somebody was poopin
Cal, we have to talk today brother.
its been my fault, i promiss to ring u on the way to the gym..
Siggy,Ender, whats going on brothers....head is clear and im a million bucks today...
finally left the weak emotions go.....see ya later fvking emotions...
thats what i need to do
lose my emotions.
yep. its on
heres the deal... im king whore. always have been. always will be. wifey. kids. grandkids. or whatnot. dont matter. ill always whore, its who i am. its in my blood. its in my genetic predisposition.
fukk a bitch... i got this
watch this......the end is fvking hillarious
wtf were they doing? stupid idiots deserved to be hit by trucks
to schooooool! trance arounnd the world ins ins insss
joints starting to hurt from the winny
night sweats from the tren
phlegm from the tren
loss of patience from tren.
aww just man up and muscle through it dukkit.....
lol. i am!! how are you boyd?
evening slappers
Moooose any advice on losing these fvkin emotions
im good bro, its nice to see you around a bit more....after all you are the creator of the greatest and most awsomeus life changing thread of all time....
haha. hell yes boyd!!
hows the fam and all? doin well i hope?
everything is good here. looking to move to anew apt maybe march or april. but need a roomie i can rely on. theyre
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