bitch slap da hoe
and kick her to da curb bro!!
bitch slap da hoe
and kick her to da curb bro!!
I gotta go gulp down some chicken...b back in a few bro![]()
Work sucks even more dick than dsm
Im Back, You Whores miss me? 30min Treadmill 20 Min Abs.
Feel like $999,999.99
you tell em master
oh my god. ive missed you soooo much
like whole way from your house. the whole way to mine. and the whole way back
that much!!
Ive got chest in a minute, the old tris still burn from the other day tho. Food first tho yeahyah
VP your oiled up buttocks have been thoroughly missed
Thanx, Dukkit. I feel the Love!!
ever get the urge to just hit someone?
no reason. other then to cause chaos and destruction?
cuz thats how im feeling today
not happy
So me and my brother and his gf decide to take my crazy brother out to dinner last night. He's pushing 330 pounds of pure fat right now but anyway.
So, even though he knew we were going out ot dinner, he gorges himself all day on food and eats dinner right before we pick him up. And he's dressed in underwear and a t-shirt.
but he still wants to eat dinner so we go out and he eats until he throws up in the middle of dinner.
Oh salmon and rice you are my bestis friend!!
and that's nothing compared to the nonsense I have to listen to out of his mouth.
so we get back to my parents house, they're away right now
they have a big commercial type kitchen in their house
I ask my crazy brother why one of the ovens is on...he says "don't worry about it." and gets all defensive...I'm like are you cooking? we just ate.
Turns out, no, he's not cooking. It's even crazier then that. He's attempting to incubate Mahogany seeds to grow tree's. He ordered some seeds and plans to grow them into a great forest of trees that he can harvest for $$$.
He says the oven is set for 80 degrees...I don't know if any of you have seen an 80 degree setting on an oven but it doesn't really exist...the oven was more like 200 degrees inside so basically he was just cooking the seeds.
Never mind we Live in CT on the shorline and those trees won't live, and there is no land for them if they could.
So, I'm like how about we turn the oven off and not start a fire...he pulled a rainman and started freaking out and telling me he hates the sound of my voice and hates me and can't stand when I talk and to go I other brother said the oven has been on for several days and it's a touchy subject.
Disfunctional Family Kratos ?
Feel better dukkit. don't be mad. You on tren yet???
we love ya just remember that
no, not at all...just my little brother when he turned 17, he swam off the deep end and never came back. Paranoid Schitzo, with all kinds of other shit going on.
I have 2 bro's and 2 sisters
only 1 crazy person
parents still married and all that
mom made dinner for us every night
pretty normal family I think
so pretty much when I go over my parents house I have to just listen to his crazy talk and agree with him, and not tell him not to eat so much food or tell him how to live his life in any way...because it's like talking to a wall, every idea he has in his brain is fact to him...
for example, he asked me how far a five k run is and I said a little less then 3 miles...he said I don't think so, it's more like 2 miles. I said let me convert it for comes out to something like 2.9 something miles. So anyway he sat there and arugued mathamatical fact with me, because it didn't fit his estimation. Telling him anything against what his crazy brain comes up with is like me trying to tell you 2+2= bannana
so, you just have to take the bullshit cause otherwise he gets stressed out and nothing is accomplished anyway. When he gets stressed he stays awake for days and days and does even crazier things.
I am dysfunctional. At Least my Pecker works
Now if I could just find someone to use it on
This chic I know always says Mrs Michigan isnt![]()
Kratos has your bro been tested for that prada wili disease?
I guess I could hit my stalker
he doesn't have that, although he eats like he does
he's gained iono maybe 30 pounds in the last year
30 the year before that
and 30 the year before that since he went crazy
It's a combination of not giving a fvck, and the hunger that the medicine causes, and bordom of sitting around my parents house with a full frildge. And the extreme aversion to doing anyting other than sitting in my parents house with nothing to do. As in asking him to do anything else is like trying to get rainman on an airplane.
I need some Groupie love 2nite!
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