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Thread: 1st Cycle ever, Test Enen Only

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natural selection View Post
    sorry i am new but is this thread making a mockery of newbies?

    u are cycling over 20% bf?
    u waist is 37 inches?
    uve put on 40lbs?
    6 u gained right after the first injection?
    u said you arms are pumped on a non arm day? you know arms are involved in most exercises ?
    u dont asperate when ur wife injects you cause its to much trouble?
    u are gonna use tren in your second cycle?
    unless u are a nonn responder creatine and gear are a bodybuilder marriage

    not tryingto be rude. but please someone tell me if this is a joke or real

    Works fine for me BUD, I love shit talking in my own thread. Thank you for reading though.

    Shit that I fvcked up on:

    She does aspirate now, 35Lbs, as of now - My diet is shit & put on fat, but I don't mind too much. I gained plenty of muscle and I am damn happy with the results. < Isn't this what this is about?
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 05-16-2012 at 05:54 PM.

  2. #122
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    Here are some pics as of today.

    I am right at 220.5 today.

    Still hard to gain weight, right at 22% Bf. < Which I am still just fine with.

    Got 5 shots left to hit up. . . . Still thinking of my next cycle.

    Still looking for right around 210 or so with 12% Bf or under. I think that sounds very reasonable. The juice sure does work, maybe I could have done better. But oh well, I'm happy and seem to be doing just fine.

    Here is last night dinner Yummy cow. . . lol

  3. #123
    Join Date
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    The food look fried! booo.. whats your bf goals? lookin back v looks deece

  4. #124
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    Not fried, grilled carne asada.

    12%bf in about 8 months.

  5. #125
    ur happy u have added 35 lbs of fat and water? do you understand what will happen when u come off gear in 3 weeks?? u wont lose your water and be at 12% bodyfat an weigh 210 in 8months, if you understand anabolic, catabolic. ur water will drop, the fat will not. if anything u will gain more fat. and no longer anabolic being 40lbs over your natural limit for 5'10 ur body will be burning muscle tissue cause with out teh drugs it cant support and maintain the new muscle growth.

    ur not 21-22% bf u are over 30% maybe 32-33%

    ive used gear for 7 years and i have never seen someone disrespect themself so much, u think this is funny?

  6. #126
    for u to be at 12% body fat, u would be at 180lbs even lighter then when u started this cycle to begin with. Who told you to run a cycle this way?

  7. #127
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    Lets see, if I am 22% Bf now. How does that make me 180 Lbs @ 12% BF? Hmmm, odd - Someone failed basic math last semester?

  8. #128
    Join Date
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    Isn't the whole point of running a cycle to gain LBM

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronkowski View Post
    Isn't the whole point of running a cycle to gain LBM

    Agreed, it is. . . A lean diet would give you a solid LBM gain.

    I kicked up my diet, but never leaned it out. That equals LBM + Fat, doesn't mean it didn't work. Just more fat to lose later. I agree, I should have had 99% lean only diet one month prior to starting cycle. I didn't, oh well - Fat to lose later.

  10. #130
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    I guess it's a matter of opinion. Fact are
    , steroids are for nobody, just like any other drug which I can't mention as per the rules of this board. They r illegal drugs, and some are more dangerous or even dirty than the other, just like any other drug, which I can't mention as per the rules... In comparison, a cycle would be like someone who uses hard drugs- "only on weekends".

    Bottom line, use at your own discretion ... And don't criticize other people's experiences... They can have their own , and share later

  11. #131
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    ^100% agreed, we are doing harsh drugs to make us feel better in which ever way we say makes us feel better.^

    These are not necessary medications for 90% of us. We do them "because".

  12. #132
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natural selection View Post
    ur happy u have added 35 lbs of fat and water? do you understand what will happen when u come off gear in 3 weeks?? u wont lose your water and be at 12% bodyfat an weigh 210 in 8months, if you understand anabolic, catabolic. ur water will drop, the fat will not. if anything u will gain more fat. and no longer anabolic being 40lbs over your natural limit for 5'10 ur body will be burning muscle tissue cause with out teh drugs it cant support and maintain the new muscle growth.

    ur not 21-22% bf u are over 30% maybe 32-33%

    ive used gear for 7 years and i have never seen someone disrespect themself so much, u think this is funny?
    Hey Sparky, looking at your post history, you seem to ask very basic questions about cycling. Not sure how you've been cycling for 7 years. in Just about all your threads, you were told that you are posting in the wrong forum with respect to your topics. This really indicates your level of attention, which has me worried how much attention you've really paid while cycling.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natural selection
    ur happy u have added 35 lbs of fat and water? do you understand what will happen when u come off gear in 3 weeks?? u wont lose your water and be at 12% bodyfat an weigh 210 in 8months, if you understand anabolic, catabolic. ur water will drop, the fat will not. if anything u will gain more fat. and no longer anabolic being 40lbs over your natural limit for 5'10 ur body will be burning muscle tissue cause with out teh drugs it cant support and maintain the new muscle growth.

    ur not 21-22% bf u are over 30% maybe 32-33%

    ive used gear for 7 years and i have never seen someone disrespect themself so much, u think this is funny?
    You know what's funny mr. 7 years of cycling... U casually passed up every opportunity to list you stats... Seem scared, especially running gear for 7 years. U say 15 cycles? So you should be about 245lbs @ 8%bf and 5'10" ...And u say u have low t? I bet ur another Classic self medicating skinny-boy not getting the results you want, and suffering from depression from your abuse.. That would explain the need to pick apart 420's cycle and call him a mockery to newbies. Shame on you. Shame shame on you. Go get advice and knowledge and don't advise until your ready to take care of yourself or atleast man up and post your stats...and now that you've been called out... Include a picture with a personal note and show your stats

    I feel better now... sorry for the rant 420

  14. #134
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    It's just listening to other people's BS.

    If you are pushing a near Cutler physique your words are golden and taken with respect.

    Just saying shit don't mean shit. I seen posts on here time after time of just nonsense from tools that never show themselves and be legit.

    Another internet super stud.

  15. #135
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    I wasn't trying to be rude I apologize. Gains are looking good thou you look like a beast.

  16. #136
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    Keep up the hard work 420. Good log. I also agree that it is all up to the individual in regards to how he/she cycles.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by gurupimp6969 View Post
    Keep up the hard work 420. Good log. I also agree that it is all up to the individual in regards to how he/she cycles.
    For sure, just try to stay semi healthy.

    I had a few friends ask me where to get some, saying they wanna do it too. They haven't even been to a gym in their life.

    Come on, that will fvck you up.

  18. #138
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    This is day 13 without any weight gain.

    I am really stumped at this point. I have not gained weight this long and I eat everything protein rich. But, my calorie count does not really pass 3.5k per day too often and I feel so damn full all day.

    I think my monster PWO shake is the culprit for my my non existent gains. It makes me bloated as fvck, which makes me not able to really consume more real solid foods throughout the rest of the day.

    As of now, no more monster shake(I'll cut the shake in half) and replace the rest with real food.

    Also, I am considering kicking up my test to 300x2 a week.

    Today is another chest & tri day. I'll check to see how the strength is coming along.

  19. #139
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    Just came back from the gym. Strength is just great, did 90Lbs x5 of incline dumbbells. Damn decent IMO.

    BF% is a tad bit lower at 21% flat.

    Weight is at 219.5Lbs.

    Bi's are right under 18" right after the gym.

    We'll see how the next few weeks go.

  20. #140
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    2 more shots to go of test enan. I upped the dose to 325mg from the 200 I was taking twice weekly. I kicked the dosage down just a tiny bit to stretch it a bit.

    Two more to go at this dosage then prop for almost 2 weeks, then PCT.

    Weight as of this morning is 222Lbs flat.

  21. #141
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    I would think upping the dose right before cycle ends would be a negative. IMO more test at the en will probably stress your HPTA right before you are going to stop putting in your own supply. Most commonly ive noticed guys tapering down...not up. I guess were all gonna see how it goes

  22. #142
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    And what's the idea behind prop at the end of the enan? Usually guys frontload with prop or just run it straight...not to be rude bro, but it sounds like your prolonging comming off.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJoe View Post
    And what's the idea behind prop at the end of the enan?
    I seen a few guys post this idea on here a few times. Front load and and prop at the end. This way you don't have to wait 14 days before starting PCT.

    The cycle length will still be 12 weeks.

    As far as upping the dose, I seen one guy say up the dose since I am not seeing gains this long. I hope it does not fvck me up in the long run.

  24. #144
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    Day 65

    Captain's log. . .

    Stopped the test enan and started the EOD shots of prop @ 100mg.

    I will hit the prop for the next few shots to bridge me straight into PCT.

    Still have not gained shit for 10 days. Feel just fine, no sides but no gains.

    Went to the gym yesterday and just felt a bit weaker than the last month. Doing shoulders and ABS,could not do 85 pounds on a dumbel shoulder press. Well, I actually did it twice but just last week I was pushing 80 without any issues.

    The plan is to keep everything the same all the way through PCT and a few months after. Then lose my fat and get to about 12% BF then hit another test only cycle consisting of test enan and jump started with some prop.

  25. #145
    Join Date
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    i kinda agree with just joe

  26. #146
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    How is running prop prolonging the cycle?

    Think about it. . . Why would you sit 14 days and wait for your test levels to just disappear? What is the point? I doubt that I will see gains within these 2 weeks, but at least it will make a smooth transition pretty much straight into PCT.

    Sitting for 2 weeks without shit is BS and seems unnecessary.

  27. #147
    nope im 114kgs, 5'10 8% bf

    what do stats matter online, this is a weak point. and bypassing wha i say to try ad having a pissng contest you failed to notice that when someone with such HIGH bodyfat and continues to gain a large amount of fat and water wll not have good keepable gains and running high health risks.

  28. #148
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    22% Bf is not that high in the real world. Is it ideal? no Is it more than I want? yes

    I should of hit it with an extremely lean diet and high cal/protein. But, oh well. . . . We'll see where I end up after loosing 10% Bf.

    Overall I am still satisfied with how this has gone so far. No high blood pressure, I look BIG and I get to eat like a horse for a few months.

  29. #149
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    Well, I'm still at it.

    Today was chest & tri day. Strength is as solid as ever even with me working in the sun now for at least 4 hours per day for the last week.

    Still eating like a horse. Hard now though since I am broke at the moment Trying my best to stay away from the powders. Mainly eating chicken, ground beef, brown rice & oats.

    Weighing in at 222.5 Lbs.

  30. #150
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    What are big 3 lifts looking like?

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    What are big 3 lifts looking like?
    What are they? Dead lifts, squats and?

  32. #152
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  33. #153
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    Never do dead lifts and haven't done squats near forever. I haven't even worked legs forever, yet they still grow.

    I don't concentrate on flat bench much since I rarely have a spotter. When I started I could do a very clean set of 8-10 reps @ 185. Now I do a good 225x 6-8.

    My main focus on chest has been DB presses (incline & flat). I can push 90 on incline 6x and 85x6 on flat.

    I know, dead lifts are this and that? But why? I seem solid as fvck without pushing mad weight with my knees.

    I do like squats, but I stopped doing all leg workouts. It seemed like my legs were just passing up my upper body like no other.

    Yet again I know this isn't so proper, but my main focus has always been my arms. Now I'm really getting into my back, chest & traps.

  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420
    Never do dead lifts and haven't done squats near forever. I haven't even worked legs forever, yet they still grow.

    I don't concentrate on flat bench much since I rarely have a spotter. When I started I could do a very clean set of 8-10 reps @ 185. Now I do a good 225x 6-8.

    My main focus on chest has been DB presses (incline & flat). I can push 90 on incline 6x and 85x6 on flat.

    I know, dead lifts are this and that? But why? I seem solid as fvck without pushing mad weight with my knees.

    I do like squats, but I stopped doing all leg workouts. It seemed like my legs were just passing up my upper body like no other.

    Yet again I know this isn't so proper, but my main focus has always been my arms. Now I'm really getting into my back, chest & traps.
    Hmm. Interesting information... Sad to see tho, because those big 3 work more than you think. Proper squatting works nearly your whole body. Proper deads won't hurt your knees and they work most of your body... And flat barbell bench... I too, was scared to bench alone. I now use the power rack safety pins or even the smith machine. Nothing replaces flat barbell bench... I think you could have achieved great results if you didn't avoid these major compound movements.

    Side note, I'm glad your goals are being achieved and you are happy. If you are happy, that's what counts. Maybe this cycle log will benefit your next cycle because you have identified any downfalls and now have a reference to remedy these faults - if you choose to do so.

  35. #155
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    Deep words but very true.

    What I liked about squats is how they seemed to fix my posture. I will bring back squats for sure when I get back to working my legs.

    Deadlifts still not so much.

    I really want to see how everything goes throughout PCT. I been reading around and there are some horror stories I hear from people. Like having absolutely no energy and just being depressed. But, I feel ready to come off. Just 2 or 3 pins left to go.
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 05-30-2012 at 03:17 PM.

  36. #156
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    Hit the gym for legs & shoulders yesterday.

    Great workout, feel strong as ever. Did squats again, I really should have done squats throughout the cycle. They seem to do so much more than just legs and ass.
    They make my posture feel real solid.

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420
    Hit the gym for legs & shoulders yesterday.

    Great workout, feel strong as ever. Did squats again, I really should have done squats throughout the cycle. They seem to do so much more than just legs and ass.
    They make my posture feel real solid.
    if you squat low past the point where your thighs are parallel to the floor, you will see the effectiveness of the deep squat! It's a whole new world for me

  38. #158
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    Welly well. . . . Yesterday was my last shot o' prop.

    Stats are:

    Weighing in @ 224.5Lbs.
    Bf % is 22.6

    Lifts are just great. Today was arm day, hitting hammer curls with 60's 6x just fine.

    Soooo, we shall see how it goes from here.

    According to the math, I am happy as a hog in shit. Started @ 184Lbs.(we will round it to 185) now weighing in @ 224.5(rounded to 225) = a weight gain of 40Lbs. Theoretically at my Bf % Vs. gain, I gained 20+Lbs of Lbm. if this even comes close, I shall be happy as hell.

    Starting PCT this Sunday.

  39. #159
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    Off to PCT we go.

    Weighing in at 227 this AM.

  40. #160
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    Started PCT of:

    Nolva @ 40/40/20/20
    Clomid @ 75/50/50/25

    Feeling just fine, hammered away at the Ol' GF for an hour yesterday after a stiff beverage.

    Weighing in @ 228Lbs. . . .

    I seem to have gained another 1/4" on my bi's too in the last week or so.

    I do feel heavy though, I can't wait to lose this fat off.

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