If you want a good read, its right here....Alright, leg day story time. I learned several things today, and embarrassed the shit out of myself.
So, I started out how I normally would. Even tho I slept kinda shitty, I felt really good when I got to the gym. Started with extensions, bilateral then unilateral. Then I went to leg press...
(Important note here: I go until I know if I were to go for another rep, I wouldnt be able to get the platform up. You know, otherwise I thought I'd be crushed by the platform as it came down at true failure. This is about the only exercise I don't do partials on for that reason)
Did all my warm ups here, which were 2 plates on each side, then 4, then 6, all the way up to seven 45 pound plates in each side. Did my first working set, which was 4 reps, rest pause, 2 reps, rest pause another 2.
I'm out of breath, so I rest about a min and a half.
Same weight, go again. 4 reps, rest pause, 2 reps, rest pause, 1 rep. I stand up...
Then I'm like "**** it, Im doing one more, let's go!"
So I hop back down, take the weight off the handles, and bust out another rep. Hold it at the top for a second, say "come on!" Out loud, then go again. I'm pushing with everything I've got, knees are starting to buckle slightly inward, im shaking.
I get 3/4 of the way up, then my forward movement stops. I immediately think "shit." Theres no way I can get this all the way up. (I've had this happen before on leg press machines, but they had safety pins. This one doesnt, it's got a curved movement arc and the catch will only hold the weight once your at the top. Really nice save for that).
I've not had this happen to me on this machine before, so all im thinking is "I'm going to die. I'm going to be crushed right here." So, I KID YOU NOT, I start YELLING at the top of my lungs "HEEEEELLLLLP!!!!" I'm staring right at a guy, but he doesn't see me and has his headphones in. So I keep pushing, tried to flip the catches to set it down but it wasn't high enough. Then, I just became so calm. Like, resolved. Like, ya, this is it. I slowly let the weight come down, rounded my back, and the weight hit the rubber stoppers at the very bottom of the movement. So, basically my knees were in my face, but I was fine.
I got up and started laughing hysterically.
Oh by the way, I hit true positive failure today