a wise man once said.. never argue among fools... an onlooker doesnt know who is who
a wise man once said.. never argue among fools... an onlooker doesnt know who is who
this post should fill the internet to the max
damn i must recalculate
props to my wiggas in NYC, Chi-town, and down in the LBC
reppin 28211 4 Life
keepin' it real
dippin my wheels
rhymin wit skill
for all u n*ggas that ill
Last edited by FeldMarshellPotter; 11-04-2005 at 12:15 PM.
peace out 2005 all
livin' life wit much tension
ju tryin ta work for a pension
and stay out the pen
won't go back to hell again
sory, i rap when i'm bored...
you must be emo
Was sagen Sie?
what theme song is that from?
You guessed it, it's the Smurfs
Do you have a job?
Harris Teeter
Therefore, to answer your question, no, I don't have a real job
I do something a mentally retarded ape could do for free
Do you have anything to do during your day?
1. read
2. shit
5.watch t.v.
but that will change soon
seriously, i started taking Aderall on Thursday, and that will help me concentrate on school and work this January
Also, it will (hopefully) allow me to differentiate between socially acceptavle and unacceptable behaviors...when your mind is cloudy from ADD you don't consider the implications of what you say and do
ADD is like having a hyperactive mind, as opposed to ADHD, which involves an overall (hyper motor and mental activity) hyperness
Adult Attention-Deficit Disorder (Adult ADD) symptoms are similar, but not identical, to those seen in children and adolescents. The basic categories of symptoms in children are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. People often refer to the adult form of the disorder as ADD, because symptoms of hyperactivity tend to diminish with age, often taking the form of restlessness or fidgetiness (eg, persistent pencil tapping and/or foot tapping) and difficulty engaging in quiet activities. However, the medical community uses ADHD for both children and adults, and this term is becoming more widely accepted.
Until the 1970s, it was believed that Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was strictly a childhood disorder, and that children outgrew it in adolescence. Only gradually was it realized that while the hyperactivity component may diminish, the attention and impulsive aspects can persist into adulthood.
Symptoms commonly associated with Adult ADD include:
Lack of focus
Difficulty finishing projects
Losing things
These symptoms interfere with success at work and get in the way at home or with friends. Many adults do not realize that they have Adult ADD until their own child is diagnosed with the disorder. Only then do they recognize the pattern of problems they have faced since childhood. They are relieved that there is a name for the frustration they have felt all their lives, and there are therapies and treatments designed to help.
from Adult ADD.com
also frustration due the inadequecy in school and social situations can often lead to depression
If you have depression, you may be experiencing the following on a regular basis:
-Constant sadness
-Lack of motivation
-Trouble concentrating
-Feelings of isolation, not as involved with family and friends
-Loss of interest in favorite activities
-Feeling worthless or guilty for no reason
-Thoughts of death or suicide
-Low energy
-Trouble sleeping
-Significant weight change
from Effexor.com- the makers of Effexor XR, a popular antidepressant
There are so many people with these and other disorders (19 million Americans for Depression). Probably many of you here have depressive symptoms and lift weights to help manage them...I know I did...please if anyone here needs someone to talk to or desperately needs help concerning any mental condition e-mail me at [email protected]. I can give you some websites to look at as well as personal advice. I'm no doctor, but I can list symptoms from the DSM IV, which all health care professionals use as a guide for diagnosis
kin ell!!!
anybody know if tnt rediliver if you missed em???
hello mr booz.
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