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Hi, i'm a spammer
killer reply i can hardly feed my 2 rotii bitches ..dogs = safety & hardcore secruity. couldnt imagine 2 mast.......iffs...huge dogs /////big HEARTS>
I am about to start my first cycle and i was wondering if deca 300 is ok to take by itself and where is the best injection spot for it? Also whats the best way to inject?
Dude go here http://forums.steroid.com/forumdisplay.php?f=2 click on New Thread and ask the question there. You wont get an answer here. By the way Deca only sucks !!!Originally Posted by rocky5119
Thanks This Helps A Newbie
Nice post, alot of good info on cycles. Gives everyone something to start with
hey a newbie seriulsly thinkin about takin my first cycle i heard that Anadrolin,Deca-50 and Win-V is a great stack able to pack on the pounds fast does anyone got any adive any would help a ton i read like the side and stuff but heard that coud all be pervente by pct but eally dont know what the best ones are just lookin for ino id appriciate it
what cycle do you suggest if i am not trying to bulk up just get cut and add lean muscle mass?
Thanx for the great information! I have yet to start steroids... i'm 22 about 8% bodyfat at 175 5'10... i'm real cut up... but i wanna put on mass and stay cut up.. i'm thinking about that enanthate winstrol cycle...
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