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Thread: Preparing for 1st Show in 24 Months - MY LOG ON DIET/TRAINING

  1. #201
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Tuesday 01st May 2012
    Trained Chest

    Bench Press 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 100kg 10 reps (assisted by spotter)/ 110kg 3reps had to drop down to 100kg 2 reps had to drop down to 60kg 4 reps (assisted)
    Incline Bench 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 70kg 10 reps/ 80kg 8 reps - assisted by spotter
    Decline Bench Press 3 sets - 50kg 10 reps/ 60kg 8 reps/ 70kg 5 reps the dropped to 50kg 8 reps
    Flat Flyes 3 sets - 10kg 12 reps/ 15kg 10 reps/ 17.5kg 6 reps completed set with 10 kg 3 reps

    Cardio 20 mins walking on treadmill - i got some baaaaaadd stomach problems today man, wind and dioreah, dono wahts brought it on but i am pain now as i type.
    Wanted to do 45 mins cardio but i just about managed half of that. I think it may be the Protein shake or the eggs...

    Chest was good today when i got home my chest felt pumped up...

    Kelkel- your right there aint no other hamstring machines in my gym, i will look again to make sure. I will try the stiff leg dead lift. You ever tried lunges? are they for Hams? I think i will stick to the deadlift...

  2. #202
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Lunges are fantastic and I do them all the time! Some sources will tell you they are predominantly a ham exercise but I disagree. They nail your quads if done correctly and I don't really count them for hams, just quads. Form and body structure have tons to do with how effective a particular exercise is for a person. In otherwords, what works for me may not work for you, and vice-versa. Google them. Personally, I do them on a smith machine one leg at a time instead of rotating. I don't have to worry about balance this way. Kinda looks like a one-leg squat with the other leg stretched back. I lock into the position and do one leg, then switch. Rest and repeat.

    Stiff-leg deads are far superior for hamstrings alone. Start rotating them into your workouts.

  3. #203
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Wed 2nd May 2012
    Trained Back

    Deadlift 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 100kg 10 reps/ 140kg 7 reps - not stiff leg dead lifts
    Front Pull Downs 3 sets - reps 12/10/8 went heavier each set
    Barbell Row 3 sets - 40kg 12 reps/ 50kg 10 reps/ 60kg 8 reps - legs bent, back straight, pulling into the stomach.
    TBar Rows 3 sets - 40kg 12 reps/ 60kg 10 reps/ 80kg 8 reps

    40 mins Cardio - 30 min on treadmill, 600 cals plus 10 minute bike ride

    I then thought i would try and do some pull ups as i am struggling with these - managed to do 3 sets reverse grip not too wide 6 reps/6reps/4reps. I was quite chuffed that i managed to this many. i know reverse grip! i will switch it when i get used to doing them...

    KelKel - I have tried lunges once with light dumbels in hand walking from one side of the gym to the other, i did look like an idiot. Agreed evryones anotomy and physiology is differnt and therefore variations exist in the exercise that we perform. I will research lunges and i think that doing them on the smith machine is a brilliant way of isolating the muscle, i have seen this performed in a gym somewhere.
    Quads - Lunges
    Hams - Stiff leg dead lift

    Thanks again KelKel - man you would have made superman jealous with an arm like that...

  4. #204
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thursday 03rd May 2012
    Trained Shoulders

    Smith Machine Seated Military Press 3 sets - 50kg 12 reps (easy) 60kg 10 reps (struggled a bit) 80kg 2 reps knocked down to 60 kg for the remaining 6 reps (v.hard)
    Upright rows 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps going heavier each set
    Side Raise 3 sets - 10kg 12 reps / 12.5kg 10 reps/ 15kg 8 reps
    Front Raise 3 sets - 10kg 12 reps/ 10kg 10 reps/ 12.5 kg 8 reps
    Reverse Pec Dec 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps, going heavier sets
    Shrugs Barbell - 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 100kg 8 reps/ 100 kg 8 reps

    Cardio 40 mins - 30 min walking/incline 15/speed 4.0/ 2miles/ 650 cals followed by easy bike ride
    Diet is good and this week i am feeling alot more comfortable with the changes...

  5. #205
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Friday 04th May 2012
    Trained Tri/Bi

    Close Grip Bench Press 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 70kg 8 reps/ 70kg 6 reps dropped weight to 60 kg 3 more reps total reps 9
    Skull Crusher 3 sets - 20kg 12 reps/ 30kg 8 reps/ 20kg 12 reps
    Rope Pull Downs 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps going heavier on each set

    Barbell Curl 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps and increased weight each time, last set just about managed to get 8 reps i think it was 40kg in total
    Preacher curl 3 sets - 12 reps of 20kg/ 8 reps 30 kg/ 12 reps 20kg
    Dumbbell Curls 3 sets - 12 reps 15kg each arm/ 8 reps 19.5kg/ 6reps 22.5kg dropped weight to 10 kg and did another 8 reps total reps 14

    Cardio 30 min/ 1.75 miles/ 575 Cals/ incline 15/ speed 3.5

  6. #206
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Saturday 5th MArch 2012
    Trained Abs

    Rope Crunches 3 sets - 15/12/10 reps going heavier on each set and doing the crunch slow
    Lying Leg Raise 3 sets - 12/10/10reps
    Raised Sit ups 3 sets - 12/10/10 reps
    Knee Raises 1 set - 10 reps
    I used a 20kg weight and put it on the side of my self letting the weight pull me to the side the back up to the straight positon - not sure what its called. I did this for three sets of 12 reps on each side.

    Cardio 30 mins/incline 15/speed4.0/distance 2miles

  7. #207
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro View Post
    Saturday 5th MArch 2012
    Trained Abs

    Rope Crunches 3 sets - 15/12/10 reps going heavier on each set and doing the crunch slow
    Lying Leg Raise 3 sets - 12/10/10reps
    Raised Sit ups 3 sets - 12/10/10 reps
    Knee Raises 1 set - 10 reps
    I used a 20kg weight and put it on the side of my self letting the weight pull me to the side the back up to the straight positon - not sure what its called. I did this for three sets of 12 reps on each side.Cardio 30 mins/incline 15/speed4.0/distance 2miles
    Not sure what your describing above, but if it's obliques your working here be careful. They are a muscle and working a muscle with weight makes it grow. Nobody wants big obliques. Be careful.

  8. #208
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    May 2009
    Kelkel - thanks again for your solid advice mate... I will avoid that particular exercise in future but do the rest of them look ok? Let me pick your brain as well if you dont mind kind sir... I see many training abs 3-4 times a week some everyday whilst I have read that being another muscle it is just like any other muscle and should only be trained once a week? Which is it?

  9. #209
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    A lot of "myth" surrounds ab training. They are a muscle like any other. You cannot spot reduce fat in the abdominal region by doing extra ab work, etc. The only route to clear cut abs is removing the fat. How much and how quickly it comes off of your abs depends on how you are genetically predisposed. Think of it this way: To develope ab muscles with seperation between them you basically grow the muscle out. That is what gives you the deep cuts between.

    I don't see the need to train them every day. They may be able to handle it but it's not necessary. Two times a week, maybe three is more than sufficient IMO. Close to a contest I'd pick it up a bit. You also don't need to over do it with excessive reps either. Moderate if fine but you have to be the judge. Everyone responds differently. One of my favorite ways to train them was to do giant sets. Pick maybe 3 or 4 different exercises (upper then lower then upper again) and go from one to the other without rest. That is one set. Repeat one or two times. Worked for me and got them done much quicker too.

  10. #210
    Join Date
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    Sunday 6th May 2012

    Cardio 40 mins- 30 mis treadmill followed by 10 min bike ride...

    KelKel -I am going to up it to twice a week Mon/Thurs for Abs - I understand that the fat has got to vanish first before i start to build the 6 individual muscles out. Thats how i feel about my whole body at the moment, loose most fat then start to bulk muscle cleanly. I egt the giant set theory, a bit like a circuit work out -
    10 situps/10crunches/10 leg raises = 1 set without rest between. I will try that for sure...
    Thanks again mate, been busy watching you tube videos on training, Dorian Yates pops up everywhere...

  11. #211
    Join Date
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    Monday 7th may 2012

    I was going to train legs today but felt really tired. Ended up doing cardio for half an hour as usual. Legs tomorrow...

  12. #212
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I am contemplating doing an hour cardio after workouts. I have seen my weight stick around 91kg for the past few weeks and i want to break through to the 80's. I am aiming for around 85kg as minimum weight. Would an hour cardio be ok to do after workouts?

  13. #213
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Tuesday 8th May 2012
    Trained Legs

    Seated Calf Raise 3 sets - 40kg 12 reps/ 60kg 10 reps/ 70kg 8 reps
    Calf Raise on Smith Machine 3 sets - 120kg 12 reps/ 160kg 10 reps/ 200kg 8 reps
    Standing Calf Raise 3 sets - 12 reps moderate weight/ 10 reps heavy / 8 reps max weight
    Squats 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 100kg 10 reps/ 140kg 8 reps - all by my self...
    Leg Press 3 sets - 160kg 12 reps/ 240kg 10 reps/ 320kg 8 reps - after which i felt very light headed
    Leg Extensions 3 sets - 12 reps moderate weight/ 10 reps slightly heavier/ 8 reps at max weight - struggled here was so tired after Press...
    Lying Ham Curls 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps going hevier each set as above...
    Now i did intend on throwing in some stiff leg dead lift or lunges but i was exhauseted at this point and felt really light headed so i left it for next week. I also had planned abs for today but i will do them tomorrow as i fell Chest is not as punishing as Legs days.

    Cardio 30 mins/incline 15/speed 3.5/distance 1.75 miles/ 550 cals even took cardio slower than normal due to the dizzy feeling....
    I was originally saying that i may up this to 1 hour but i think that is a bit ambitious... especially after legs...

  14. #214
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    May 2009
    Kelkel- Thanks for all your advice and input man especially with training legs... Training calves first has certainly had a positive impact, I find my self stronger on squats and leg press able to push more reps out...

  15. #215
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Wednesday 9th May 2012
    Trained Chest

    Bench Press 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 80kg 5 reps droppes to 60kg to complete 10 reps/ 80kg 4 reps dropped to 60kg to complete 8 reps
    Incline Bench Press 3 sets - 60kg 8 reps/ 50kg 12 reps/ 60kg 5 reps dropped to 40kg to complete set of 8 reps
    Decline Bench Press 3 sets - 60kg 10 reps/ 70kg 5 reps dropped to 60 kg to complete 10 reps/ 40kg 12 reps
    Today i found it hard to train chest, felt weak and hence resulted in lighter weights.
    Incline Flyes 3 sets - 10kg 12 reps/12.5kg 10 reps/ 15kg 8 reps

    Abs - Rope Crrunches 10 reps, Leg Raise 10 reps, Incline Situps 10 reps = 1 set no rest between exercises. this was done for three sets.

    Cardio 30 mins/incline 15/speed 3.5/ 1.75 miles/ 575 cals

  16. #216
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro View Post
    Kelkel- Thanks for all your advice and input man especially with training legs... Training calves first has certainly had a positive impact, I find my self stronger on squats and leg press able to push more reps out...
    As stated, they warm you up for legs yet don't tire you out. It's nice to get done quads/hams and actually be done your workout.

  17. #217
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thursday 10th May 2012
    Trained Back

    Started with Deadlift 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/100kg 10 reps/140kg 6 reps
    Front Pull downs 3 sets - 12/10/8 going heavier each set
    Barbell Row 3 sets - 40kg 12 reps/ 50kg 10 reps/ 60kg 8 reps
    Seated Row 3 sets - moderate weight 12 reps/ max weight 10 reps/ max weight 8 reps
    Chin ups 3 sets - 4 reps each set, still find these difficult and i am doing reverse grip.

    Cardio 30 mins / 575 cals / speed 3.5 / incline 15/ distance 1.75miles

    I am feeling a little off, if its not one thing then its a another. This is why i have slowed the cardio down, still doing it daily just not as fast. I was so dead yesterday i was in bed at 8.30 and woke up at 8am this morning. I have not slept like that in ages. Feel slightly better today but still feel like i can hibernate till next year...

  18. #218
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Friday 11th MAy 2012
    Trained Shoulders

    Smith Machine Seated Military Press 3 sets - 50kg 10 reps/ 60kg 8 reps/ 40kg 12 reps
    Side Raises 3 sets - 10kg 12 reps/ 12.5kg 10 reps/ 15kg 8 reps
    Front Raises 3 sets - 10 kg 12 reps/ 12.5kg 10 reps/ 15kg 8 reps
    Rear Delts Reverse Peck Deck 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps going heavier on each set last set was hard barely managed to do it...
    Smith Machine Upright rows 3 sets - 20kg 12 reps/ 30kg 10 reps/ 40kg 8 reps
    Barbell Shrugs 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 80kg 10 reps/ 100kg 8 reps

    Abs - Rope Crunches 12 reps/Leg Raises 12 reps/ Raised Situps 12 reps = 1 set - did this 3 times
    Cardio 30 mins 610 Cals

  19. #219
    Join Date
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    Sat 12th may 2012
    Had a bad day today, only managed to do cardio for half hour. Still have to train arms this week. Sundays plan is to train arms and full hour cardio may be more, got absolutely nothing to do tomorrow apart from train...

  20. #220
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Sunday 13th may 2012
    Trained tri/bi

    Close grip bench press smith machine 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 70kg 10 reps/ 70kg 2 reps had to drop weight to 60 kg for another 6 reps because wrists were a a little stressed.
    Skull crusher 3 sets - 20 kg 12 reps, 30 kg 10 reps/ 30kg 6 reps
    Straight bar pull downs 3 sets - 12/10/8 increasing weight each set...
    Barbell curls 3 sets - 12 reps 10 kg each side/ 10 reps 15 kg each side/ 2 reps 20 kg each side then dropped weight to complete set...
    Preacher curls 3 sets - 10 kg each side 12 reps x3
    Dumbbell curls 3 sets - 10kg 12 reps/ 15 kg 10 reps/ 22.5 kg 6 reps
    21s 3 sets light just to get a good pump...

    Cardio 30 mins

  21. #221
    Join Date
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    Monday 14th May 2012
    Trained Legs - I had a brilliant day in the gym today felt strong and active....

    Seated Calf Raise 3 sets - 20kg 12 reps/ 40kg 10 reps/ 60kg 8 reps
    Calf Raise on Leg Press Machine 3 sets - 160kg 12 reps/ 200kg 10 reps/ 220kg 8 reps
    Standing Calf Raise 3 sets - reps 12/10/8 went from moderate to heaviest weights
    Free weight Squats 3 sets - 12 reps 60kg/ 10 reps 100kg/ 8 reps 140kg... felt strong asked some to spot me and ended up with 3 people watching
    Leg Press 3 sets - 200kg 12 reps/ 280kg 10 reps/ 360kg 8 reps... went 40 kg heavier this week
    Leg Extensions 3 sets - reps 12/10/8 went from moderate to heaviest legs could handle... last set was hard just managed to get the 8th rep out
    Lying Ham Curls 3 sets - reps 12/10/8 went from moderate weight to heavy
    Stiff Leg dead lift 3 sets - reps 12/10/8... stuck to one weight of 60kg, legs were dead at this point but felt pumped up...

    Cardio/ 30 mins/ 1.75 miles/ incline 15.0/ speed 3.5

    Thanks again to everybody contributing to this log, i can already see changes in my body, in my training, and in general life... Your knowledge and advice is sincerely appreciated, without it i would be stuck in a dead end...

  22. #222
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Wednesday 16th May 2012
    Trained Chest

    Bench Press 3 sets - 60 kg 12 reps/ 100kg 5 reps (assisted) dropped weight to 60 kg to complete set to 10 reps/ same again here 100 kg 4 reps 60 kg 4 reps = 8 reps in total. I am ok with the negative but pushing up I get stuck.
    Incline bench press on smith machine 3 sets - 60 kg 12 reps/ 70kg 10 reps/ 80kg 8 reps. Again I had some one help me on the last few reps, chest felt like it was ripping open....
    Decline Bench Press smith machine 3 sets - 60 kg 12 reps x 2 / last set only got to 10 reps on 60 kg
    Incline flyes 3 sets - 10 kg - 12/10/10 reps

    Abs - rope crunches 12 reps/ leg raises lying on bench 12 reps/ sit-ups raised on a box 12 reps = 1 set did this for three sets.

    Cardio 30 mins/ incline 15 / speed 4.0/ distance 2.0 miles/ cals 650
    I missed the gym yesterday due to some problems at home, it was unavoidable....

  23. #223
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thursday 17th May 2012
    Trained Back

    Dead lift 3 sets - 60 kg 12 reps/ 100kg 10 reps/ 140 kg 8 reps
    barbell Rows 3 sets - 40kg 12 reps/ 60kg 10 reps/ 60 kg 12 reps
    Tbar rows 3 sets - 40kg 12 reps / 60kg 10 reps/ 80kg 8 reps
    Pull downs 3 sets - 12 reps of moderate weight for three sets

    Cardio 30 mins

  24. #224
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Friday 18th May 2012
    Trained Shoulders

    Military Press Smith machine 3 sets - 40 kg 12 reps/ 50 kg 10 reps / 60 kg 8 reps
    Side Raises 3 sets - 10 kg 12/10/8 reps
    Front Raise 3 sets - 10kg 12/10/8 reps
    Reverse pec dec 3 sets - 12/10/8 going heavier on each set
    Shrugs 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps / 80 kg 10 reps/ 100 kg 8 reps

    Cardio 30 mins

  25. #225
    Join Date
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    Saturday 19th May 2012
    Only cardio 45 mins Half hour walking 15 mins jogging
    Training arms tomorrow...

  26. #226
    Join Date
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    Monday 21st May 2012
    Trained Tri/Bi

    So ok i missed the gym yesterday and i was kicking my self...As i had missed arms on Sat/Sun i thought i better train them today...
    Close Grip Bench Press Smith Machine 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 70kg 8 reps/ 80kg 3 reps-70kg 3 reps-60kg 3 reps
    Skull Crusher 3 sets - 20kg 10 reps/ 30kg 6 reps/ 20 kg 10 reps
    Stright bar Pull Down 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps going from moderate to reasonably heavy in weight
    Barbell Curls 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps and starting with a moderate weight and then going to heavy
    Preacher Curls 3 sets - 12 reps 20kg/ 8 reps 30 kg/ 6 reps 30kg
    Dumbell Curls 3 sets - 10kg 12 reps/ 12.5kg 10 reps/ 15kg 8 reps

    Cardio 48 mins/ 900 cals + / distance 2 miles +

  27. #227
    Join Date
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    Tuesday 22nd May 2012

    Ok I wanted to train legs today but I had a slight pain in my left knee, ended up just doing cardio for an hour walking slow up hill...
    Legs tomorrow.

  28. #228
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Wednesday 23rd May2012
    Trained Legs

    Seated Calf Raise 3 sets - 20kg 12 reps/ 60 kg 10 reps/ 70kg 8 reps
    Standing Calf Raise 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps first set moderate weight last two sets max weight on machine
    Calf raise on Smith Machine 3 sets - 160 kg 12 reps/ 200kg 10 reps/ 200kg 8 reps

    Free Weight Squats 3 sets - 60 kg 12 reps/ 100 kg 10 reps / 140 kg 8 reps
    Leg Press 3 sets - 200 kg 12 reps/ 280kg 10 reps/ 360 kg 7 reps
    Leg extensions 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps, started light legs were dead by now, last 2 sets max weight I could manage.

    Lying ham curls 3 sets - 12/10/8 moderate to heavy weight
    Stiff leg dead lift 3 sets - 60 kg for three sets of 10 reps

    Cardio - 10 mins easy cycling, 20 mins walking on max incline on low speed
    Sweated it out today, beautiful weather...

  29. #229
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thursday 24th may 2012
    Trained chest

    Bench press 3 sets - 60 kg 12 reps/ 100 kg 8 reps/ 100 kg 8 reps
    Incline bench press 3 sets - 60 kg 8 reps
    Decline bench press 3 sets - 60 kg 8 reps
    Flat flyes 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps

    Cardio 30 mins

  30. #230
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Friday 25th May 2012
    Trained Back/Bi

    Dead lift 3 sets - 60kg 12 reps/ 100 kg 10 reps / 140 kg 6 reps
    Bent over bar rows 3 sets - 60 kg 10 reps x3
    Tbar rows 3 sets - 40 kg 12 reps/ 60kg 10 reps / 80kg 8 reps
    Pull downs 3 sets - 12/10/8 reps moderate weight

    Barbell curls 3 sets - 40 kg 10 reps x3
    Dumbbell curls 3 sets - light 12 reps x3
    Preacher curls 3 sets - 10 kg 12 reps x3

    Cardio 30 mins - 15 mins walking 15 mins jogging / cals 520/

    Forgot to write that I worked abs yesterday as well 12 reps each rope crunches, leg raises, raised sit-ups, one after the other without any interval for three sets.

    Diet is ok... Still struggling to get below 90 kg... Any ideas?

  31. #231
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Can't help you much with diet other than restricting your calories a bit more. I was always the odd one and would gain weight up to a show..

  32. #232
    Join Date
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    Sat 26 th May 2012
    Trained Shoulders/Tri

    Smith machine press- 3 sets 12 reps 40 kg
    Smith machine rows - 3 sets 10 reps 40 kg
    Barbell shrugs - 3 sets - 60 kg 12 reps/ 100 kg 10 reps / 120 kg 6 reps
    Side raises 3 sets - 10kg 10 reps
    Front raises 3 sets - 10 kg 10 reps

    Straight bar pull downs 3 sets 12 /10/8 reps going heavier each set
    Skull crusher 3 sets superset with ez bar close grip press 20 kg 10 reps each exercise each set

    Cardio 30 mins walking

    Kelkel - nice to hear from you mate, appreciate the input, I guess I will have to look at the diet and change the diet around alittle may be drop some carbs in my meals...

    Ok a few months in to the log now, I have defo lost weight and I can see more gains in my arms and bi now. Strength has dropped in some exercise but in other exercise such as squats I have actually improved.

    I aiming to get to 85 kg with in The next 8 weeks, 6-7 kilos need to be lost.
    Another question is when doing front raises should palms be facing the ground or should palms be facing each other? I normally trained with palms facing the ground doing one arm at a time, but someone in the gym suggested that it is better to have palms facing inwards?

  33. #233
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Monday 28th May 2012
    Trained Legs

    Seated Calf Raise - 20kg 15 reps/ 60kg 12 reps/ 70kg 8 reps
    Calf Raise on Leg Press Machine - 120kg 15 reps/ 160kg 12 reps / 200kg 10 reps
    Standing Calf Raises - 12 reps Moderate weight/ 10 reps heaviest weight/ 8 reps heaviest weight

    Free Weight Squats - 60kg 12 reps/ 100kg 10 reps/ 140kg 8 reps
    Leg Press - 200kg 12 reps/ 280kg 10 reps/ 360kg 8 reps
    Leg Extensions - 12 reps moderate weight/ 10 reps heavy / 8 reps heavy
    Lying Ham Curls - 12 reps moderate weight/ 10 reps heavy/ 8 reps heavy
    Stif Leg Deads - 60 kg 3 sets 10 reps each

    Cardio 30 mins walking/ incline 15/ speed 3.5/ cals 575/ distance 1.75 miles/

    Today after doing squats i was tired but after doing leg press i was feeling dizzy and tired. Good work out, legs are getting stonger, other parts such as shoulders are lagging behind in development. I guess thats down to the caloic deficiet, most important thing for now is to get to the fat off. Its coming off but much slower now, i can see veins in my arms that i didnt know i had, i have maintained strength in some areas such as arms/legs/back others have decreased in strength ie shoulder/chest. I am trying so hard to get below 90kg it aint happening but i am pushing my self further in the gym. I am not about to give up!!!! thats for sure!!!! got to many people to prove wrong as well as prove to my self that i can do this...

  34. #234
    Join Date
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    Tuseday 29th May 2012
    Trained Chest

    Bench Press - 60kg 12 reps / 70kg 10 reps / 80kg 8 reps
    Incline Bench PRess - 60kg 10 reps 3 sets
    Decline Bench Press - 60kg 10 reps 3 sets
    Incline Flyes - 10kg 10 reps/ 15kg 10 reps / 15kg 10 reps

    Man today i had a splitting headache, messed with my training, everytime i would complete a set it would get worse then when it began to stop throbbing i would get on with the next set.

    Abs - rope crunches x13 leg raises x 13 raised sit ups x 13 = 1set without interval, repeated 3 times.

    Cardio - 30mins/ incline 15/ speed 3.5/ dist 1.75 miles/ cals 575

    Ok today i saw this guy in the gym, he is like 7 foot something but a real nice person. talking to him he was telling me that he was getting ready to compete, i watched him training his legs, now you tell me if this is something i should be aiming to do? He warms up on the cycle for 4 mins, then proceeds to squats, first set 60kg 10 reps, second set 100kg didnt count reps but there was more than 15, third set 60kg 33 reps, fourth set 25 reps. Next Leg Press, first set 120kg 10 reps, then 160kg 35 reps, 200kg 25 reps, then 360kg 6 reps. Then he went on to do Leg Extensions 4 sets each one 15 reps. This guy is not particularly cut up at all nor is there any definition to him. I am just wondering is it better to do less weight and go to failure at 30-40-50 reps per set or best to control rep range and keep it at around 8-10 mark?

  35. #235
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    May 2009
    Another question or two...

    I am taking creatine mono, glutamine powder, bcaa capsules. At the moment I take the glutamine mixed with my egg whites for breakfast before my workout. Then after my workout in my pwo shake I mix in the creatine and take 6 caps of bcaa along side... My question is this the right way to take it? Should be a taking more. Some say take 3 caps of bcaa before workout and take three after workout?
    The creatine I use is MetRx mono
    The glutamine is made by Reflex
    The bcaa are also made by Reflex
    The shakes I use are made by BSN named Syntha 6

    Can any one help with macros and tdee, I need to change my diet to aid further weight loss yet maintain muscle or increase muscle.
    My meals are as on page one but I am contemplating dropping carbs, ie, instead of rice chicken broccoli I am thinking just eat chicken. Is this feasible?

    Stuck here guys, any body help?

  36. #236
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Wednesday 30th May 2012
    Trained Back

    Deadlift - 60kg 12 reps/ 100kg 10 reps/ 140kg 8 reps
    Bent over barbell row - 60 kg 10 reps 3 sets
    Tbar row - 40 kg 12 reps/ 60kg 10 reps/ 80 kg 10 reps
    Pull Downs with D bar - moderate weight 12 reps/ heavy 10 reps/ heavy 8 reps
    Tried chin ups, still can't do them, so I started of holding on then slowly letting my self down, like a negative rep. Did this 10 times, reverse grip I managed 6 reps.

    Cardio 30 mins/ 600 cals/ speed 3.5-4.5/ incline 15
    Diet is clean
    Weight last night before bed was 90.4 kg
    Hoping to get below 90 this week...

  37. #237
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thursday 31st May 2012
    Trained Shoulders

    Started with Smith Machine Military Press - 60 kg 8 reps, struggled to push thus so I dropped weight to 50 kg 10 reps, still found it difficult so I transferred to dumbbells 15 kg each arm 10 reps, 22.5 kg 8 reps.
    Side raises - 15 kg 10 reps, 10 kg 10 reps, 7.5kg 10 reps this was one set, I did this three times
    Front raises - 10 kg 10 reps x3
    Reverse pec dec - 3 sets 12/10/8 reps going heavier each set
    Bent over side raises - 7.5 kg 10 reps, 10 kg 10 reps, 10 kg 10 reps
    Barbell shrugs - 60kg 12 reps/ 100 kg 10 reps/ 140 kg 2 reps dropped to 100 kg 6 reps

    Abs- rope crunches 12 reps, leg raises 12 reps, raised sit ups 12 reps this was one set, did three sets

    Cardio - 30 mins, incline 15, speed 3.5, 575 cals

  38. #238
    Join Date
    May 2009
    1st June Friday, F#ck me half way through the year already?
    Trained Tri/Bi

    Close grip bench press - 60 kg 10reps x3
    Skull crushers - 20 kg 10 reps / 30 kg 8 reps x2
    Straight bar pull downs - 3 sets 12/10/8 going heavy

    Barbell curls 3 sets 12/10/8 going heavier each set
    Dumbbell curls 3 sets
    Preacher curls 3 sets

    30 mins cardio

  39. #239
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Another question

    When training what gives up first - the mind or the muscle? It's a mental physical fight....

  40. #240
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Sunday 3rd June 2012

    Woke up, had nothing to eat and headed straight in to gym for cardio. Completed a one hour cardio session, 1100 cal, 4 miles, 60, mins, incline 15....

    Came home had my pro shake and banana, then the mrs was like let's got out to eat, I hate eating out whilst dieting... Any way reluctantly went a long and resisted temptation, stuck to grilled lamb chops, and grilled chicken...

    Weigh my self later tonight, but I don't think I am lighter than 90kg, just a hunch, I hit 90.4kg late this week...

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