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Thread: Why is it important to run an AI when on cycle?

  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Visit the banner at the top right 'ar-r' they have what you need for your 'research'
    Thanks, I appreciate the help.

  2. #202
    Hey guys. Looking for some advice. I'm going into week 2 of my first cycle ever, wanting to maximize what I have access to. I am 28 years old. I am 6'0" 215 lbs and have been training 5 days a week for 2 years. I have a clean, high protein diet. I have never used any gear before though. I thought I was ready and educated enough to begin a basic cycle, but I'm second guessing myself now. I began last week with one ML of dual test (E and C) at 200 Mg per ML and one ML of Deca at 200 Mg per ML. This is how it was explained to me as the best way to use it. I am using 10 Mg of Aromasin ED as an AI...right now after what I've started with, I have at my disposal: 9 ML of Dual Test at 200 Mg/ML, 9 ML of Deca at 200Mg/ML and about 700 Mg of Aromasin left. (I have a plan for PCT that I'm not inquiring about yet). I would like to get opinions on how to maximize results from what I have and how to dose it safely at the same time. If I keep going on the same track I've been on, I'll be dosing again on Monday. Please let me know what you think.

  3. #203
    Great post, you know your stuff well worth the read

  4. #204
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thanks Swifto

  5. #205
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    hello, can anyone help, i have gyno lumps and plan on getting surgery, can i run a cycle after the surgery, if so how soon and what do you recomend?

  6. #206
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Post this question as a new thread in the AAS Q/A or PCT sections. Be sure to include all your stats, cycle history, goals, etc. You'll get more attention there.

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Portland, OR
    Hey -
    For some reason it wouldn't let me post the direct link. Here is where I get mine . . . .... search 'exemestane'. It'll run you about $90.

  8. #208
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Just read this whole thread... The question was asked at least a couple of times, but I didn't see a direct answer. Will running masteron (which as I understand it, prevents other steroids from aromitization) in your cycle circumvent the need for an AI?
    For instance, a basic Test and Mast cycle? Would one still need Aromasin since from what I've read Masteron does basically the same thing as an AI, just maybe not to the same extent as Aromasin?

  9. #209
    This is a great read!!!

  10. #210
    I was using .25 mg adex eod, gyno started, went up to .5 eod and now using Nolva at 20mg ED.

    pain and "itch" is just hoping for some reversal

  11. #211
    Join Date
    May 2013
    UK south east.
    Excellent post, thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  12. #212
    sorry guys but AI stands for?

  13. #213
    Join Date
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    Santa clarita
    Quote Originally Posted by HAWAIIAN-HULK View Post
    sorry guys but AI stands for?
    Read the thread you just posted too lol.

  14. #214
    aromatase inhibitor aka estrogen blocker right
    Last edited by HAWAIIAN-HULK; 06-05-2013 at 12:46 AM.

  15. #215
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Read the first few post with all the research.. So good I almost regret reading it, now I will have to spend about $40 every other month on some AIs to run almost all the time...

    Great read and lots of good info.

  16. #216
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I love seeing cited data like this. Way better than hearsay any day. I would say thanks to the OP, but it looks like he is banned.

  17. #217
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gianttime View Post
    Read the first few post with all the research.. So good I almost regret reading it, now I will have to spend about $40 every other month on some AIs to run almost all the time...

    Great read and lots of good info.
    Way cheaper than health problems in the long run.

  18. #218
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Just started my first cycle of test e 500mg week yesterday. Dosed adex at .25 after my pin. My question is should I start out at that dosage or could I go with .50 ed or eod just to be on the safe side. I have been told. 25 eod and some have told me .25 ed.

  19. #219
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    Jul 2011
    It's not about getting rid of all estrogen, just keeping it at a good level. .25ed should be fine. I'm pretty sure (without looking it up) you want it daily, because the half-life of Arimidex is such. Someone may jump in and correct me about that though. If need be you can up the dose, but you only want the minimum necessary to control E2.

  20. #220
    Join Date
    May 2013
    So .25ed or. 25 eod?

    Was told by Austinite on here to start out at .25 which that dose is really hard to gauge with the liquid dropper.

  21. #221
    wonderful post bro, I love reading your threads always learn something.

  22. #222
    Excellent post.
    How about regular Raloxifene on cycle?

    It was proved that Raloxifene can help improving lipid profile and it is a good antagonist or estrogen.

    Lipid profile is one of the most concerned issues in AAs use.
    Only using AIs looks good in decreasing prostate cancer, but may worsen
    lipid profile because estrogen helps the metabolism of lipid and cholesterol.

  23. #223
    Thanks for the read!!

  24. #224
    Great thread! Filled with a ton of potent info. Wasn't able to read it all so i hope this question isn't redundant: how about running proviron (first choice) or masteron? Do i need to stack an AI in top of that? Seems like a little much.

  25. #225
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Why say NO to Clomid

    Run AI with any aromatizing compound (Arom*sin is best 12.5mg - 25mg/ED). Run SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) like Nolva for gyno issues and PCT. Run Caber or Prami for any 19nor compound to fight prolactin levels. (Caber .5mg - 1mg/week. Prami .5mg - 1mg/ED). If you don't know whether your compound is aromatizing or whether it's a 17 or 19nor then you shouldn't be using AAS.

    I would avoid using Clomid because of the side effects on visual centers.

    With that being said, my choice is always Nolva as a PCT component, and as an adjunct to an AI with, depending on the cycle i've run, HCG . Nolva has been shown to be more effective than clomid in literally everything it does. Nolva at a dose of 20mg a day has been shown in studies to raise test levels by 150%(1). In comparison, you'd need 150mg of clomid to achieve that. In addition, nolvadex acts as a much stronger and better estrogen receptor agonist than clomid does, making it more effective on a mg per mg basis for blocking gyno. Clomid and nolva are like brothers and sisters, and nolva has shown to do everything far better than clomid. It should be everyone's #1 choice over clomid for PCT to recover endogenous test production, as well as gyno control.

    I would also like to mention that clomid has been known to come with some nasty side effects a lot of people seem to get, that is not anywhere near as commonly reported as nolva. These include things like hot flashes, extreme mood swings, and vision problems(!!!). Vision problems!? No thanks, not for me.


    1. Fertil Steril. 1978 Mar;29(3):320-7.
    Hope that answers your question. (Better safe than sorry) Think about how much gyno surgery will cost you. Get BW.
    Last edited by Xzandr; 08-04-2013 at 11:11 AM. Reason: Add Info about Clomid

  26. #226
    Join Date
    May 2002
    How much Adex would one recommend when only on 500mg of test per week?
    If one was running really low at 250mg a week, would an AI still be beneficial?

  27. #227
    Awesome info! Thanks.

  28. #228
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by kiderro View Post
    Excellent post.
    How about regular Raloxifene on cycle?

    It was proved that Raloxifene can help improving lipid profile and it is a good antagonist or estrogen.

    Lipid profile is one of the most concerned issues in AAs use.
    Only using AIs looks good in decreasing prostate cancer, but may worsen
    lipid profile because estrogen helps the metabolism of lipid and cholesterol.
    Well I think that you should be safe with your cholesterol if you keep your estrogen within the safe zone, because having too high estrogen levels will also cause allot of nasty long-term side effects.

    I'm not aware of how much AI's will lower your HDL cholesterol on their own, but I think that if you have a proper diet with enough omega-3 and other healthy fats you should be able to keep your HDL, LDL, cholesterol levels within the safe zone, but I have no experience with AAS yet. But this seems logic to me, because even without AAS some people mess up their cholesterol, because of their diet!

  29. #229
    Good read man Thx.

  30. #230

    My testicles are shrinking after just 2 weeks on cycle. What to do???

    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Its a suicide inhibitor, so it attaches to the aromotase enzyme and kils it, stopping it from becoming active again.

    The dose of the AI is important. 10mg/ED is inhibitive enough for most people to use "on cycle" and keep estrogen in normal ranges. Some will need more, some less.

    I never said Aromasin will destroy "80% of estrogen", Anthony Roberts (Conners) said that looking at its effects in females (not males) whilst not taking age into account as well. AI's do not effect males as they do females when looking at estrogen suppression.

    The study I posted above looking at IGF-1 levels (showing no impact) when using Aromasin also looks at estrogen levels, have a read of it.
    Hi Swifto,

    I am age 54, on my second cycle. 1st cycle plan was 12 weeks of sustanon 500mls weekly with 20-50 mg dbol daily starting with 30 and adjusting as needed. I chose sustanon because when i last cycled at age 24, it wasnt available and I got mesmerized about 4 different esters in one. Bottom line is I didnt start seeing gains until week 10 so by week 12 I knew I had to extend the cycle a couple more weeks and alos drop the dbol as it gave me bloat which DID disappear upon dbol cessation. Didnt seem to do anything for me anyway. I used no AI or PCT and was 8 weeks off cycle and all was well. My regular doctor took my blood work and said my test and estro were fine along with eveerything else including BP and cholesterol and sugars. Just my thyroid was low(#8), but its been that way for 12 years. I live with it.No I dont have a copy of the blood work and by the way my doc doesnt know Im on AS. He will only do bloodwork every 6 months unless something is very wrong. Lousy Obama care insurance.

    Now I start my 2nd cycle 2 weeks ago with just NLP and test prop, for 1st week of 500ml's total, 2nd week I add in baby dose of enanthate still keeping mls under 700 per week, and the plan was to just use the prop and NLP for 2-3 weeks to jumpstart things and cruise on 500 mls test enanthate spit twice per week for a total of an 18 week cycle.

    Im now experiencing slight testicular atrophy after week 2. Is it the no ester NLP? Because I never used that before , and I also never had any sides other than oily skin and huge libido increase before even in my 20's. I also have always had difficulty in reducing bodyfat as when I gain size my BF often stays the same and the gain is all muscle but I get awful insomnia if going under 100 carbs per day, plus I get constipated so I need lots of fiber which has to be carbs. I would like to know what would be a good AI that also would help me get "cut up" (thats how we said it back in the 80's. lol) I have armidex,aromasin,clomid,and nolva on hand. And what about proviron which I have 9 pills? Due to chronic fatigue and the thyroid issues ive had for yrs even when clean, I cannot get blood W. for a few weeks at least due to time issues and as I said, they wont do it at my clinic more than every 6 months. So lets wing it for now. Being I kept most of the weight from my last cycle going from 170-185 at 5'9 with like 23% bf, all Id like to do is gain maybe another 10 pounds and then focus on getting ripped. Its weird but I actually look thin with a long sleeve shirt on but in a bathing suit my stomach is flat but you cant see my abs unless I flex. The illusion of size will be awesome once I can add just 10 pds on my 5'9 frame and cut it up! I read on another forum that HCG will give me the test back in my balls to stop the atrophy but I know nothing about that and my source doesnt sell it.DO I HAVE TO USE HCG FOR THE ATROPHY? Also I currently 10 days ago added in b12(1000mcg) pins every other day for my chronic fatigue but it gave me insomnia and weird anxiety like drinking 2 pots of coffee so i will cut the does in half and do it once per week.My insomnia is so bad I cant sleep without a sleeping pill just naturally! Plus Im on tramadol for pain killer for 3 ruptured back discs that have been with me for yrs. Also makes me tired.Thats why I cant tell my doc Im on AS. hE WANTS ME OFF PAINKILLERS AND SLEEP AIDS TOTALLY IN 30 DAYS, and it aint gonna happen. Been there tried it(8 times) Suggestions on all this please?

  31. #231
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Good info. Def. Everybody is diff. Some may not need any AI (recommended against) while some would need to run more.

  32. #232
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessepinkman View Post
    Good info. Def. Everybody is diff. Some may not need any AI (recommended against) while some would need to run more.
    Everyone need an AI.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  33. #233
    Great info!

  34. #234
    People who think they don't need a AI are ignorant

  35. #235
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    New Zealand
    great post!

  36. #236
    Thanks for the info

  37. #237
    Thanks for the info

  38. #238
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Good information! Got a much better grasp of how an AI really works! Thanks for the great information!

  39. #239
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Thanks for posting!

  40. #240
    Join Date
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    Towson, MD
    Run Aromasin 12.5mg EOD on cycle, Why take a risk, and I have not noticed any hindrance of gains while on it, Keeps bloat down, keeps gains dry and lean, and no GYNO

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