Sorry never ran it. But A Few On Here Say Its Only Affective At High doses. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
How long is the prep? Where are you at now bf wise.
Sorry never ran it. But A Few On Here Say Its Only Affective At High doses. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
How long is the prep? Where are you at now bf wise.
I consider it useful when you're dieting for the reason I laid out above. Helps preserve your muscle mass if you need or want to keep your testosterone dose a little lower and you're not ready to add things like Tren to the mix yet. As I mentioned, I've done this several times, start with EQ and Test and then switch the EQ for Tren and add other items. Works very well. But I've also run Tren the entire course of a 16wk prep. Did I look better with Tren the whole time? Hard to say. If you're lean enough and you start adding 600-800mg/wk of Tren to your plan you'll start seeing big changes regardless. Heck, I've run Tren during my off-season when I was fat and noticed big changes in how I looked, level of hardness and appeared much leaner. Everyone always says Tren doesn't burn fat and I'm not saying it's a thermogenic or anything. But I always lose body fat when I use Tren or can get away with eating a butt ass load more when I use it, and that happens every single time. Tren is king ding dong steroid when it comes to bodybuilding hands down.
Not yet,i wanted to see what it takes,and honestly it doesnt look that bright anymore,while you could of gone with youre heart in the 70's and hard work,nowadayz it seems the best you can wish for is to be able to pile on gear and hope to survive,and i am glad metal put it on the table like that because we can see what i REALLY takes",thing look less healthyer every time i check......
Metal can you check this whe you got time? some truth inside a little madness and a weird way of speaking but it was a interesting read,(check the links in the right on the page if you can)
Just read all gh15's blogs.. intresting stuff, if you click home button at bottom of page it will take you to screen were you can read all his posts.. theres about 4 pages full..
I think he claims to be a pro that doesn't wish to be named
I was asking you're opinion about the guy, he seems to know some deep true stuff specially read this :
gh15 bible: HEAVY LIFTING
and give us a tought,he's mad ofc and speaks weird but i think he is right about some things and even tough i know i will get bashed i share his opinions about EQ......
I agree, ridiculously heavy squats all the time probably does more harm than good. Truth be told, most guys probably could build great legs with never going over 225lbs on the squat bar, maybe not even that much...further, 75% of the guys that squat over 225lbs aren't really doing anything other than hurting their back and body anyway.
Did you ever see the Ronnie Coleman clip where he dead lifts 800lbs? That wasn't that far out from a show. I got to ask him once why in the world he risked that...I mean the guy hardly ever got hurt anyway so maybe it wasn't a big risk for him but his response..."they paid me too much to do it" that's the answer.
I don't know what the EQ opinion is. I think it gets bad press on this board but it doesn't seem too many people here understand what to use it for. Most message boards have this problem...if you're not growing then your cycle is stupid...that's just ignorance. EQ can be OK IMO in off-season if you use enough...are there better options? For myself yes but you can make it work. It's a much better steroid during contest prep IMO, say first half of prep just to help protect your muscle.
Tren, best steroid on the planet, so I don't disagree with that. Does it actually burn fat? Maybe not directly, it's not a thermogenic so when people say it doesn't I guess they're technically correct. But if I do the same thing training and diet with or without Tren, nothing else changes but the addition of Tren, I will always be leaner, always...that's guaranteed. And in bodybuilding, that's all that matters.
dang Metal i guess you are wise aftherall... i felt there was some truth in his posts but i never understood why are there so many things hidden in bodybuilding,i swear i used to "do"200 lbs bb curls,becauze they said strenght matters most....the things you learn....
I cycled eq and found this particularity about it,it kinda gaved my shoulders more detail if that makes sence,and ofcource many veins,and about tren i agree,i've been on it more than a month now i cant say anything more than the fact that it's great,shredding,getting harder,strenght gain,you name it.
What would be you're opinion on running a low dose of HGH for fat burning only? i was thinking of going something like 2-3 iu a day for 3 months.
We thank you for you're time Metal,God bless
David this thread is about competing. If you have non competing questions can you start a new thread please, thanks.
yeah but since t3 and clen are that cheap i am not sure the addition on hgh could make that much of a difference,i'd rather be more carefull with diet,food,carb cyclyng than spend on hgh more than i spend on rest of the gear....
Metal... if you had a full year until your show after just doing a show.. so you did show 20 sep 2014 then next show was 20 sep 2015.. what would your full year of cycles/blast cruise/gear usage look like? Especially if you wanted to win..
& if you was 22-23yr old with 2-3 years gear experience with a current cycle at 1000mg test e 400mg tren e 50mg dbol at 200lbs 14% bf lol cheeky.. & you didnt really give a rats ass if you ended up on trt because you love the sport lol x
What I'd do or what I did? I guess there'd be some common themes but probably not identical. And I assume in this scenario money isn't an issue? Anyway, this is simply what I'd do now, that's the only way I know how to answer the question.
*After the show I wouldn't take anything other than a low dose of testosterone. I'd do that until Dec. or Jan, which is what I used to do anyway.
250mg of Testosterone Enanthate a day, preferably Testoviron amps
600-800mg of Nandrolone per week
HGH 10-15iu per day
IGF-1 4wks on 4wks off
T3 50mcg/ed
Contest Prep:
250mg Test-E every day
NPP 200-300mg/eod
EQ 200-300mg/eod
Tren-a 700-1000mg/wk
Masteron 500-600mg/wk
Anavar 100mg/ed
HGH 10-15iu/ed
T3 100-200mcg/ed
And if I had more money I'd buy more HGH
When I'd stop the EQ and NPP...hard to say...probably 6-8wks out depending on what things were looking like. I would probably start the Tren 12wks out, Masteron and Anavar 8wks out. Would probably stop HGH 2wks out, maybe. Testosterone, could stay at 250/ed all the way up to the show or could end up being 100mg/wk the last few weeks. That one's impossible to predict.
Anyway, that's probably about what I'd do if money were no object.
Just awesome man!! May I ask your opinion on Primo? Both E and oral Ace? How would you fit it in during the offseason (if that's even a smart time to use it) and also for prep. I know a few females that use oral Ace and look so nasty shredded on it. Do men even use the Acetate version? I've never used either of it myself but its on my list as I'm about to start my next prep towards the end of march...
I wouldn't mess with oral primo. You have to take a ton for it to be worth anything and that's going to cost a good bit of money. Injectable, the big problem is finding realy primobolan. It's one of the more commonly counterfeited steroids out there.
Anyway, yes men use the Acetate version....if you can find it in injectable form, and it's out there just not common. The woman I work with, those that use Primo, I have them use injectable as well but I'm more partial to anavar and masteron with woman.
Off-season, personally I wouldn't use it. I'd save it for contest prep.
Awesome write up Metalject. I'm looking at competing soon and found this helpful. I will likely be asking you some questions in the near future.![]()
Three quick questions. (1) You had T3 in your off season stack. Why? (2) What does the addition of EQ in your contest prep cycle do for you? Equipose is one of those steroids I really do not understand. Never tried it. (3) Why inject testosterone enanthate every day? Why not use prop?
1. To help control fat gain when bulking.
2. At that stage of the prep it's not time to run Tren and all the rest yet. Contest cycles were usually broken into two phases, phase 1 Test, EQ and/or NPP. Phase 2, Test and all the rest. There might be some overlapping between the two phases. The point of EQ, technically you could just run more of the other stuff but that gets a bit uncomfortable for me and I'd rather add more anabolics that way than the alternative. The idea is to have enough to preserve as much lean mass as possible and that works well.
3. If you're using large amounts of test over the course of a week, it's easier to control with smaller frequent doses. That's the only reason. Why I don't use Prop, I have but it always burns so much and since it doesn't provide any benefit of Test-e I always preferred Test-e.
Thanks, Metalject. I had never even considered the possibility of number 1. I am trying T3 for the first time soon, and it is for a cut.
Hey mate I have read this thread many times and would just like to say thank you for telling it like it is.
The amount of gear being used these days is insane, but that is what it is.
Its refreshing to get the real deal on things, as they are, so that people who have aspirations of being a real bodybuilder know exactly what to expect.
I like your comment on Ronnie about doing that dead lift, without giving to much away the same thing happens in Aus, Mags own you, do what they say otherwise kiss good bye to your sponsorship.
Im a member on lots of boards which we did not have in my day, but having said that I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you on behalf of me and everyone here.
Guys realize that metal dose this out of love for the sport and if you read his post you will soon realize he has some serious grounding in this regard.
Now can i ask you some questions please, but it seems everything has been covered, don't wont to ask a dumb question.
If I gave you a list of compounds that I had available would you tell me your thoughts on how you would use them.
Maet E/p
Test E
Priom/ real deal
Dbol Stan/ winstrol
Test Prop
Scitropin Aus pharma GH
I realize that its hard to give advice without some info so her it is, im 23 weeks out from this years Nationals and my avi pic was dexa scaned at 5.6%, im not one to blow smoke up my own arse but I m not a big believer in if your abs aint shownen then your not growing. I try and stay on the lean shish side because I've never seen a smooth man win a comp, condition and symmetry are everything.
One thing in particular intrigue me, your inclusion of IGF, no pro's in aus I know bother with peptides. Thoughts on this.
Thanks in advanced.
No sorry mate maybe I worded that badly, yes 23 weeks out from my next show and that pic was last years show which I dexa scaned at 5.6%.
Currently sitting at about 10% as I don't believe in getting to far out of shape, too hard or us older blokes come comp time to diet down.
OK, that makes more sense.
As for the gear you listed, you could make use of all of it. However, I don't see a need for T4 or a need for both types of Masteron and Tren. I prefer the faster forms simply because if and when you're wanting to add more you can do so and see the difference when needed.
How many weeks out will you start your prep?
Well depending how the rest of this off season goes I had two trains of thought, one I would start comp prep at week 16 giving me plenty of time to gently get into shape, no harsh dieting and there leaves lots of room for adjustments on the way if need be.
Thought Two, comp prep starts at 8 weeks ,now I know I can get it done in 8 as I have before, this leaves more time to bulk or increase muscle mass if you like, but comp prep diet is more restrictive and there is no room for error, as a side note do you believe its possible to grow into a show like Kevin Levrone used to do.
Your opinion on both diet strategies would be appreciated.
I always want 16wks with someone if it's the first show I'm working on with them. Doesn't mean they're actually dieting the whole time but it helps figure things out. But plenty of guys need the full 16wks. In your case, if you're that lean you probably don't need it, 8 might be pushing it, hard to say, you know how hard or easy it is for you to lean out.
As far as a month or two more of bulking, unless you're taking very large amounts of gear it's not going to make any difference. On that same note, yes you can grow into a show, to a degree, if you take enough gear and have fantastic genetics.
Thank you for your advice, I think I may follow last years plan when I started dieting and compound choices at week 16, then really tighten things up from week 12 onwards. If you think the extra bulking time is negligible then this would seem the best approach.
What would be your thoughts on running the primo at say 1000mg all the way through to the show, I have read the longer you can run it the better.
I don't have any problems with Primo itself other than it's probably the most commonly counterfeited steroid out there. Anavar would be the second most common but I truly believe Primo is the most common. Most Primo is either low dose test or nandrolone or a mix of both. One way to know if the particular batch is real is if you know of a girl using it. If she starts showing signs of lactating, which I've seen happen numerous times, that's not Primo. If she starts showing signs of virilization quickly but has prior AAS use without such signs and is using normal low female doses, it's probably not Primo. If you're buying it for dirt cheap prices, it's not Primo with maybe one or two exceptions. There are sources out there that are more direct than most but they're few and far between.
Personally, I prefer to use more of other things, more Tren and Masteron, but I do know some guys who do like it precontest. One of those things that you'll just have to try to see if it's something that works well for you. I know that's kind of a weak answer but it's the best answer I have.
Thanks metal and that's not a weak answer at all just honest, im reasonably sure what I have is primo for the following reasons, this source has been 100% reliable so far, I have done a melting point test on the raw and came back within range, also I have access to a accredited lab as its what I do for work and got a molecular weight done on it and it came back spot on, lastly it wasn't cheap.
So given all of that I feel confident that its real, i'll run it at the dose I suggested and I guess we will see.
Mast im a big fan of and will definitely use it, Tren on the other hand knocks me about a bit, buy that I mean the lack of appetite and the insomnia is bad so I think i'll limit its use until the last 12 weeks. How do you combat the Tren sides or are you one of the lucky ones that doesn't suffer.
I won't ask you to put together a list of how you would use these compounds as you have already done a similar thing earlier on in this thread, time for me to do some of my own home work.
Once I have everything written down could you give me your opinion on how it looks.
Hi metal sorry for the delay here is what I have come up with.
If you could give me your opinion on how it looks that would be great.
Weeks 20-16
1000mg Test E
1000mg Deca
1000mg Primo
5iu Scitropin Aus Pharma GH Mon-Fri
100mcg ED T4
.5 mg EOD Arimadex
Weeks 16-12
1000mg Test E
1000mg Primo
800mg Mast
200mg Deca
5iu Scitropin Mon-Fri
.5mg Arimadex EOD
100mcg T4 ED
Weeks 12-8
1000mg Test E
1000mg Primo
800mg Mast
400mg Tren
200mg Deca
5iu Scitropin Mon-Fri
.5mg Arimadex EOD
50mcg T3 ED
Weeks 8-4
1000mg Test E
1000mg Primo
800mg Mast
400mg tren
150mg ED Anavar
50mg ED Winstrol
5iu Scitropin Mon-Fri
.5mg Arimadex
75mcg ED T3 ED
Weeks 4-2
250mg Test E
1000mg Primo
800mg Mast
400mg Tren
150mg ED Anavar
50mg Winstrol ED
5iu Scitropin Mon-fri
.5mg Arimadex
100mcg T3 ED
Comp week
200mg Anavar ED
100mg Winstrol ED
1mg Arimadex ED
Cheers metal, and thanks for taking the time to look at his for me.
My $.02
1. I'd probably wait on the Primo and either use more test the first 8wks just because test is cheaper and you're still very far out at this point.
2. I'd consider doubling the Tren, particularly the last 8wks, 700-1000mg/wk
3. If you're looking great 4wks out I wouldn't mess with dropping the test down but if it looks like it would help I would. Just play it by ear and see how you look. The longer you can keep the test high the better.
4. I would run the Tren and Masteron up to the day of the show. You're not going to hold any water because of these two.
Thanks metal, sound advice.
From what I can gather buy keeping estro under control running test high can keep you looking fuller.
But like you said you need to play this buy ear.
I wasn't sure about running any injectable's the last week but what you said about Mast and Tren makes sense.
I think I've heard you mention running Oxymetholone the last couple of weeks before your comp, I would imagine that you really need to be lean for this to work and have a good grip on estrogen control.
Give that those two factors are right could you tell me how you would you use it and maybe how much you would use.
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