Almost missed your questions:
I'll try to answer this without going into too much detail
Hell week is a the actual 'week' is actually 2 weeks.
The days run into each other...and clients feel like death tru-out, so they really can't tell when one day ends and the other begins lol.
Hell week is my peak-conditioning template.
After a client goes tru the multiple phases of my contest preps, they're more or less shredded.
Hell week is yet another (bi-phasic) stage which serves to bring out that stage-ready condition.
Training borders on does cardio.
The diet is as to facilitate glycogen supercompensation during the carb-loading phase.
Training and cardio are changed in the second week as well...
Sodium/potassium/carbs/fat/water as well.
At the end of it, the client looks better than he/she has ever looked.
They also hate me for a couple days/weeks after.
Then they get over it...and we repeat the offseason phases.
When I think Hell Week, I think of Navy SEALs and back when I played football. lol but I bet your Hell WeekS is nasty. but hey, it all pays off in the end. haha where do I sign to be a client?
I'm not comfortable answering the underlined question.
I'll tell you why:
1. everyone's different.
2. everyone starts at a different level of conditioning.
3. goals differ across the board.
That being said, I'm generally comfortable advising that people leave fruits out until they're at a manageable bodyfat level.
That.. and until they cut out grain sources of carbohydrates as well as processed carbs in general.
Leaving the latter concept alone, I'll address the former.
Someone who is already lean is less likely to put on fat from these sources.
Someone who isn't however, will get fat.
Being fat isn't a 'natural' or 'healthy' state... A lot of our signals get crossed.
Needless to say, this reiterates my point: if you're lean already, some things are acceptable... If you aren't, don't fool yourself.
The health benefits of fruits you can derive from vegetables.
So... I advise that most adhere to vegetable choices.
It's a much simpler variable to manipulate when you aren't absolutely shredded.
Okay, so I can cut the fruit, and just add in more veggies. Ill probably keep some fruit for PWO only...
I wish you continued good luck