Article in The Guardian this week makes interesting reading:
The dangers of human growth hormones
Synthetic hormones such as Kigtropin can boost muscles but users risk blood clots, paralysis – or a prison sentence
The Guardian, Tuesday 13 July 2010
A growing number of bodybuilders use illegal growth hormones. Photograph: Murdo Macleod
Harry (not his real name), 27, a marketing executive from north London, is a keen sportsman and bodybuilder. He spent hours in the gym, and poring over health pages for muscle-boosting tips. Yet he grew frustrated when his muscle growth appeared to plateau. While many bodybuilders turn to steroids (some 250,000 people are thought to use them in the UK, as Raoul Moat apparently did), Harry was deterred by the side-effects, which can include mental health damage. Instead, like an increasing number of gym users, he turned to Kigtropin.
A brand name for synthetically produced human growth hormone, Kigtropin is used to replace the naturally produced hormones in the pituitary gland, which slow down as we leave our teens. It was once an expensive niche drug costing thousands of pounds a dose, but is now becoming more common in high street gyms across the UK. In 2007, Sylvester Stallone was ordered to pay £5,400 in fines and costs by a court in Australia for possession of growth hormone. This year, Tiger Woods's former doctor Anthony Galea was charged with possession of growth hormone and administering it to clients.
Now, thanks to cheap supplies available on the internet (mainly from China), Kigtropin has hit the mainstream. In Bristol, bosses at a branch of Fitness First had to install needle bins earlier this year because so many members were leaving syringes lying around. A spokesman for Fitness First said the gym did not tolerate the use of drugs and was "increasing monitoring procedures to identify any unacceptable or illegal behaviour".
But for Harry, the drug seemed the perfect solution."I have always wanted to be much bigger. I went to a sport-playing school and always felt smaller than the other guys. What I had heard about growth hormone was unbelievable. Being in a gym where people take it, you assume everyone is at it."
He began taking the hormone for 18 months in cycles – three months on it, one month off – and was thrilled by the results. "I can lift more, my muscles feel harder, I have increased energy and I don't have the paranoia or 'roid rage [the anger brought on by steroid abuse] I might have had with steroids. I tore my achilles tendon playing rugby last year. The doctor said I would be out for nine months, but my tendon healed within three and I was back playing within four months. I think that had a lot to do with what I was taking."
Dr Michael Graham, senior lecturer in substance misuse at Newman University College, Birmingham, says: "Growth hormone has extremely therapeutic benefits. It is prescribed privately by Harley Street clinicians who assist in anti-ageing. But it also can enhance muscle growth and promote weight loss by preventing carbohydrate from being turned into fat.
"I have carried out a study which showed that human growth hormone increased muscle mass in steroid users whose muscle growth had flattened out. Also, it has been shown to increase cartilage growth and repair – there is no shadow of a doubt that users will have an increased healing rate."
Yet doctors warn that growth hormones are illegal without a licence – those found supplying them can face 14 years in prison and an unlimited fine. Even more worryingly, users of the hormone could be dicing with death. Nearly all of the Kigtropin entering this country is smuggled in or bought online with no control or guidance on how to take it. Mick Hart, author of the Layman's Guide to Steroids, says: "The danger is 99% will use it irresponsibly – taking way too much or not knowing how to inject it. Dealers want you to take as much as they can sell you. Cycles of hormone use used to be around eight weeks long and then some time off – now people are taking them solidly for two to three years."
Inexperienced syringe users can slash an artery and bleed to death, create blood clots, or hit a nerve and risk permanent paralysis. Long-term use can, according to Graham, lead to carpal tunnel syndrome (the compression of nerves in the wrists, which causes incessant tingling), raised blood sugar levels (which can trigger Type 2 diabetes), heart failure and – in excessive doses – gigantism, the disproportionate growth of body parts.
Users also have no guarantee of what they are buying, according to drug seizure expert Allen Morgan. "I have had cases where dealers didn't even know that they had been selling rubbish. From a law enforcement perspective it is a grey area, as police are brought up on a culture of going after street drugs and they simply have no grasp of how the bodybuilding drugs market works."
Hart says that supplies could also be tainted: "They are finding trace elements of metals in phials being shipped in from all over the place, as any wannabe dealer with a metal drum in places like China and Russia is attempting to make them on the cheap. That can be lethal."
However, for Harry and many others the lure of the physique of their dreams is too strong to give up: "I decided the results were worth any risk," he says.
I personally wouldn't put any faith in anything Mick Hart says...
XL, going to sleep now just injected 5 iu.
I don't know what is going on man but I am getting bigger.
My shoulders are ripped as well as my arms and my abs are more visible.
It's like if I am on test susp!!!
I am sure tomorrow I won't be disproved by the blood work.
I have been buying Serostim HGH from an American in Mexico and been very satisfied with him and the product. Then in a google search I findThey appear to sell all of the American and European brands of HGH including Serostim which is made by Serono in Switzerland and the prices are too good to be true! Natuarally I am greedy and want to save money. So wanting to do due diligence because the price is so low I send them an email through their contact sheet on their website. I call their phone number in Bejing many times. No answer. No response. Ever. Then I find another website giving them glowing reviews from body builders. I think this is an elaborate scam with a companion scam review site. They insist on no credit cards only Western Union type payment which has no accountability if things go wrong. Does anyone know these people? Many thanks!
edit, marcus300
Edit your post lol and read the rules.
Guys has anyone found a lab which can test a vial of rHGH yet? The clock is ticking and it isnt looking good, the only labs i have found which can do a comprehensive test are quoting 1000's.
can anyone shed some light on this situation?
jing jai
I asked this morning.
On Monday afternoon I will know if they do it and how much it costs.
Spot on.
Now on another note, my blood test finally arrived, I injected 4iu 15 minutes before taking my blood sample, went up from 5 to 7iu these last coupe days. (we already know my hyge is probably fake) but I am doing this anyway, I will switch to kefeis as soon as I can get some, re-test and post my results. The attached patient form that came with the test kit asks if I am on any hormones, should I say yes and describe what I am on?? I am not on any AAS only the hgh. I am testing for total test and igf 1.
I have posted the first paragraph of this on another thread but will post it here also.
We have to remember that rHGH cannot be made in a "bathtub" pharmacy (like steroids can) because the necessary equipment cost is multimillion-dollars and the technical knowledge includes genetic manipulation of e.coli bacteria, etc...Very few places have this capability and are licensed to carry out such procedures even in China. Ok they may not be bothered about the licence but how many guys have millions and millions of dollars to spend along with the scientific knowledge required to make rHGH...not very many IMO.
This is why pharm grade is very very expensive, because it costs a fortune to make it and the sooner everyone realises this and pulls their heads out of the sand the better. From now on I will not be using anything but pharm grade because I want to be sure that what I’m putting into my body is 100% safe and wont cause me long term damage. Without lab testing the Chinese generics it’s just too much of a gamble now IMO, the Chinese have poisoned their own babies in the pursuit of profit a quick buck so you can rest assured they won’t give a flying fvck about a bunch of BBers from the west that have no rights or comeback anyway when it comes to Chinese rHGH.
Seriously guys there really are only 2 options if you want to be safe.
1.Get a western lab to do a full analytical analysis on your vial or
2.Bite the bullet and buy Pharma grade
Please take heed of what I say, it may just be the best decision you make today!
jing jai
I agreed 100% XL,
Many people should take note of what you have written instead of sticking their head in the sand with this issue, people dont want to believe their Chinese GH is fake or not active. The reason why GH is expensive is because of the process of making it.
I've used Pharm Grade GH many years ago and it is nothing like the China garbage what is flooding the market at 1/10 of the price.
People should open their eyes and take the blinkers off.
Also, what the hell is in this fake China GH? what are you injecting? get it tested but then again this is another problem because from my research it cost $$'s to get one properly tested and no one is going to do that.
They sent me this kit with a paper with circles and instructions, you pinch your finger with the "thing" they send you and put drops of blood in this paper and seal it so it doesn t get contaminated then send it off to the lab. It seems to be a serious lab, they only do testing, they dont sell anything but saliva and blood spot tests. Was that clear Small?
This seriously sucks LOL
If I go pharm grade i'll hafta buy 1 kit every now and again and then wait until I have enough kits for a decent cycle..... that blows haha
Let's not panic until we have an actual negative test result - the evidence we are basing our fears on at the moment is far from conclusive - in fact it is mostly still just supposition.
I am still talking to 2 labs about getting the right test done and I am still optimistic that we can get it done at an affordable price - it is taking a little time because outside of our community where is the market for testing vials of freeze dried growth hormone?
Even if it costs close to $1,000 or £500 surely it is worth it when you consider the cost of us all switching to pharma grade?
quick question..... I noticed my bluetops foamed a little bit today. I think it was because I used a bigger needle to put the water in and the vaccuum just sucked it out faster..... has anyone elses HGH foamed a little?
Last edited by Hazard; 07-17-2010 at 02:16 PM.
this is one of the best threads on this site, keep up with all the info and follow up. i know myself have spent a few k ez on hgh would like to know for future refreance what i am really putting gin my body lol.
It's hard to describe really.....
After it foamed a little - I turned the vial upside down and the foamy bubbles stuck to the wall of the vial and slid down it slowly. I guess it was just a lot of tiny bubbles from the water hitting the wall of the vial and then hitting the hgh too quickly.....
I've taken blood spot tests for IGF-1 and the results appeared to be accurate, in as much as they were what I expected. I used one of the more prominent online testing companies. They sent me a kit that I returned by UPS.
I believe that online testing of blood for your level of IGF-1 is legitimate.
Thats the thing..... I wasn't using a slin pin to inject the water. I was reconstituting 6 vials for 3 days and decided to use an 18g pin. The vaccuum was so strong that it pulled the water out of the syringe rather fast. I did have it on an angle so it hit the wall of the vial 1st but it still came out really fast. Needless to say..... I wont be doing that again.....
Interesting news article Ive found, ive had to edit certain parts due to it showing the source.
Health : hyge (edit marcus300) is a scam selling fake Hyge (edit,marcus300) .Scammers
Richard Flynn, a heavy goods vehicle technician from Rawmarsh, Rotherham was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, with an additional penalty of 120-hours community service.
Christopher Taylor, a house husband and gym owner also from Rawmarsh, Rotherham was sentenced to nine months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months, with an additional penalty of 80-hours community service.
The pair were also involved in the importation of the human growth hormone, Fake Hyge (edit marcus300), with an estimated value of £96,000.
Tests on the products seized during the investigation had shown that both the oxymetholone and Hyge (edit marcus300) from (edit marcus300) contained no trace of the stated active ingredients.
A parcel was collected by MHRA investigators at Stansted Airport in November 2008. It contained 250 vials of an unidentified white powder labeled Hyge (edit marcus300) Analysis has since shown that this product contained no human growth hormone . The estimated value of this product is £3,000.
Analysis of Flynn’s computer by forensic experts revealed e-mails that appeared to show he was dealing in various steroids from July 2007. From March 2008, Flynn and Taylor appeared to enter into a project to import fake Hyge (edit marcus300), then package and re-mail the product, along with a contact based in China. Emails outlined the importation of parcels of the ‘product’ by courier from China to around ten addresses in the South Yorkshire area and the transfer of funds back to China.
Other e-mail evidence showed Flynn attempting to obtain suppliers for steroids, arranging importation and then offering to sell the products from June 2007 onwards. It is estimated the pair imported at least 8,000 vials of fake Hyge (edit marcus300).
ive use hgh for about 5 years now ,ansomone then blues and last few years greens. Sides have always been about the same on 8ius of either.
Now im 48 , I competed in my twenties and used gh then to diet on and it cost me a fortune to run 4ius every other day. When i started serious training at 42 i started straight on gh only, the aas about a year later.
Personally im not sure what to think. I have no financial constraints so have tried it every way possible (2x 4iu shots per day , 3 x 3.3iu shots per day and between 10iu and 24iu shots 3 x per week.)
I seemed to get good results before xmas with the three very large shots but since repeating this with just test and dbol rather than test/tren and dbol with hgh im not sure if the tren was doing what i believed the hgh was doing.
On the other hand i went for my yearly medical earlier this year ,normally i stop everything for about 6 weeks before i go except my 150mg trt test dose. This time i ran the hgh and all was fine. The one interesting thing was that i had an MRI scan on my bad knee as it was playing up again and when i saw the consultant he said that the bone marrow in my thigh was active. He said that nearly all men of my age the bone marrow would of been dormant for many years, he then smiled and said "unless any supplements you are taking for your training is causing this!" He said it was a good thing .
On one more note ,most people seem to say that they experience fat loss slowly as the hgh usage continues. Both myself and my training partner agree that we get an initial burst of fat loss in the first few weeks then it slows to a halt!!! Ive heard other people on this board say this but get flamed for this statement .
I dont know what to think so have delayed my next order for know
Finally "if all was well then there would be no questions asking how to take hgh as there would be a mutually agreed way just as there is with aas "
Sorry for rambling
Confused !!!
Ok I have an idea on how to tell if your GH is real but its very basic and won't give exact numbers.
A blood glucose meter! You should be able to tell if your GH is working if you take samples before and at 30 min intervals for an hour or so after on an empty stomach. This should be a really good indication if its real especially if your getting the other sides also.
I sent an email to my source, his first inital is with an "H" (for those who know who im talking about) the other day to hear his side of the story... He swears by hit RIPs and says that he is more than happy to replace any "bad" rips... He even offered to pay for my blood test...
heres what he wrote:
"hi bro,
thank you for email. bro let me say a few things on this subject.
bro i have been in this business of selling hgh for the last 5 years now and i have keep an honest shop running.
i only buy my hgh directly from the manufacturer and there is no middle man involved as to some one trying to swap the hgh with low quality hgh. also bro all the shippers and my remailers are direclty under my control. so again no chance of any such problems.
now as far as some people lodging complaints about the quality of the hgh and i took those complaints to the manufacturer and to solve the issue these peopole were asked to returned the unused rips back to china for testing and their rips were replaced free of cost.
bro i still stand by my products and 100% guarantee their quality. i cannot say that for some reason there can be some issues sometimes. like some batch problem or mishandling by shippers or just some vested instrests creating fuss just to harm me or my business.
now let me give you an example . so dude on chemical mass started compalining about the quality and his name is lifeguard. and claimed that his igf blood test was not up to mark. so i decided to replace it with ********** and also send him some rips free and asked him to do the igf blood tests again and i will pay for the blood test. now after making such a huge issue on the boards about the quality of the riptropin and we ended up having a huge arguement over the board and once we reconciled and now once he has gotten his replacement rips and hyg he says he cannot get a prescriptionfrom the doc to do a blood test and he does not know how to do it now. now you tell me what you think? was it a geniune complaint of some ones vested interested was looked after.
now complaint no 2 was from a guy called fossil fuel. he also made a huge cry about the quality of the hgh and said his igf level was very low. i refunded his funds and then offered to sned him a free kit on one condition that he will do the blood test again and show the results on the boards honestly. he comes back to me said that he wants to buy a saliva test kit for igf levels. i said wow... all this time he has been complaining and basing all his tests on saliva tests? i confronted him and he got pissed off and broke communicatinos with me. now you think this was a genuine complaint or a vested interest being looked after?
bro all i can say that the rips are a great product but it seems its quick popularity seems to be not doing well with a lot of suppliers and hence the issues of quality being raised. i am not saying that they cannot be problems with any product. its just that even if there is a problem with any of my products. iam here to address it and sort out any issues. and all the manufacturer of all the products i sell are also behind me. even a complaint of 100iu or rips being sold has been taken very very seriously and i do a follow up and ask and probe to see if the problem is genuine but even if i feel its not . i go out of the way to solve that problem. but that does not mean in any way that the product is of low quality. i think the rips is a great product and i still think you should not shy away from it.
but if you feel you are not getting the right quality product or any of your friends feel that way. you let me know and we can work out and do some blood tests for you on my expense to prove you that the product in hand you have is the right product with the best quality
i hope all this info helps you out in clarifying your mind.
let me know if you need any more info" END OF EMAIL
personally if what everyone is claiming is true, we would have WAY more complaints about the rips.... my experience is as follows: 5/2 at 5ius, i get great sleep and i have lost significant about of body fat, but still do not have shredded abs...i have been on from about 6 months...
i have also read that getting sides is not really a MUST to know u have good gh...i really didn't get any sides until month 2, where my thumb bone started to throb..that didn't last very long....i will attach a photo of my body changes on cycle and with rips...
i have order tons of kits from him so i would hope that they are good last shipment however did have some kits that had the disk powder top broke off a bit, probably bad shipping and handling...
another friend I gave some kits too also stated that his Hyges are better than the rips... but did say the rips were good to go...anyone else that i gave some kits to said they were good to go...judging from what i said, what do u think...the photos belong are in a 6 month time frame
Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 07-28-2010 at 11:27 AM.
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