Chest Pullback S/S Pre-exhaust - don't know if pullback is the right word today lol
Switched up the S/S sequence for shits znd giggles and my chest FVKIN exploded!
Stretching abs rolling RCs lots more stretching
Slight incline press into flys so I had everything set up prior(all DBs so no one got to em - had the 120s--->60s lmao
2warm ups 2 feelers -- press/flys = reps
1w(120s) 8+ 2forced into slow neg/flys(80s) 8+
1w(110s) 4+2forced into a slow neg/flys(75s) 7+ a partial almost fell on me head lol
Obviously 2w sets to true failure and beyond
Reg incline press into flys
1w(100s) 6+2forced into slow neg/flys(65s)/8+
1w(90s) 5+ 2forced into a slow neg/flys(60s) 7+
Fvk me... That spotter knew what he was doing which was great got me forced into negs on all presses - chest exploded with blood
Tried decline hamner strength
1w(3wheels aside) to failure(8ish) done
2sets of cables(mid) really focusing on squeeze and holding it for 3-5sec each rep!
Weights done in 39min - still shaking hard to push these keys w-out hitting too many fvkin buttons Lolol -- good session guys im baaaack! Starting to push a lil more each wk