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Thread: M1t FAQ

  1. #321
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    4. You can get this almost anywhere. Look at the top of the page. Transdermal means 'goes through the skin'. You spray it on, or lay it on if its a gel, and rub it in, then it goes through your skin and gets into you blood. Alot more complicated than that, but that should suffice to show you how it works.

  2. #322
    Join Date
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    east coast
    5. I don't break or lose hair on M1T by itself, but i started breaking out when i stacked it with winstrol. I can't vouch for everyone else but i know most of the people who have bad hairloss and acne from m1t used a high dose. I still have not taken more than 10 mg ED and im still making good gains.

  3. #323
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    nsa is his your 2nd , 3rd what # cycle are you on?

  4. #324
    Join Date
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    east coast
    Quote Originally Posted by DevilsDeity
    nsa is his your 2nd , 3rd what # cycle are you on?
    This is my third m1t run... Probably my last too. I think it loses its effectiveness each time you use it. This go at it has been great, gained about 7 pounds of rock hard muscle, i have lost some water retention form before the cycle, vascularity is way up. Just good all around but im breaking out now cuz of the winstrol.

  5. #325
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Fvck milk, M1t does a body good...

  6. #326
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    right on

  7. #327

    transdermal 4ad

    How does the transdermal 4ad work? Do you rub it over your enitre body? Is the Tamox the same as Nolvadex? I guess I'm gonna stack that with the Trib for PCT, if it's alright?

  8. #328

    Why is my M1t so much more costly?

    I just realized i paid $80 for my supply of m1t (VPX liquid), which lasts a month. The Underground Labs version costs only like $15 and also lasts a month. Is this right? Why is it so much cheaper?

  9. #329
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Quote Originally Posted by PunyKid
    I just realized i paid $80 for my supply of m1t (VPX liquid), which lasts a month. The Underground Labs version costs only like $15 and also lasts a month. Is this right? Why is it so much cheaper?
    They jacked up the price. M1T is cheap to make. Essentially they all have the same effectiveness, its all the same compound.

  10. #330
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by PunyKid
    How does the transdermal 4ad work? Do you rub it over your enitre body? Is the Tamox the same as Nolvadex? I guess I'm gonna stack that with the Trib for PCT, if it's alright?
    The 4derm is sprayed 5-6 sprays on one muscle group per dose, i.e. delts, bis, chest, etc.

    Tamoxifen citrate and nolvadex are the same things.

    Nolva, clomid, and trib are all good for pct. Milk thistle too.

  11. #331
    Join Date
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    east coast
    I personally use alot of 4-ad, i do about 6 sprays twice ED when on cycle. When taking that much you can not spray on one spot or else it would drip off of you. So i mostly put it on my pecs, delts, biceps and triceps. Its best to do it a little about getting out of the shower. Best results when you put it on a low fat region that is hairless or the place with the least hair. I find that taking an anti-aromatase like femara or proviron work well to keep the aromatization at bay.

  12. #332
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ive got two bottles of 4derm and 3.5 more coming in the mail from a member here on AR. I wanted to do 2 M1T cycles cuz I have enough M1T for two (go figure, not back to back, spread out of course) I did some quick math and it will be more than enough for two cycles. Should I still use the recomended amount of 400mg ED (200mg morn and 200mg at nite, 5 sprays each time) or bump it up to the nsa level or 6 sprays for 480mg ED? Ill have 5.5 bottles so it will be more than enough. (I got it reel cheap) Would it be better to start off at 400mg ED and then if the lethargy is bad bump it up to 6 or 7 sprays ED?

  13. #333

    Too Much Trouble

    This seems like too much trouble spraying it on your body. Why not just get it in the pill form?

  14. #334
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Soldier, i like it alot more at a higher dose. But if your gonan do that get some femara from AR-R to stop aromatization. You could start at 600 mg ED no problem.

    Puny, Its not nearly as effective in oral form. If its too much of a hassle to spray it on, then the only other effective way of countering the non-existent test levels is injectable test, like prop.

  15. #335
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Plus your liver is taking enough of a beating from the M1T so why make it work extra hard for the 4AD?

  16. #336
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    What better place to gain senior membership than in the M1T faq?

    Thanks for the 4derm response nsa. I looked on AR-R and couldnt find femara, but then clicked on everything to see if it was named something else. Sure enough it was Letro. Looks like Im gettin ANOTHER package in the mail.

  17. #337

    Hawthorne Berry Extract

    Can someone tell me where I can get the Hawthorne Berry Extract for a good price? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks.

  18. #338
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Many herbal places on the net to get it. Or just go to your local vitamin store they should have it. Lots of old people use it.

  19. #339
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    what is the total cost of this M1t cycle?cheap?

  20. #340
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Not too much, can't be over 100$...

  21. #341
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    how many M1t equal the liver toxicity of 1 D-bol or anadrol?

  22. #342
    Join Date
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    east coast
    I don't think there are many, if any, studies into the quantitative hepatoxicity of orals in humans. Just generally known as being more or less liver toxic than eachother or not. Not to mention the way you phrased your question isn't the best, due to the fact that different labs produce different dosed orals...

  23. #343


    M1T about $10
    4Ad 2 bottles about $35
    Tribulus 2 bottles about $15
    Hawthorne Berry about $10

    Clen about $45
    Nolva about $45
    MIlk Thistle 2 bottles about $20

    so about $180.

  24. #344
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Probably @ work
    Quote Originally Posted by GQSuperman
    M1T about $10
    4Ad 2 bottles about $35
    Tribulus 2 bottles about $15
    Hawthorne Berry about $10

    Clen about $45
    Nolva about $45
    MIlk Thistle 2 bottles about $20

    so about $180.
    Cost is dependant on where you get your supplies, but this is a decent overview.

  25. #345


    these prices are estimates on what i bought from bulknutrition and from i think they are pretty much the cheapest places to buy the necessary ingredients.

  26. #346
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Yeah thats about right. Little on the high side but its generally what most would pay for it, i was forgetting about pct when i said 100$.

  27. #347
    Quote Originally Posted by GQSuperman
    M1T about $10
    4Ad 2 bottles about $35
    Tribulus 2 bottles about $15
    Hawthorne Berry about $10

    Clen about $45
    Nolva about $45
    MIlk Thistle 2 bottles about $20

    so about $180.
    You forgot the Clomid.

    About $45

    Also, where the hell do you get 2 bottles of tribulus for $15?
    Im in the UK and it costs about £18 ($32) for one bottle of a brand you've never heard of before. Ones from big companies cost £23 ($41) upwards!

  28. #348
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    I just bought some "M1T Plus" that has Milk Thistle, Hawthorne Berry, Licorice Root 4:1, and Methyl 1 Test in it for $22 - 80 caps

  29. #349
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    co2boi were did you get that m1t plus?

  30. #350
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    co2boi were did you get that m1t plus?

    Looks the price when up a few bucks. Still not a bad deal though

  31. #351
    Join Date
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    Palm Beach Gardens
    I'd do a search and find who's cheaper. In any case couple of hundred dollars are not bad fopr the result you get.

  32. #352
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    For each his own, but I didn't really do any PST with M1T. I started a clen / eca cycle immediately afterwards and supplmented tongkat ali (along with other non-relevant things) and I was fine

  33. #353

    how do you know

    did you have a blood test to check your test levels after the cycle? if you're referring to you "feeling alright", i'm sure you did. that doesn't necessarily mean you didn't need PCT.

  34. #354
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by GQSuperman
    did you have a blood test to check your test levels after the cycle? if you're referring to you "feeling alright", i'm sure you did. that doesn't necessarily mean you didn't need PCT.
    You may be absolutely correct. I just used the usual gauges...horniness, anger, strength, etc. Nothing exacting.

  35. #355

    Where Can I Get Nolvadex/Tamox In Pill Form?

    I went to the website linked to this forum but they only have the Tamox in liquid that you have to shoot up. I have never done this before and I don't really want to unless I have to. Can anyone PM me as to where I can find someTamox/Nolvadex in pill form? OR WILL THE PILL FORM BE BAD FOR MY LIVER? And, if you don't know where I can get some, could you please tell me what kind of needles and syringes to buy and how many? What about cotton swabs or anything else? Thanks.

  36. #356
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    could i get by with just using Tribulis instead of clomid for pct? I have a couple of boxes of clomid but i don't wanna use them till i do my real cycle of of Test/Deca this November. and im scared to order more clomid because my buddy got his gear siezed by customs and im afraid that company has been flagged now.:/

  37. #357
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by PunyKid
    I went to the website linked to this forum but they only have the Tamox in liquid that you have to shoot up. I have never done this before and I don't really want to unless I have to. Can anyone PM me as to where I can find someTamox/Nolvadex in pill form? OR WILL THE PILL FORM BE BAD FOR MY LIVER? And, if you don't know where I can get some, could you please tell me what kind of needles and syringes to buy and how many? What about cotton swabs or anything else? Thanks.
    you CAN take the liquid's oraly .

  38. #358
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by supdude24
    could i get by with just using Tribulis instead of clomid for pct? I have a couple of boxes of clomid but i don't wanna use them till i do my real cycle of of Test/Deca this November. and im scared to order more clomid because my buddy got his gear siezed by customs and im afraid that company has been flagged now.:/
    just order the liquid clomid from AR-R (the board sponser)
    i ordered stuff from them on sunday and had it on wed.

  39. #359
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Probably @ work
    Quote Originally Posted by PunyKid
    I went to the website linked to this forum but they only have the Tamox in liquid that you have to shoot up. I have never done this before and I don't really want to unless I have to. Can anyone PM me as to where I can find someTamox/Nolvadex in pill form? OR WILL THE PILL FORM BE BAD FOR MY LIVER? And, if you don't know where I can get some, could you please tell me what kind of needles and syringes to buy and how many? What about cotton swabs or anything else? Thanks.
    Bro, not only CAN you take those orally, but you NEED to take them orally. These are not sealed, sterile, injectable compounds.

  40. #360
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    mine wasnt near 180.
    1 x M1T (60 Tablets) = $9.99
    2 x 4Derm (4 oz) = $39.98
    3 x Silymarin Milk Thistle Extract (120 Capsules/150mg) = $29.97
    1 x USP Tamoxifen Citrate 60ml = $30.00
    1 x USP Clomiphene Citrate 60ml = $25.00

    total: $135 plus shipping from various places put me at 145

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