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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

  1. #321
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    Dec 2009
    I was on 8iu pinwheel and my igf came back in range at 263 i think. I posted that. They are fake for sure. Seems like the 8iu tops are gtg.

  2. #322
    I'm just gonna bite the bullet and get the pharma grade stuff. There's also the advantage of ussing less iu's. Thank u guys.

  3. #323
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    Me and that bad boy PINN-went through this 5 years ago with IGF.Man we blew several thousands to find out it does not work.Pinn impersonated being an Undergraduate PHD student talking to some of the top peptide Specialists in the world.I still have some of the emails.
    Its a shame Redbaron does not post anymore here,but I have emailed him on this issue.The MAJORITY of GH out of China is fake. Mostly powdered egg whites,this is fact.
    Other problem is even if the HGH is good its quite fragile so when it gets back to you from china it may be useless.
    With IGF people thought that they gained muscle,it was water,it acted as a GDA.That is what we gained.IGF was advertised for 1-2 pounds of muscle gain in a month.

    The tanning agent melanotan works,no question here,that is quite a complex peptide to produce.

    Never tried MFG but that is junk too.

    One guy who could solve this Mystery also is DATBTRUE he does not post here (other boards) the guy is a stud.HE IS THE GUY TO GO TO.

    But im convinced the HGH I use is legit,but to be 100% its needs to be tested.
    Last edited by goose; 08-02-2010 at 12:08 PM.

  4. #324
    Quote Originally Posted by goose View Post
    One guy who could solve this Mystery also is DATBTRUE he does not post here (other boards) the guy is a stud.HE IS THE GUY TO GO TO.
    He knows an incredible amount about peptides and HGH.

    He has helped me tremendously in the past.


  5. #325
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose View Post
    But im convinced the HGH I use is legit,but to be 100% its needs to be tested.
    Utter rubbish, unless the gh he sent me is different than what your using.

    But your correct it needs testing to be 100% but I can assure you ive had plenty of pharm garde and i know my own body and the Chinese gh is rubbish especially that crap from the guy who you use.

  6. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Utter rubbish, unless the gh he sent me is different than what your using.

    My old friend.

    But your correct it needs testing to be 100% but I can assure you ive had plenty of pharm garde and i know my own body and the Chinese gh is rubbish especially that crap from the guy who you use.
    I have enjoyed your posts here.One of the few great threads that have been produced on this boards for years...

    Truly respect your experience here,and agree with your ethos on chinese HGH.Looking forward getting other views on this...The best HGH I have ran is jino 5 years ago,never done proper pharm grade.

    I love the HGH I use,so does a few of swifto friends that use the same guy.

    IF we can get a few numbers here and combine get something tested-to cut costs would be a great 50 $ per person would be great.
    Last edited by goose; 08-02-2010 at 04:07 PM.

  7. #327
    BG's Avatar
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    ^^^^I myself havent used GH as good as those Jin's. The blues and reds didnt even compare and Im on Hyge's right now (8iu tops) and Im not sure what i think. I know Jin's at 5iu's ed gave me terrible sides, I started the Hyge's at 4iu's right from the get go and really havent had any sides yet.

    I heard that the red and blues only tested to be 6.1 or so iu's per vial. So if you think they are 10, break down your dosage your probably hardly taking much if any at all. This is my last try with anything generic, I balked right before the Hyges at buying Pharma, I had to try Hyge's one last time before spending that big money.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  8. #328
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    ^^^^I myself havent used GH as good as those Jin's. The blues and reds didnt even compare and Im on Hyge's right now (8iu tops) and Im not sure what i think. I know Jin's at 5iu's ed gave me terrible sides, I started the Hyge's at 4iu's right from the get go and really havent had any sides yet.

    I heard that the red and blues only tested to be 6.1 or so iu's per vial. So if you think they are 10, break down your dosage your probably hardly taking much if any at all. This is my last try with anything generic, I balked right before the Hyges at buying Pharma, I had to try Hyge's one last time before spending that big money.
    I am running the 8iu tops as well, I think they are vastly underdosed. I am currently waiting for a delivery of hypertropin which gensci claim to be overdosed at 12ius per vial and am hopeful that they are true to their word. If they turn out to be underdosed as well then I will go back tp pharm grade and pay the price.

    jing jai

  9. #329
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I am running the 8iu tops as well, I think they are vastly underdosed. I am currently waiting for a delivery of hypertropin which gensci claim to be overdosed at 12ius per vial and am hopeful that they are true to their word. If they turn out to be underdosed as well then I will go back tp pharm grade and pay the price.
    This is the thing....Ive used pretty much all the Gh's, Jin's, Brown's, Blues (OG),Hyge's (OG), the new Reds, Blues and Hyge's. Now I as ran these in order the sides decreased, I never had the side effects get as bad as the first time. Now one would probably think it's because the quality decreased but I think it my actually be a tolerance has been built up. Its kinda happened with every chemical Ive ever dabbled's just not as good the second or third time......I always seem to say the first time I tried !!

    Now Im sure a lot of those Generics are shit, we would probably be horrified if we knew what we were injecting into ourselves, but I think these 8iu's may be alright. I Seem to be getting some decent results. I think we are to stuck on "sides" being the ruler if something is legit or not. Man back in the day, a few shots of tren and I was the devil !! No sleep, nasty dreams, holy shit!! But now I can run it, after a while it starts to catch up with me, but not like the first few times.

    I should be able to see with these Hyge's. This is all Im taking right now so in 3 or so weeks I should really be getting some results. I may even throw in a shot during mid day to get my 3 shots ed in like I did with the Jins, boy I miss being dedicated .

    All in all, with Chinese generics there's a very good chance your not getting what you payed for, it's sad, but we are suckers for the taking.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  10. #330
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    I'm glad we got some new faces in here too.....

    I'd be down for throwing some cash in to get some tested if we were all using the same HGH lol..... while i'm sure some of us are using the same source..... not all of us are. What good would testing the gh from another source do?


  11. #331
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    I wish I had the option to go to pharm grade but is unavailable. I am gonna get some kefeis and do some more blood work. At least they use to make my fingertips tingle and all the other sides. Maybe those will give me a satisfactory blood exam result.... At 5iu ED what should one's IGF level be in a blood test on pharm grade?? At least 350?? 400+??


  12. #332
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    FCV- I just tested my generic chineese at 4IU's and it came back at 661 for my IGF-1 level.

  13. #333
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  14. #334
    hey guys...

    if u have been reading then u know my story.. been on rips for 6months, didn't see much results...

    my friend gave me generic blue tops with silver labels...ive taken 20ius total and i already seemed leaner!...could be the duretic effect,as we suspect they are putting those compounds in instead of gh?...has anyone ever taken these before...?

    let me know if u have, and what ur experience friend gets it from his personal chemist, who knows his shit...and actually makes myfriend (a bodybuilder) all his gear....i def think i felt more with these silver labels than the rips ive been on...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	HGH BLUE TOPS.jpg 
Views:	477 
Size:	12.8 KB 
ID:	109100  

  15. #335
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    hey guys...

    if u have been reading then u know my story.. been on rips for 6months, didn't see much results...

    my friend gave me generic blue tops with silver labels...ive taken 20ius total and i already seemed leaner!...could be the duretic effect,as we suspect they are putting those compounds in instead of gh?...has anyone ever taken these before...?

    let me know if u have, and what ur experience friend gets it from his personal chemist, who knows his shit...and actually makes myfriend (a bodybuilder) all his gear....i def think i felt more with these silver labels than the rips ive been on...
    What does it say on the labels?

    20IU's gh would not make you leaner! If only it was that easy lol

    jing jai

  16. #336
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    This is the thing....Ive used pretty much all the Gh's, Jin's, Brown's, Blues (OG),Hyge's (OG), the new Reds, Blues and Hyge's. Now I as ran these in order the sides decreased, I never had the side effects get as bad as the first time. Now one would probably think it's because the quality decreased but I think it my actually be a tolerance has been built up. Its kinda happened with every chemical Ive ever dabbled's just not as good the second or third time......I always seem to say the first time I tried !!

    Now Im sure a lot of those Generics are shit, we would probably be horrified if we knew what we were injecting into ourselves, but I think these 8iu's may be alright. I Seem to be getting some decent results. I think we are to stuck on "sides" being the ruler if something is legit or not. Man back in the day, a few shots of tren and I was the devil !! No sleep, nasty dreams, holy shit!! But now I can run it, after a while it starts to catch up with me, but not like the first few times.

    I should be able to see with these Hyge's. This is all Im taking right now so in 3 or so weeks I should really be getting some results. I may even throw in a shot during mid day to get my 3 shots ed in like I did with the Jins, boy I miss being dedicated .

    All in all, with Chinese generics there's a very good chance your not getting what you payed for, it's sad, but we are suckers for the taking.
    How long have you been on the Hyge's for?

    jing jai

  17. #337
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    hey guys...

    if u have been reading then u know my story.. been on rips for 6months, didn't see much results...

    my friend gave me generic blue tops with silver labels...ive taken 20ius total and i already seemed leaner!...could be the duretic effect,as we suspect they are putting those compounds in instead of gh?...has anyone ever taken these before...?

    let me know if u have, and what ur experience friend gets it from his personal chemist, who knows his shit...and actually makes myfriend (a bodybuilder) all his gear....i def think i felt more with these silver labels than the rips ive been on...
    I have seen those offered before and that source no longer has them...don't no why.

    Hope you have some luck with them...unlike the Rips we had.

    I also want to mention that I had horrible Arthritis like pain in both hands while I was on the Rips and it was definitely not an indicator of legitimacy in my case.
    I mean it got so bad that I could not make a fist and my fingers would even lock shut if I tried hard enough. It didn't matter if I was using 3 ius or 10 ius per stayed the same until I stopped. I don't know what kind of fillers they are using but it makes me wonder.

  18. #338
    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    I have seen those offered before and that source no longer has them...don't no why.

    Hope you have some luck with them...unlike the Rips we had.

    I also want to mention that I had horrible Arthritis like pain in both hands while I was on the Rips and it was definitely not an indicator of legitimacy in my case.
    I mean it got so bad that I could not make a fist and my fingers would even lock shut if I tried hard enough. It didn't matter if I was using 3 ius or 10 ius per stayed the same until I stopped. I don't know what kind of fillers they are using but it makes me wonder.
    Those symptoms are exactly the same as I experienced when I was holding vast ammounts of water and my BP rocketed up to 160/100 with a pulse of 100bpm. THis was after about 3 months and when I stopped the sides slowly went way but they took a good while, whatever it is they are putting in those vials is very dangerous and could result in serious health problems IMHO.

    jing jai

  19. #339
    it says...

    recombinant human growth hormone for injection

    RHGH 191aa style
    10iu/3.7mg/1.0mg vial

    ..i meant that i was instantly leaner as if i lost water!...not fat...

    i took 5iu for 4 days... im sitll taking my riptropins until we figure this whole mystery out but once i get my Nutropin AQ ill let u know the diff LOL...and if my source is from an Email ill let everyone know and I'll PM everyone who wants it... waiting on my friend to find out

  20. #340
    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    I have seen those offered before and that source no longer has them...don't no why.

    Hope you have some luck with them...unlike the Rips we had.

    I also want to mention that I had horrible Arthritis like pain in both hands while I was on the Rips and it was definitely not an indicator of legitimacy in my case.
    I mean it got so bad that I could not make a fist and my fingers would even lock shut if I tried hard enough. It didn't matter if I was using 3 ius or 10 ius per stayed the same until I stopped. I don't know what kind of fillers they are using but it makes me wonder.
    isn't that a good sign...i didn't get ONE side except month 2, my thumb bone throbbed for a few days... i think we are going insane here...

    i mean if they did throw dueritics in the GH and people are taking 10ius, wouldn't we die since duiretics are very very dangerous?...

    if they are putting hcg in the vials, shouldn't are balls be sore?

    either way, im getting the damn Nutropin...i guess my friend was right...u get what u pay for... and rips or DIRT cheap, so maybe they are DIRT. lol

    but i swear my friends said they were good...some came back to me to buy more... i dont ****in know anymore...maybe 5ius for 6 months i built a tolerance...who knows...either way ill let u know the diff from pharm grade when i get it...

  21. #341
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    How long have you been on the Hyge's for?
    Almost a month, so a few more weeks I should definitly be able to tell.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  22. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    This is the thing....Ive used pretty much all the Gh's, Jin's, Brown's, Blues (OG),Hyge's (OG), the new Reds, Blues and Hyge's. Now I as ran these in order the sides decreased, I never had the side effects get as bad as the first time. Now one would probably think it's because the quality decreased but I think it my actually be a tolerance has been built up. Its kinda happened with every chemical Ive ever dabbled's just not as good the second or third time......I always seem to say the first time I tried !!

    Now Im sure a lot of those Generics are shit, we would probably be horrified if we knew what we were injecting into ourselves, but I think these 8iu's may be alright. I Seem to be getting some decent results. I think we are to stuck on "sides" being the ruler if something is legit or not. Man back in the day, a few shots of tren and I was the devil !! No sleep, nasty dreams, holy shit!! But now I can run it, after a while it starts to catch up with me, but not like the first few times.

    I should be able to see with these Hyge's. This is all Im taking right now so in 3 or so weeks I should really be getting some results. I may even throw in a shot during mid day to get my 3 shots ed in like I did with the Jins, boy I miss being dedicated .

    All in all, with Chinese generics there's a very good chance your not getting what you payed for, it's sad, but we are suckers for the taking.
    I hate to admit this but your prob right dood... Chinese generics are most likely shit. Seems like every other day i read something in the paper, or online about a toxic chinese product. Today I read a warning about health supplements produced in china.The bad thing is that most of us have 500-1000 dollars invested already and it's hard to suck that up. I'm going to finish up the last of mine and move on to another brand. Sucks, but I hate wasting money. Lesson learned for me. I suggest most that everyone else stop going generic too. Who knows what's in those vials.

  23. #343
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Almost a month, so a few more weeks I should definitly be able to tell.
    Let me know how you go on please

    jing jai

  24. #344
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Those symptoms are exactly the same as I experienced when I was holding vast ammounts of water and my BP rocketed up to 160/100 with a pulse of 100bpm. THis was after about 3 months and when I stopped the sides slowly went way but they took a good while, whatever it is they are putting in those vials is very dangerous and could result in serious health problems IMHO.
    This is exactly why I have made up my mind that I will not purchase Chinese GH anymore and will just dabble with some AAS until I can afford Pharm grade GH(maybe next year).

    My doctor does hormone replacement therapy and when I confronted him last year with the possibility that I may take Chinese GH, he mentioned about all of the fakes out there and that I could not be sure what I was injecting into my body...and I kind of blew him off thinking yeah, yeah, I've got a source though.
    A bit naive wasn't I.

  25. #345
    I think if u can still get legit Jintropin, that is still good to go...

    I was also researching Mexican Gh, a brand called Yelits 4iu from Rumsa, they have yellow tops...almost as expensive as Nutropin and Humatrope

    ive never really heard of anyone taking mexican gh in the community tho...

    maybe we should start taking GH from other countries...

    I was talking to the owner of my gym today at Golds...he was telling me abck in the day they used to send all Jintropins with dry ice to keep it could..

    its quite possibly our sources have gotten so lazy, they literally have destroyed all there products by not keeping them in a cool temperature...just imagine how much crap our kits go thru, from factories, to post offices, to the plane ride over from china, then thru customs, then more post offices, on trucks, to ur local post office, then to u... its impossible to know what temperature they plane was, or the trucks, or even if they were on palates in the scolding sun...the fact is, i think shipping has ALOT to do with it..

    from what ive read, it seems the only good things were jins and the rest of the chinese stuff was "less" potent...maybe because they were never cared for like the jins...ive never seen my rips in dry ice, nor hyges, or any kits...

    just a thought..

  26. #346
    xtralarg i sent u a PM man, edit

  27. #347
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    I think if u can still get legit Jintropin, that is still good to go...

    I was also researching Mexican Gh, a brand called Yelits 4iu from Rumsa, they have yellow tops...almost as expensive as Nutropin and Humatrope

    ive never really heard of anyone taking mexican gh in the community tho...

    maybe we should start taking GH from other countries...

    I was talking to the owner of my gym today at Golds...he was telling me abck in the day they used to send all Jintropins with dry ice to keep it could..

    its quite possibly our sources have gotten so lazy, they literally have destroyed all there products by not keeping them in a cool temperature...just imagine how much crap our kits go thru, from factories, to post offices, to the plane
    ride over from china, then thru customs, then more post offices, on trucks, to ur local post office, then to u... its impossible to know what temperature they plane was, or the trucks, or even if they were on palates in the scolding sun...the fact is, i think shipping has ALOT to do with it..

    from what ive read, it seems the only good things were jins and the rest of the chinese stuff was "less" potent...maybe because they were never cared for like the jins...ive never seen my rips in dry ice, nor hyges, or any kits...

    just a thought..
    Your man at golds is correct they did used to send stuff in cool boxes due to the fragile nature of gh, these days though most companies or at least the chinese ones (again very suspect!) claim that the product is stable enough to sit at room temp for 28 days or so and will withstand the transit process. Your point about it being damaged during transportation is indeed valid and has been mentioned before, but all gh has had to go thru this process to reach foreign destinations so I guess that it a guess as to weather it gets damaged or at least to what extent....
    Last edited by Xtralarg; 08-04-2010 at 04:37 AM.

    jing jai

  28. #348
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    No source checks
    ^^ This is the reason why we need to have it tested, my guess is that its either massively under dosed or its just not gh in the first place...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  29. #349
    Most of it is crap, it has taken weeks and weeks for my BP to get back to normal after stopping generic crap, I have said it before and I will say it again, what the Chinese are putting in the vials is dangerous and the majority of stuff leaving their shores is not gh.

    Re. the testing - It is clear that it’s just not going to happen because of the cost involved. It is too expensive and nobody is going to pay 1000's to get a proper lab to test the product when they could spend that money on pahrm grade and know they have real gh.

    Facts- HGH does not make your body blow up like a balloon for weeks on end and it certainly does not send your BP thru the roof.

    The Chinese are able to mimic the sides of HGH by making your body hold water as this also gives you CTS.

    It’s so obvious what they are doing but for some reason people just won’t listen and continue to live as mushrooms.

    All I can say is buy some western pharm grade and you will understand, if you choose to carry on with Chinese generic then I wish you all the best.

    jing jai

  30. #350
    I believe most of the GH comes from China in a Semi truck container on a cargo ship and it takes most of those ships anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks to get to the US depending on what is on that particular ship.
    Then it will sit in customs for 3-4 days as well.
    This would also be the easiest way to avoid inspection because due to it being in bulk containers and not to arouse suspicion.
    Customs just does not have the time to inspect 100's of containers on every ship except by Xray and they are not looking for vials of GH when they scan the containers with that device.

  31. #351
    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg View Post
    most of it is crap, it has taken weeks and weeks for my bp to get back to normal after stopping generic crap, i have said it before and i will say it again, what the chinese are putting in the vials is dangerous and the majority of stuff leaving their shores is not gh.

    Re. The testing - it is clear that it’s just not going to happen because of the cost involved. It is too expensive and nobody is going to pay 1000's to get a proper lab to test the product when they could spend that money on pahrm grade and know they have real gh.

    Facts- hgh does not make your body blow up like a balloon for weeks on end and it certainly does not send your bp thru the roof.

    The chinese are able to mimic the sides of hgh by making your body hold water as this also gives you cts.

    It’s so obvious what they are doing but for some reason people just won’t listen and continue to live as mushrooms.

    All i can say is buy some western pharm grade and you will understand, if you choose to carry on with chinese generic then i wish you all the best.
    The truth.

  32. #352
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    Mar 2004
    OK..... I'm in a position where I can spend $500 to have my HGH tested. Problem is..... they want a sample to compare it to. If not.... it costs $1000 LOL

    I wanna get this stuff tested.... it's pissin me off.


  33. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    OK..... I'm in a position where I can spend $500 to have my HGH tested. Problem is..... they want a sample to compare it to. If not.... it costs $1000 LOL

    I wanna get this stuff tested.... it's pissin me off.

    Would you be available if I had sent you 1 vial of Hypertropin and 250 USD, to go to that lab and run the test?

    In this case, at least you would know my rHGH is legit and since it is the most famous source in China, I believe you will not have any problems to shift yours for the one I am using.

  34. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Would you be available if I had sent you 1 vial of Hypertropin and 250 USD, to go to that lab and run the test?

    In this case, at least you would know my rHGH is legit and since it is the most famous source in China, I believe you will not have any problems to shift yours for the one I am using.
    BJJ I will be in touch with you. I'm going to send Notsmall a PM - He dealt with this testing lab. I wanna make sure i'll have everything i'll need for them before I go ahead and commit to it.



  35. #355
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    Actually..... i'll post the letter that they sent me..... this way we all know what we need. Give me 1 sec to pull it up.....


  36. #356
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Actually..... i'll post the letter that they sent me..... this way we all know what we need. Give me 1 sec to pull it up.....

    Good work.

    jing jai

  37. #357
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    Here is the letter they sent me..... Upon reading it again I think i'm going to have to call them and get an exact total. We may not need another vial of HGH..... they just want a standard to compare the one we're testing.

    the only thing i'm worried about is they are US based. You guys think there can be any reprocussions for me sending them HGH?

    here's the email:

    Mr. X,

    We can verify the contents in the vial. We would typically require 1 vial. The testing cost is $500. We ask that, if possible, you provide a reference standard for testing. A portion of a previously tested lot will suffice. If we have to purchase the standard, the cost will be additional to the $500 above. Please let me know if I can answer any additional questions or if you would prefer a formal quote. I have attached a PDF file with more information about ARL. We are a cGMP/GLP compliant laboratory and are certified ISO 17025:2005. ARL is also registered with the FDA and DEA. We look forward to receiving your business. Please also visit for more information.

    Thank you,

    Kathy Heatherly, MSFS
    Technical Sales & Support
    Analytical Research Laboratories
    840 Research Parkway, Ste. 546
    Oklahoma City, OK

    phone: (405)271-1144
    fax: (405)271-1174
    [email protected]

  38. #358
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    I think i'm going to send her an email with exactly what I want done and what it's going to cost.....


  39. #359
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    OK - I just emailed them and i'm awaiting a reply for an exact quote. I just told them that i'm prescribed HGH for replacement therapy and my insurance wont cover pharma grade so i've been using generic hgh from china. I wanted to get it tested because I hear a lot of the chinese HGH is fake.....

    there was more detail lol but I'm just givin you the jist of it.....


  40. #360
    Let them purchase the HGH to compare yours with, otherwise they might be testing crap v crap!

    At least they will have access to pharm grade.
    Last edited by Xtralarg; 08-04-2010 at 09:48 AM.

    jing jai

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