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400mg per week of Masteron thrown on top of Test and Tren would be ideal. But what you have to understand is that it is mostly a cosmetic compound, meaning its effects manifest itself through giving your body that harder denser 3D look to your muscles. This can only happen at a low enough bodyfat, of course. It's a compound that is most useful to competing bodybuilders. To the average recreational AAS user, there isn't a whole lot of benefit to using it other than for its ability to hinder SHBG and act as a mild aromatase inhibitor. Through these 2 abilities, it can potentiate the effect of other steroids stacked with it.
My personal preference is to halt everything at the same time and I like to advise others of doing the same thing, though this practice is mostly a personal preference issue. It really doesn't matter either way but when you terminate your cycle, I believe its optimal to halt everything and begin the recovery process ASAP rather than screw around with running compounds for lingering weeks after other compounds have been halted, etc... it just delays your recovery process. I believe in halting everything all at once, as the quicker you get off the quicker you recover. Suppression is suppression, and it remains so even with exogenous test still in your system. To me, the concept of keeping test going for a week or 2 after halting tren is as an outmoted idea as tapering off AAS rather than halting administration immediately and doing PCT , which is of course what they did in the old days. Best to just stop everything at the same time.