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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #3801
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey Ron, do you have any direct or indirect experience with hernia surgery? yes! I had the mesh hernia surgery and had the stitches out about 15 days later. The Doctor told me I could start lifting again in 4 weeks but I'm in Thailand and I don't think he knew exactly what I was talking about, especially with him say "Fitness OK!" 6 weeks you can lift heavy again and at 4 weeks very light. i waited 7 weeks just to make sure and went moderate at week 6 while making a rapid, sort of a flapping curling motion with one arm. He said my abdominal muscles were unusually developed and as a result it would probably hurt more and take longer to heal. I don't really understand the pathology of the thing, but I still get a stabbing pain when I sit down too hard. It's been about 19 days since the surgery and I was thinking of just waiting till the end of the month, since I have a trip to a wedding at the end of the month. I've been doing moderate cardio for 35 minutes about 5 times a day and am on a deload with 350 mg Sustanon/50 mg Anavar ed. When I had surgery last year you suggested anavar so I thought maybe it would help this time. Losing muscle really sux, lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks!!! How long would you guess before starting a reload? Wait for zero pain? 6 weeks? yes!

  2. #3802
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Ronnie great to have you back. I am a week away from starting my 3rd reload. I have put on a little over 12lbs from the first 2. I have been running 1g of Test E and 800 mgs of Deca. For the 3rd reload I am switching Deca for Tren A. In the forum area there is a lot of talk to run Tren higher than the Test. What are you thoughts on this? Also I know I read you said at some point to lower the dosage you have been using on reloads. I was basically "on" before starting your program. The amount wasn't as high as it is now but was close. Would this be a good time for me to back down on the amounts now? If so what amount do recommend using. Thank you. You have always been extremely helpful.

  3. #3803
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    What did you doctor say?
    have to wait til dis week to go in, der was a death in my docs family, yet strangly now all week its not been half as bad at all !

  4. #3804
    Thanks Ronnie. That program looks good. I'll write something up and get back to you. Thanks again.

  5. #3805
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Hey Ronnie,

    Awesome thread and soemthing I will look into in the future, after freezing some swimmers. How long do you think you can slingshot and still be able to recover to have kids? (of course everyone is different, just as an estimate).

    What do you think about bridging with insulin and peptides (with GH as well) and clen (to avoid excess bf) for the 2 week period? Also if you were to do this do you think you could extend that gap to maybe 4 or 6 weeks to do a PCT and help prevent permanent shut down?

    What about if you wanted to run a compound like masteron that is generally run for 14-16 weeks for full effect, how could you incorporate that?

    I am also looking into triptorelin to see how many times it can be used if there is 8 weeks between shots, do you have any decent references to multiple triptorelin use?

    Appreciate all the help, hope that wasnt too much to ask

    Cheers Gonzo
    Last edited by gonzo6183; 03-19-2012 at 01:16 AM.

  6. #3806
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Good read

  7. #3807
    Hi Ronnie,

    The following is a modified 8/5/3 Program as per our previous discussion. Please critique. Thank you.

    Trying everyother day workout instead of 3 days a week with the option to take an extra day off if needed.

    Workout A.
    Bench Press 8/8/8+
    Decline Press 2-3x8-10
    DB Incline Press 2-3x8-12 / or Bench Flyes 2-3x8-12 / or Cable Flyes 2-3x8-15
    1 Arm Rows 3-4x8-12 - is it to soon for him to do bentover barbell rows? I used to do them until I had back surgery some years back. I don't know with heavy deadlifting if he should bother with them. Sometimes I let him do T-Bar rows laying on the bench or Bentover T-Bar rows which I don't think are as bad on the back.
    DB Seated Press 2-3x8-12
    Standing Triceps Press 2-3x8-12
    Preacher Bench Curls 2-3x8/12

    Workout B.
    Deadlifts 8/8/8+
    Thigh Extensions 3-4x8-15

    Workout C.
    Military Press 8/8/8+
    Laterials 2-3x8-15
    Pulldowns 3-4x8-12
    Nose Busters 2-3x8-12 or CG Bench Press 2-3x8-12
    Barbell Curls 2-3x8-12

    Workout D.
    Squats 8/8/8+
    Lunges 3x8-12
    Leg Curls 3x8-12

    If I wanted him to do some Power Cleans, where would be the best place to put them? It dosen't have to be every week but I would like to get them in maybe every 2-3 weeks.

  8. #3808
    Wow what a great read!!! Thank you for the education

  9. #3809
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=Capebuffalo;5940995]Ronnie great to have you back. I am a week away from starting my 3rd reload. I have put on a little over 12lbs from the first 2. I have been running 1g of Test E and 800 mgs of Deca. For the 3rd reload I am switching Deca for Tren A. In the forum area there is a lot of talk to run Tren higher than the Test. What are you thoughts on this? I feel it's fine to run tren doses higher than test given you can handle the side effects and if it keeps you off anti-es even better. Anties can put some stress on the heart because they lower your good cholesterol by lowering estrogen. You can expect leaner gains with less bloat but some just can't handle the side effects of high doses of tren. Also I know I read you said at some point to lower the dosage you have been using on reloads. I was basically "on" before starting your program. The amount wasn't as high as it is now but was close. Would this be a good time for me to back down on the amounts now? If so what amount do recommend using. Thank you. You have always been extremely helpful. You could lower test to 300 mgs per week and run tren at 400 mgs per week inorder to get hard for spring/summer.[/QUOTE]above
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 03-22-2012 at 10:00 PM.

  10. #3810
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    have to wait til dis week to go in, der was a death in my docs family, yet strangly now all week its not been half as bad at all !
    My back pertty much stopped hurting the week before surgery. I've experienced this on numerous occasions. Its almost like taking a misfiring car to a mechanic yet it wont act up when your mechanic drives it. Keep that doc appt!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 03-22-2012 at 09:47 PM.

  11. #3811
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by oznog6183 View Post
    Hey Ronnie,

    Awesome thread and soemthing I will look into in the future, after freezing some swimmers. How long do you think you can slingshot and still be able to recover to have kids? (of course everyone is different, just as an estimate). I think if you run 500 of hcg weekly during the entire cycle, most will never have any issues rebounding fully given they come off and do a full pct for 6 weeks after every 6 months of being on.

    What do you think about bridging with insulin and peptides (with GH as well) and clen (to avoid excess bf) for the 2 week period? That will work but you could experience some mild depression and loss of libido for a few weeks if you come off test without using any hcg during those two weeks. Also if you were to do this do you think you could extend that gap to maybe 4 or 6 weeks to do a PCT and help prevent permanent shut down? Yes if you use hcg!

    What about if you wanted to run a compound like masteron that is generally run for 14-16 weeks for full effect, how could you incorporate that? Run masteron during 8 week reloads only and you'll get the most masteron has to offer, not 14-16. Same goes for EQ unless you are trying to thicken the blood as much as possible which is not the smartest thing to do IMO.
    I am also looking into triptorelin to see how many times it can be used if there is 8 weeks between shots, do you have any decent references to multiple triptorelin use? It's to early to tell.
    Appreciate all the help, hope that wasnt too much to ask

    Cheers Gonzo

  12. #3812
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Awesome mate, greatly appreciated


  13. #3813
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hey Ron, I think you missed me on # 3792.

  14. #3814
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    So you would suggest running HCG throughout Reload AND Deload (extended to 4 weeks while on slin/peptides and clen) to help prevent shut down? My Deload would incorporate a PCT

  15. #3815
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    HEy Ron,

    on my second reload now here is my cycle

    1-8 was 750 test and a PH Xtren

    11-18 is 1g and 600 Deca.

    I got about 6 weeks left of the test and deca. Ive been stuck at about 195 weight for the last 6 weeks it seems, even upped carbs to 500 a day with total calories around 4kish and i still im stuck. Im hoping in a week or 2 the test and deca at the higher amounts will kick in and slowly increase weight. Strenght is very good though.
    I just cant force myself to eat anymore and feel stuffed and bloated all day with all the food im eating, I have 100 carbs in each of my first 4 meals alone.

    Anyway the main question here is when im done with this reload i want to go straught into a cut. Do i need to still do the 2 week deload weeks 19-20 or can i go straight to the cut?

    Im thinking i may do the 2 week deload and give blood during this time, its been almost 4 months since my last donation.

    For the cut im thinking 750 test or 500 with 200mg of tren. Im going low on the tren because ive never ran before and worried about hairloss. I want to see how I can do at that low dose. I also will throw var in there.

  16. #3816
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I would be almost certain that someone would have asked you this already, but this thread is just too damn long! U appoach a cutting cycle with the typical game plan?

  17. #3817
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    My back pertty much stopped hurting the week before surgery. I've experienced this on numerous occasions. Its almost like taking a misfiring car to a mechanic yet it wont act up when your mechanic drives it. Keep that doc appt!
    been to the doc ron and he didnt say very much at all, he knew im on accutane with months and right away said that is why my feet have been sweating all the time.
    ron on other forums ders quite a few people who say they use very low dose test prop, then a lot of non aromotizing compunds high dosed with it for lean growth, eg test prop,tren ace,equipose,mast. and only introducing long estered test at higher doses when running hgh so to continue growing lean. i like how this mehtod sounds on paper whats your thoughts on this? and how gud an anti e do you think masteron is ?

  18. #3818
    Hey Ronnie,

    Im a 28 year old male who's been training now for going on 2 years. I want to try an anabolic steroid but don't know anything about it. Im 183 lbs with 8 percent body fat. What would you suggest i take as a beginner? How do i take them? How much and how frequently/ and do u suggest an 8 week cycle. If you could help i would appreciate it a bunch

  19. #3819
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by stallion83 View Post
    Hey Ronnie,

    Im a 28 year old male who's been training now for going on 2 years. I want to try an anabolic steroid but don't know anything about it. Im 183 lbs with 8 percent body fat. What would you suggest i take as a beginner? How do i take them? How much and how frequently/ and do u suggest an 8 week cycle. If you could help i would appreciate it a bunch
    Mate this thread is dedicated to specific help relating to the slingshot program. Every day question should be asked in the Q&A section, go there and start a thread

  20. #3820
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Hey Ronnie before going to the doctor I wanted to see if you could help me first, maybe I don't need to? I tried to do a max out on bench press, the next day my shoulder hurt. Basically it's on the inside, almost positive it's my rotator cuff. I've taken almost 4 weeks off from the gym and it still hurts (It hurts a lot if I flex my traps and even more if I do the "most muscular" pose, to give you an idea) Also bench press, decline and shoulder press there is a bit of pain. But I could do side laterals, and rear delts Thank you Big Ron!!

  21. #3821
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by layerofblock View Post
    hi ronnie,

    the following is a modified 8/5/3 program as per our previous discussion. Please critique. Thank you.

    Trying everyother day workout instead of 3 days a week with the option to take an extra day off if needed. (that will work!)

    workout a.
    Bench press 8/8/8+ unless he has short arms or a barrel chest have him do bench presses last as they tend to put too much strain on the pec tendon and rotator cuff. Start with declines, inclines then flat unless he is gifted in the chest region.
    Decline press 2-3x8-10
    db incline press 2-3x8-12 / or bench flyes 2-3x8-12 / or cable flyes 2-3x8-15
    1 arm rows 3-4x8-12 - is it to soon for him to do bentover barbell rows? i would him avoid both movements at his age because dummbbell rows can twist the back. Have him do seated cable rows using a lat pulldown bar with as medium to wide grip. i used to do them until i had back surgery some years back. I don't know with heavy deadlifting if he should bother with them. Sometimes i let him do t-bar rows laying on the bench or bentover t-bar rows which i don't think are as bad on the back. t-bar rows are the most dangerous of all on the back and not worth risking itdb seated press 2-3x8-12
    standing triceps press 2-3x8-12
    preacher bench curls 2-3x8/12

    workout b.
    Deadlifts 8/8/8+
    thigh extensions 3-4x8-15

    workout c.
    Military press 8/8/8+
    laterials 2-3x8-15
    pulldowns 3-4x8-12
    nose busters 2-3x8-12 or cg bench press 2-3x8-12
    barbell curls 2-3x8-12

    workout d.
    Squats 8/8/8+
    lunges 3x8-12
    leg curls 3x8-12

    if i wanted him to do some power cleans, where would be the best place to put them? It dosen't have to be every week but i would like to get them in maybe every 2-3 weeks. substitute power cleans for military press. I would also do leg presses instead of lunges unless you are doing them on a smith machine. Looks pretty good for the 8 rep weeks .
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 04-25-2012 at 02:25 PM.

  22. #3822
    Hey Ronnie,

    I wanted to first say this stickie has been awesome in guiding me to where I am so thank you for that and my reason to post is that I am doing a contest prep and am about 4 weeks out right now and also plan to do a second show 2 weeks later. I have three questions. The first is should I do the one tab of letro daily leading into the show while I'm on masteron or reduce the amount of letro at all due to the anti e effects of masteron ( im assuming no due to an earlier post non related to competition but just wanna make sure).I am also cutting my test prop 9 days before the show and am running tren 400 weekly with 50mg anavar the masteron is 100 eod. Is it ok to keep these 3 in play all the way up to the show or should I cut anything out? My last question is how to handle getting ready to try and peak again two weeks later how should I handle aas then and anti es as well as training and diet should I just reset my diet to match the two weeks prior? I am feeling completely lost on this part.

  23. #3823
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Perth, Australia
    Hey Ronnie, just a couple of quick questions.

    I'm coming up to the end of my first reload of 500mg of test e a week. Been great, gained muscle, lost some fat and really hardened up.
    Now with the deload I'm going to take test e 250mg once week, cutting cals back to maintenance, cutting protein in half, cutting my total work sets in half etc but the question is am I replacing those protein cals with carbs or fats?
    During the reload I found my body responded best to 2.5g of carbs to every 1g of fat. So am I right to assume I will replace the protein cals with carbs?

    Next reload will be 750mg of test e. then deload for 2 weeks on 250mg of test then pct of 2 weeks of 1500iu HCG EOD.

    Now with my next 20 week blast what is a good follow up to just test e? something like dbol first reload?

    Week 1-8
    500mg test e
    25-30mg dbol
    Week 8-10
    250mg test e

    Week 11-18
    ???mg test e
    dbol, tren etc?
    Week 19-20
    250mg test e



  24. #3824
    EDIT: Never mind not running t3, change of plans lol
    Last edited by daninho777; 03-31-2012 at 06:02 AM.

  25. #3825
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by daniel20 View Post
    Hey Ronnie, just a couple of quick questions.

    I'm coming up to the end of my first reload of 500mg of test e a week. Been great, gained muscle, lost some fat and really hardened up.
    Now with the deload I'm going to take test e 250mg once week, cutting cals back to maintenance, cutting protein in half, cutting my total work sets in half etc but the question is am I replacing those protein cals with carbs or fats? You can either but I prefer carbs.
    During the reload I found my body responded best to 2.5g of carbs to every 1g of fat. So am I right to assume I will replace the protein cals with carbs? yes
    Next reload will be 750mg of test e. then deload for 2 weeks on 250mg of test then pct of 2 weeks of 1500iu HCG EOD. sounds good. if you want even more gains add in another anabolic with that 750 mgs of test.
    Now with my next 20 week blast what is a good follow up to just test e? something like dbol first reload? For size go with 750 mgs of test and 25-50 mgs of d-bol

    Week 1-8
    500mg test e
    25-30mg dbol
    Week 8-10
    250mg test e

    Week 11-18
    ???mg test e
    dbol, tren etc? those three anabolics would work well at that juncture.
    Week 19-20
    250mg test e



  26. #3826
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by daniel20 View Post
    Hey Ronnie, just a couple of quick questions.

    I'm coming up to the end of my first reload of 500mg of test e a week. Been great, gained muscle, lost some fat and really hardened up.
    Now with the deload I'm going to take test e 250mg once week, cutting cals back to maintenance, cutting protein in half, cutting my total work sets in half etc but the question is am I replacing those protein cals with carbs or fats? You can either but I prefer carbs.
    During the reload I found my body responded best to 2.5g of carbs to every 1g of fat. So am I right to assume I will replace the protein cals with carbs? yes
    Next reload will be 750mg of test e. then deload for 2 weeks on 250mg of test then pct of 2 weeks of 1500iu HCG EOD. sounds good. if you want even more gains add in another anabolic with that 750 mgs of test.
    Now with my next 20 week blast what is a good follow up to just test e? something like dbol first reload? For size go with 750 mgs of test and 25-50 mgs of d-bol

    Week 1-8
    500mg test e
    25-30mg dbol
    Week 8-10
    250mg test e

    Week 11-18
    ???mg test e
    dbol, tren etc? those three anabolics would work well at that juncture.
    Week 19-20
    250mg test e



  27. #3827
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Lift to live View Post
    Hey Ronnie,

    I wanted to first say this stickie has been awesome in guiding me to where I am so thank you for that and my reason to post is that I am doing a contest prep and am about 4 weeks out right now and also plan to do a second show 2 weeks later. I have three questions. The first is should I do the one tab of letro daily leading into the show while I'm on masteron or reduce the amount of letro at all due to the anti e effects of masteron ( im assuming no due to an earlier post non related to competition but just wanna make sure). keep letro in with masteron to get dry as possible. I am also cutting my test prop 9 days before the show and am running tren 400 weekly with 50mg anavar the masteron is 100 eod. Is it ok to keep these 3 in play all the way up to the show or should I cut anything out? keep them in! If you cut them out it can actually cause your cortisol levels to increase and make you hold water. And you can lose muscle, hardness and vascualrity. getting body fat levels down is the key while keeping in all three drugs plus letro! My last question is how to handle getting ready to try and peak again two weeks later how should I handle aas then and anti es as well as training and diet should I just reset my diet to match the two weeks prior? I am feeling completely lost on this part. Have a cheat meal the night after the show and all the next day then jump right back into your diet and stay on tren, masteron, anavar and letro. IT'S THAT SIMPLE!!!

  28. #3828
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Dtrain17 View Post
    Hey Ronnie before going to the doctor I wanted to see if you could help me first, maybe I don't need to? I tried to do a max out on bench press, the next day my shoulder hurt. Basically it's on the inside, almost positive it's my rotator cuff. I've taken almost 4 weeks off from the gym and it still hurts (It hurts a lot if I flex my traps and even more if I do the "most muscular" pose, to give you an idea) Also bench press, decline and shoulder press there is a bit of pain. But I could do side laterals, and rear delts First of all no more heavy bench perssing in the future as this will continue to happen. The only thing a doctor can do is surgery or a cortisone shot and you are not a candidate for surgery from the sounds of it and you don't want a cortisone shot as it weakens the tendon. You need to train very light doign slow reps using only machines with chest movements and overhead shoulders presses to allow the tendon you have irritated to heal. Just pump some blood in there to help things heal. Deca can accelerate the healing process but light training is the key along with staying off of the flat bench because it causes shoulder problems for many. Thank you Big Ron!!

  29. #3829
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by stallion83 View Post
    Hey Ronnie,

    Im a 28 year old male who's been training now for going on 2 years. I want to try an anabolic steroid but don't know anything about it. Im 183 lbs with 8 percent body fat. What would you suggest i take as a beginner? How do i take them? How much and how frequently/ and do u suggest an 8 week cycle. If you could help i would appreciate it a bunch Beginners should start out with a test only cycle for an 8 week reload then back off (deload) with 250 mgs of test for 2 weeks. Next go up to 750 mgs of test for an additional 8 weeks (2nd reload) then back off to 250 mgs of test for 2 weeks (2nd deload). after 20 weeks do a PCT for 3 weeks using HCG

  30. #3830
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    been to the doc ron and he didnt say very much at all, he knew im on accutane with months and right away said that is why my feet have been sweating all the time. Good you found out and keep in mind that accutane can dry out your spinal disk and cause them to degenerate faster so be careful and drink plenty of fluids. ron on other forums ders quite a few people who say they use very low dose test prop, then a lot of non aromotizing compunds high dosed with it for lean growth, eg test prop,tren ace,equipose,mast. and only introducing long estered test at higher doses when running hgh so to continue growing lean. i like how this mehtod sounds on paper whats your thoughts on this? It sounds good except for the part about needing to run a low dose of test prop instead of a low dose of test-e because test is test and the longer acting ester drugs are not going to cause you to hold water given teh dosages are the same. But short acting esters it will cause you to have to do more injections andf for some cause more side effects. Nothing wrong with test prop or short acting esters but it's not manadtory. Tren-e does not cause you to hold mroe water than tren-ace and the same goes for masteron-e vs masteron-p. and how gud an anti e do you think masteron is ? Its a very weak anti-e

  31. #3831
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Lalanne View Post
    I would be almost certain that someone would have asked you this already, but this thread is just too damn long! U appoach a cutting cycle with the typical game plan? No! On a cutting cycle there is no deloads. You stay on an extended reload.

  32. #3832
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=slimshady01;5949940]HEy Ron,

    on my second reload now here is my cycle

    1-8 was 750 test and a PH Xtren

    11-18 is 1g and 600 Deca.

    I got about 6 weeks left of the test and deca. Ive been stuck at about 195 weight for the last 6 weeks it seems, even upped carbs to 500 a day with total calories around 4kish and i still im stuck. Im hoping in a week or 2 the test and deca at the higher amounts will kick in and slowly increase weight. Strenght is very good though.
    I just cant force myself to eat anymore and feel stuffed and bloated all day with all the food im eating, I have 100 carbs in each of my first 4 meals alone. [B]The problem is you need to add more healthy fats into your diet in you are looking to put on weight at this point! Olive oil, cashews and peanut butter are best.[/B]
    Anyway the main question here is when im done with this reload i want to go straught into a cut. Do i need to still do the 2 week deload weeks 19-20 or can i go straight to the cut? You can go straight into a cut given your joints arent sore!
    Im thinking i may do the 2 week deload and give blood during this time, its been almost 4 months since my last donation. Thats the wiser choice IMO
    For the cut im thinking 750 test or 500 with 200mg of tren. Im going low on the tren because ive never ran before and worried about hairloss. I want to see how I can do at that low dose. I also will throw var in there. Sound good![/QUOTE]above

  33. #3833
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183 View Post
    So you would suggest running HCG throughout Reload AND Deload (extended to 4 weeks while on slin/peptides and clen) to help prevent shut down? My Deload would incorporate a PCT If you definetly want kids I would run 500 of hcg weekly during both reloads and deloads then do a full blown pct when you go off a cycle just to be on the safe side!

  34. #3834
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    Apr 2007
    [QUOTE=The Titan99;5940220]Just a quick question Ron. I'm running 625 mg MENT/525 Masteron P/350 NPP/50 mg Dianabol/ 8 i.u.'s GH/HCG 250 i.u. twice a week for 8 weeks. I'm also taking 50 mg Proviron ed. I've always run Proviron like this and my question is this. Does the Masteron make the Proviron redundant? If no then why? Thanks. Taking proviron with masteron is not redundant but it can cause hair loss if you are prone. Combining these two drugs creates synergistic effect causing more hardness and improved libido. Its a great combo when used with test!

    P.S. Thought of another one. I see a lot of people doing the GH PW. I do mine all in one shot right before I go to sleep. I work out at night, go home and eat and by then it's 10:00 pm. I remember you saying to wait an hour after you eat, so how are these people taking GH post workout? Should I keep doing it like I'm doing it now? Either way is fine but many take in a lot of carbs post workout and that could ever so slightly blunt the effects of the GH shot-hence another reason to cut carbs at night before going to bed and switching to mostly fats/protein.

    Lastly, if you'll remember I'm 47 years old and am prone to elbow (joint and tendon) problems. I'm 46 and now have the same issues I'm currently doing 9 sets on Bi's and want to do the same on Tri's. For Tri's I do 3 sets of rope pushdowns then 3 sets of overhead unilateral rope tri extensions. I tried doing some light weight skull crushers for my 3rd exercise last night, but I could feel it in my right elbow and immediately stopped. Try doing the skull crushers one arm at a time using a cable like I do and do not lock out. I like doing them seated but you can do them standing. Free weights will kill that elbow joint because the tendon has to stabilize the weight.! I think it has to do with the palms facing away that's irritating it. I believe my skull crushing days are over, or could they be done with dumbell's maybe with palms facing in, like rope exercises? My elbow's are currently in perfect working order. What could I do for my 3rd exercise and is it important to do one exercise with elbow's down, one up and one in the middle position? If you cannot do skull crushers without experiencing pain while using a cable them do only two exercises for triceps for 4-5 sets per exercise (8-10 sets total) Thanks again Ron and I hope the rehab is going good...My back is coming along. I had a good surgeon and know what to do . Leg training is going to take a while but my upper body is back![/QUOTE]above

  35. #3835
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by darkcrayz View Post
    Perfect man. Thanks for the answer.

    My next cycle is going to be 8 weeks:

    600mg test prop/week
    600mg tren a/week

    after that I am gonna do a two week deload and then 8 weeks of:

    600mg test prop/week
    600mg deca/week

    are those doses large enough? I would add in 300 mgs of masteron per week for second reload to keep sex drive higher and make even more gains but what you have laid out with work. Some carbergoline may be in order after running tren and deca back to back. .

  36. #3836
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    referring to post 3835. Thanks man; that is awesome, ill pick some up.

    i am gyno prone so i run prami/letro to combat estrogen sides as needed.

    thanks for all your help.

  37. #3837
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    No! On a cutting cycle there is no deloads. You stay on an extended reload.
    Ron, I am currently on a cut and was wondering about what you mentioned above. So I can just stay at the same levels of test/tren/etc for say 16 weeks or do I bump it up at some point? Now what about orals? I am running Winny at 50mg a day. I'm nervous on going over 8 weeks on orals, is it ok to run that long or should I drop that at 8 weeks and maybe bump the Tren up another 100mg?


  38. #3838


    a tribute to mr.rowland. the man is even much more impressive in person. cant say enough good things about him.

    The thrill of working hard to show improvement within myself has long been my dream and desire. For as long as I can remember, my ambition to be the very best at bodybuilding has always been ingrained in my soul. In the fall of 2008, I suffered an injury to my lower lumbar section which threatened my bodybuilding career and overall lifestyle. I blew out my L-5 and L-4 disk performing still legged deadlifts. I was out of work for several months and began suffering depression.
    I was determined to find the best spine surgeon and rehabilitation therapy out there so I could get back on stage. As the old saying goes “everything happens for a reason.”’ In 2009 I went to a bodybuilding show in South Carolina with a friend even though I did not feel up to the task. The intense pain radiating into my lower extremities had taken control of my life to the point I could barely walk. It was there my luck changed for the better when I met up with Personal Trainer Ronnie Rowland out of Aiken South Carolina. Too my amazement this man had been through 10 lower back surgeries and was getting ready to walk on stage!!! From that point on, Ronnie was my inspiration and he guided me through e-mails on how to rehab my lower back, which supplements to take, and what doctor he recommended for the removal and fusion of my two ruptured disks.

    Ronnie said “stay away from most physical therapy exercises because they only irritate the nerve roots further. I knew he was highly intelligent because many bodybuilder’s follow his slingshot training system. He gave me instruction on how to build the core indirectly while lifting weights in a controlled manner that supported my lower back after having had a painful, yet successful lumbar fusion By Dr.David Mccord in Nasheville Tennessee. Ronnie told me that David H. McCord, MD, was in his opinion the best spine surgeon in the world and I am also a believer!!!

    Mccord is a board certified orthopedic surgeon from the United States, with outstanding expertise in the treatment of complex spine pathologies. A graduate of Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, Dr. McCord received his medical degree from Cornell University in New York. He then completed an internship and surgery residency at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. McCord practices spine surgery in Nashville, Tennessee. He has also been actively involved with numerous professional organizations including, among others, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; the North American Spine Society; the American College of Spine Surgery; and the American Medical Association. In addition, he has participated in numerous research projects, has given over one hundred presentations at major medical meetings and institutes worldwide, and many of his articles appear in peer reviewed publications.

    The advice Ronnie Rowland gave me was correct and I am forever grateful to him and orthopedic Dr.David Mccord. My testimonial is that I believe Rowland is the best well rounded personal trainer in the world and Mccord is the best surgeon. Today I am back to doing what I love and I am virtually pain free. I feel like I have been handed a second chance at life.

  39. #3839
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    ^^Just Awesome Man!!^^^ The guy has changed my life too!!!

  40. #3840
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Ronnie how does this look?

    Hgh 4-6 iu year round

    Weeks 1-8 700mg Tren Ace
    Weeks 1-8 120mg Test E

    Week 9/10 Test only

    Weeks 11-18 700mg Tren Ace
    Weeks 11-18 120mg Test E
    Weeks 11-16 100mg Anadrol

    Yea, I like tren ace. Is that reload strong enough with simply adding in the Abombs? Goal here is solid bulk. Im not opposed to taking the tren to 1 gram if need be but I would imagine 6 weeks of abombs would bring about some more growth.

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