Prohormone/steroid FAQ v. 1.0
by David Tolson
last updated 3-17-04
This FAQ may be reproduced, as long as the entirety (including links) is included and it is not altered. For any questions, or to be notified of updates to the FAQ, email [email protected].
Note: In some places in this FAQ 1-testosterone or other steroids are grouped as under the category "prohormone." This is to avoid writing "prohormone/steroid" over and over, but the reader should take note that all prohormones are technically steroids, and many substances commonly referred to as "prohormones" do not require conversion to have an anabolic effect.
1.0: Basic questions
1.1: Where can I get some basic introductory information about prohormones before reading this FAQ?
1.2: After reading this FAQ, where can I go for more information on prohormones?
1.3: I heard prohormones have been banned. Is this true?
1.4: What is a "prosteroid?"
1.5: I'm under 21. Can I take prohormones?
1.6: What is the shelf-life of prohormones? How can I extend it?
1.7: How much weight/mass will I gain on my prohormone cycle?
2.0: Best prohormones/brands
2.1: Which prohormone is best?
2.2: Which brand is best?
2.3: Which prohormone products are best?
2.4: What do you think of this product by VPX/Biotest/Gaspari Nutrition? It is supposed to be 500% better without side effects.
2.5: What is the difference between 1-AD and oral 1-testosterone products? Which is better?
2.6: What is the best prohormone for the track athlete or other athlete more concerned with strength and endurance as opposed to muscle mass?
2.7: What is the best prohormone for losing fat?
2.8: What is the best prohormone for women?
2.9: What prohormone is best if I want to avoid side effects?
2.10: What prohormone gives the most gains with the least amount of side effects?
2.11: I weigh 140 lbs. and I am a "hard gainer." What prohormone should I use to help me gain weight and mass?
2.12: I just started working out. What prohormone should I use to help me reach my goals?
3.0: Delivery methods
3.1: Where can I find out about alternate delivery methods?
3.2: What delivery method is best?
3.3: Will transdermal delivery reduce bloat or other side effects?
3.4: What are the cypionate forms for?
4.0: How to take, how much to take
4.1: When should I take prohormones?
4.2: Should I take prohormones before working out? After?
4.3: Do I take prohormones on non-training days?
4.4: What dosage should I take?
4.5: I weigh 250 pounds, should I increase dosage?
5.0: Stacking
5.1: Can I stack 19-nordiol and 1-testosterone?
5.2: Should I take 1-AD or 1-testosterone along with M1T?
5.3: Product X contains 4-AD, 19-nor, 1-test, ZMA, MSM, etc.... What do you think?
6.0 Diet, training, and other supplements
6.1: How much weight training should I do on prohormones?
6.2: How much cardio should I do on prohormones?
6.3: What type of diet should I have on prohormones?
6.4: What type of diet should I have on prohormones if I am cutting?
6.5: What other supplements should I take on prohormones?
6.6: Should I take tribulus during my cycle?
6.7: Can I use Sytenhance along with prohormones?
6.8: Can I use ephedrine/caffeine alone with prohormones?
6.9: Can I take creatine along with prohormones?
6.10: Can I take whey protein along with prohormones?
7.0 Methyl-1-testosterone
7.1: I have never used prohormones or steroids before. How much methyl-1-test should I use and how long should I take it? Do I need to take anything else? Do I need to take anything afterwards?
7.2: Why shouldn't I use methyl-1-test if I have not used prohormones or steroids before? I have read a lot about it.
7.3: I usually don't respond to the recommend dosage of supplements. Should I start with a higher dosage?
7.4: How bad are the side effects from M1T?
7.5: When should I take methyl-1-test?
7.6: What can I do to protect my liver on M1T?
7.7: What can I do to prevent lethargy from M1T?
7.8: Why does stacking with 4-AD help with lethargy?
7.9: What other supplements should I take with M1T?
7.10: Can I take ephedrine/caffeine with M1T?
7.11: Will methyl-1-testosterone cause gyno? Do I need an anti-estrogen with methyl-1-testosterone?
7.12: Will methyl-1-testosterone cause hair loss?
7.13: Can I drink alcohol while on M1T? What about other drugs that are toxic to the liver?
8.0 Liver protection
8.1: Are liver protection/recovery supplements necessary on all prohormones/steroids?
8.2: I found a methyl-1-test product that says it doesn't cause liver toxicity. Is this possible?
8.3: What liver protection supplements should be taken, and how much?
8.4: What time of day should I take liver health supplements?
8.5: Do I take liver protection supplements before, during, or after my cycle?
8.6: If I take enough liver health supplements, will my liver be completely protected from the M1T?
8.7: Will liver protection supplements interfere with my gains?
8.8: Will the damage to my liver be permanent?
9.0 Side effects
9.1: Will the side effects go away when I am done with my cycle?
9.2: How do I avoid shutdown of natural testosterone production?
9.3: How likely am I to get gyno?
9.4: How can I prevent gyno?
9.5: How likely am I to lose my hair?
9.6: How can I prevent hair loss?
9.7: How can I prevent/reduce the possibility of BPH?
9.8: How can I prevent acne?
9.9: How can I prevent loss of libido?
10.0: Drug tests
10.1: Will prohormones show up on drug tests?
10.2: How long do prohormones stay in the system?
10.3: How can I pass a drug test?
11.0: Home-brewing/powders
11.1: How do I use bulk prohormone powders?
11.2: How much powder can I add to my Dermabolics product?
11.3: If I add in 5 grams of powder to the Transpor Matrix, what is the dose?
11.4: Can I add yohimbine, caffeine, or other powders that are not hormones to the Transport Matrix?
11.5: How much prohormone powder can I add to my Lipoderm? What about my Ab-Solved?
11.6: How do I make a cyclodextrin complex for sublingual/nasal delivery?
12.0 Cycling
12.1: What is the ideal cycle length?
12.2: How much time off should I take after my cycle?
12.3: How long into my cycle should I start seeing results?
12.4: How much of my gains will I lose after my cycle?
12.5: Do any prohormones require frontloading?
12.6: How long will my prohormone product last at the dosage I am taking?
13.0 Anti-estrogens
13.1: Should I use an anti-estrogen on cycle?
13.2: What is the best anti-estrogen to use on cycle?
13.3: Should I take formestane and 6-OXO? What about formestane and nolva? What about....
13.4: Should I take tribulus, ZMA, etc. during my cycle?
13.5: How much 6-OXO is in each capsule?
13.6: Are nolvadex and tamoxifen the same thing?
13.7: How often do I need to take my anti-estrogen?
14.0 Post-cycle therapy
14.1: Where can I get some basic information on anti-estrogens and post-cycle therapy?
14.2: I'm halfway through my cycle. Should I buy 6-OXO or nolva for post-cycle?
14.3: Assuming I only have access to legal products, what should I use for PCT?
14.4: Should I use formestane post-cycle?
14.5: One person says to use nolva post cycle, another says to use 6-OXO. I'm confused.
14.6: Is ZMA sufficient for post-cycle? Tribulus?
14.7: If I take an anti-estrogen during my cycle do I still need one post-cycle?
14.8: How long should PCT last?
14.9: How long after my cycle should I start PCT?
14.10: Can I start another cycle immediately after PCT?
14.11: I don't think I am shut down. Should I still do PCT?
14.12: Should I taper off the prohormone at the end of the cycle to help with recovery?
14.13: How should I train during PCT?
14.14: How should I eat during PCT?
14.15: What dosage of nolva should I use?
1.0: Basic questions
1.1: Where can I get some basic introductory information about prohormones before reading this FAQ?
Introduction to Prohormones:
Introduction to Prohormones, Part II:
1.2: After reading this FAQ, where can I go for more information on prohormones?
At the bottom of the Introduction to Prohormones articles, you can find many links for further information.
Another prohormone FAQ can be found here:
Also, there are many articles on specific prohormones here:
1.3: I heard prohormones have been banned. Is this true?
No. A single prohormone, androstenedione, has been taken off the market. It is likely that more are soon to come, but it is impossible to tell exactly when. Some companies are taking their prohormone products off the shelves, but this is solely a marketing decision made by the companies. Prohormone products will still be available in various places until they are explicitly banned by the government.
1.4: What is a "prosteroid?"
It is a word that some companies and individuals use in place of "steroid." There are no difference between these substances and anabolic steroids save their legal status.
1.5: I'm under 21. Can I take prohormones?
No. Those under the age of 21 should not use prohormones, and there are many reasons given for this, some real and some imagined. Many of the arguments given for why younger people should not take prohormones are based on very bad science. These scare tactics and faulty arguments are partially understandable, since the main reasons younger people shouldn't use prohormones deal with issues such as responsibility and experience, and younger people tend to not listen to these reasons. All of the reasons not to use prohormones become amplified the younger you are, for example the risks are much greater under the age of 18. Some go so far as to say that you should not use prohormones if you are less than 25.
1.6: What is the shelf-life of prohormones? How can I extend it?
The answer to this question is not well known. Most prohormones probably have a shelf-life of 2-3 years, while some will degrade more quickly than others. If you plan on stocking up on prohormones, one of the best options is to purchase them vacuum sealed. They should also be kept in a cool dark place.
To buy vacuum sealed prohormones and supplements, see:
1.7: How much weight/mass will I gain on my prohormone cycle?
This is impossible to tell, even knowing specifics. Different people will have different reactions. If you have planned your cycle carefully and diet and training are in order you can expect to gain at least a few pounds of muscle mass. But the only way to really answer this question is by running the cycle.
2.0: Best prohormones/brands
2.1: Which prohormone is best?
There is no best prohormone. It depends on your goals, which side effects you think you can tolerate most easily, how much money you want to spend, and other factors. As a general rule of thumb, you want to start with a 1-AD/4-AD or 1-testosterone/4-AD stack. Opinions on this will vary from person to person.
2.2: Which brand is best?
In general, whichever is least expensive. Some brands have a consistent reputation of quality and low prices without deceptive advertising. The brands I recommend are:
PK Enterprises
Designer Supplements
2.3: Which prohormone products are best?
Transdermal products:
Any Dermabolics product
Oral products:
1,4-andro: 1Fast400 1,4 Andro
19-nordiol: Ergopharm Norandrodiol Select 300
1-AD: Ergopharm 1-AD
4-AD: Ergopharm Androdiol Select 300
1-test: Nutrex 1-TU
Methyl-1-test: Underground Labs M1T
2.4: What do you think of this product by VPX/Biotest/Gaspari Nutrition? It is supposed to be 500% better without side effects.
This product is overpriced and overhyped and the ingredient(s) are usually no different than those in less expensive products. Furthermore, the advertising is very deceptive, so make sure to check any of the claims made with other sources.
2.5: What is the difference between 1-AD and oral 1-testosterone products? Which is better?
1-AD is a prohormone to 1-testosterone, so the two are pretty much interchangeable. I recommend 1-AD because it has a longer history of positive feedback.
2.6: What is the best prohormone for the track athlete or other athlete more concerned with strength and endurance as opposed to muscle mass?
The top choices are 1,4-andro and DHT precursors. 1-testosterone and smaller amounts of 4-AD are also common. Prohormones that are androgenic and don't cause much water weight gain are ideal for these circumstances.
2.7: What is the best prohormone for losing fat?
The popular choices are similar to those mentioned above. 1-testosterone and either 1,4-andro or a small amount of 4-AD is a good choice.
2.8: What is the best prohormone for women?
A 19-nor prohormone should be used for starters because it is the least androgenic. If desired results are not achieved, 1,4-andro can be used, but it is more likely to result in androgenic side effects.
2.9: What prohormone is best if I want to avoid side effects?
The prohormones just mentioned, 19-nor and 1,4-andro.
2.10: What prohormone gives the most gains with the least amount of side effects?
As a general rule, the more effective the prohormone is, the more side effects it will cause. For good gains, sacrifices must be made, it just depends on how far you want to go. As mentioned above, 1-AD or 1-test along with 4-AD is about as good as it gets in terms of gains to side effects ratio.
2.11: I weigh 140 lbs. and I am a "hard gainer." What prohormone should I use to help me gain weight and mass?
With proper diet and training, anyone can gain weight and muscle without prohormones. While there is a point where it gets much more difficult (often called the "genetic limit,") most people who ask this question are not even close to it. The first important diet rule for gaining weight is to eat much more food than you are used to. Even on prohormones, significant gains cannot be made without increasing caloric intake. It is important to learn how to optimize diet and training before using prohormones.
2.12: I just started working out. What prohormone should I use to help me reach my goals?
For the reasons given above, you should not use prohormones until you have been training for at least a year, and preferably two or more. Although many people want immediate changes in body composition and jump into everything at once, this often results in injury and/or reliance on prohormones without the necessary knowledge of other important factors that comes with experience.