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Thread: some new M1T questions?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven

    some new M1T questions?

    guys i have never taken anything coming close to m1t so i will do all my research before taking it:

    1.) is it best to do m1t while cutting or bulking?
    2.) can i use with creatine on m1t or best while pct?
    3.) can i use clen and m1t?
    4.) what is a good brand for oral tabs?

    excuse my ignorance guys be nice also, i understand that i have to take clomid or nolva or both pct? am i on the right track? il do more research and try to find some m1t logs thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    1) Best for bulking. But still decent for cutting.
    2) i would leave creatine for PCT to help keep your muscle from atrophying and losing strength during PCT.
    3) Yes you can take clen while on m1t, You might want to save clen for PCT for its anti-catabolic effects.
    4) Underground labs is the best form of m1t pills i know of, can't complain about it being 10$ either.

    Yes clomid and nolvadex are good for PCT.
    Check out the m1t faq i posted.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by nsa
    1) Best for bulking. But still decent for cutting.
    2) i would leave creatine for PCT to help keep your muscle from atrophying and losing strength during PCT.
    3) Yes you can take clen while on m1t, You might want to save clen for PCT for its anti-catabolic effects.
    4) Underground labs is the best form of m1t pills i know of, can't complain about it being 10$ either.

    Yes clomid and nolvadex are good for PCT.
    Check out the m1t faq i posted.
    thanks nsa, your m1t posts have been very useful!
    Last edited by test is best; 05-11-2004 at 09:05 AM.

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