I hope this helps anyone contemplating buying any or both of these. I bought four bottles, two Norandrodiol and two 1-AD. I used both together for a about a month, my diet was normal just no fast food or ice cream and candy. The whole time I stayed between 170 and 175 my shoulders and arms gained some size and definition. Then I used 1-Ad buy itself and had an increase of vascularity and increased definition leading toward the fifth week. That's when I started loosing hair, too much hair. I counted about ten hairs coming off in the shower. I would run my fingers through and a couple more would be in my hand. This scared me, that's when I quit both prohormones altogether. I think the hair grew back, but I'm not sure, since I've always had thick hair to begin with. I can't say I would not have had any side effects from the Norandrodiol since I took 1-AD along with it and that is suppose to help. I think both products are good for a supplement. But I wouldn't buy 1AD again strictly because I lost hair and at 23 that is something I want to hold onto. If I had to do it all over again, I would not have bought any of them. Instead saved my money to buy real steroids.