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Thread: Clen dosing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast

    Clen dosing

    How does this sound for clen during pct:

    Day 1: 20mcg
    Day 2: 40mcg
    Day 3: 60mcg
    Day 4: 80mcg
    Day 5: 80mcg
    Day 6-17: 100mcg
    Day 18: 80 mcg
    Day 19: 60 mcgs
    Day 20: 40 mcgs
    Day 21: 20 mcgs

    Any help from the people who know about the dosing of this stuff is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by nsa
    How does this sound for clen during pct:

    Day 1: 20mcg
    Day 2: 40mcg
    Day 3: 60mcg
    Day 4: 80mcg
    Day 5: 80mcg
    Day 6-17: 100mcg
    Day 18: 80 mcg
    Day 19: 60 mcgs
    Day 20: 40 mcgs
    Day 21: 20 mcgs

    Any help from the people who know about the dosing of this stuff is appreciated.
    Looks fine. One thing to remember is to take light amounts to assess your tolerance as some get the shakes on very little doses...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Yeah, def need to ease into. I didn't get any shakes/jitters when i took ECA for like 3 years, so im hoping it will be similar to that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    aint clen only suppose to be two weeks on/ two weeks off? also some people say its a waste to ramp down. if you think you can handle the dosage no need to ramp down. case to case basis.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Yea I am with Spoon.... I think you need to cycle it off every 2 weeks otherwise the effects will wear off. I would run it 2 weeks then ECA on the two weeks off. Then run it again.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    Yea I am with Spoon.... I think you need to cycle it off every 2 weeks otherwise the effects will wear off. I would run it 2 weeks then ECA on the two weeks off. Then run it again.

    Actually with the simple fact that it is a beta-receptor antagonist and an up-regulator, it can be effective for some up to 1-2 months. The reason people do the 2 on 2 off set up is because the has a moderately high chance of becoming immune to the ephedrine after that span.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    I need to ramp up and ramp down, cuz i don't know yet if i can handle the sides. Im assuming that i will be fine but i still need to see for myself. And like daman said, I've heard that it is fine to take for up to 2 months, and im only doing it for 3 weeks.

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