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Thread: Good supplement for growth.

  1. #1

    Good supplement for growth.

    I just started to work out about 3 times a day. I'm looking for a good supplement to help out. I thought about Creatine, NO2, and the new CE2. I'd like to know which would be the best to buy to get good results. I am not looking to win any contests, just tighten up what I have. Get cut. I'm at 8% body fat.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Working out 3 times a day? Thats insane. If you mean 3 times a week OK.
    Since your just starting out, I recommend Protein, good diet, and lift until your balls turn blue.
    Learn, read, then consider other posibilities.
    Hope this helped you out.

  3. #3
    Thanks, but it's 3 times a day. About 45 mins each time. I am determined to get right. I have alreadt started a diet. I eat Tuna, mixed nuts, ground beef, eggs, cheese, and pork rinds, all day long. I am at 145 now. I want to be 165 and cut nicely.

    You think I should get a can of Whey protein?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    a can of protein???? i dont know what that is but get a 10lb bag of the sh!t bro. . and stop that 3 times a day garbage

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    New Yorker
    3 times a day?, you are really overtraining.....thats way too do you manage to find the time?........

    and btw, 8% body fat is really low do you want to be?.........are you getting really for a show or something?........
    Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT IS STRENGTH

  6. #6
    Cowbag, relax, Bro. I'm asking because I am not sure. Danielle, I wake up and workout for 45 mins. When I get off at 5, I do another 45. Right before I go to bed, I do another. The last one could be about 30 mins. I am sore as hell all day. I am at 8% all on my own. I've done nothing to get there. I am not getting ready to compete. I just want a new look.
    Last edited by DubbaR; 05-24-2004 at 02:08 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    you're doing more damage than good 3 times a day bro. You must not be lifting all that heavy if you're going that often cause you would be way too sore to go even 5 days a week if you're just starting out. If you're still within your first three months go 3 days a week, 1 day on and 1 day off. If you're just past that go 4 days a week.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    what do your workouts look like?? are you doing cardio in the morning and lifting in the evening? what exercises are you doing? how heavy are you lifting?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    3 times a day is WAY TOO MUCH....... I workout every day with sat///sun off..... each workout day ranges from hour-hour and a half and every day I do a differn't groups of muscles...... Now you say you workout 3 times a day, well if you do that which I wouldn't reccomend atleast do differnt exercises.... I hope your not doing the exact same exercises 3 times in the same day.

  10. #10
    Prairie, thanks....Lookin good!...****! If i'm doing harm to myself, I will slack off. Don't need that. I do upper in the AM....Legs after work.....Light upper at night. Like I said I'm only 145 lbs. I'm pushin up about 80lbs. I do little weight more than more weight less. Today at work I'm so sore I can barely lift my arms...I need to slack off.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by DubbaR
    Cowbag, relax, Bro. I'm asking because I am not sure. Danielle, I wake up and workout for 45 mins. When I get off at 5, I do another 45. Right before I go to bed, I do another. The last one could be about 30 mins. I am sore as hell all day. I am at 8% all on my own. I've done nothing to get there. I am not getting ready to compete. I just want a new look.
    lmao, he called you cowbag...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    houston tx
    i think you should get a bulkng diet and routine going first. From the way it sounds you are new to working out and naturally have a very low body fat so when you bulk you probably wont even gain much fat at all. I say eat a **** load and throw that routine out and get a good one and you will be at 165 in no time.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DubbaR
    Prairie, thanks....Lookin good!...****! If i'm doing harm to myself, I will slack off. Don't need that. I do upper in the AM....Legs after work.....Light upper at night. Like I said I'm only 145 lbs. I'm pushin up about 80lbs. I do little weight more than more weight less. Today at work I'm so sore I can barely lift my arms...I need to slack off.
    Yeah letting your muscles heal is half the workout. Go to the workout forum and get a good routine going. Just remember if one of your bodyparts is still sore its too early to work it out again.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    It is possible to do doubles (goto gym twice a day)...but I would recommend having one of the sessions be lifting and one session be high intensity cardio. Even then...doing that everyday is wayyy too much gym. You need days where you are completely off...and you also need to make sure you're giving the the same muscle rest for at least 2-3 days at the very minimum. Of course there are some "factors" that could make this time shorter or longer...but it depends on the individual...and how many recovery aids they may have...

    3 times a day of straight up lifting is crazy though bro...even the most hardcore on plenty of ergogenic aids lift twice a day at MAX...and even then are probably varying up muscle groups like crazy...Drop the 3 times a day!!

  15. #15
    And as far as suppements supporting growth, the only supplements taht truly work are not legal. sorry

    Food next to steroids is the most anabolic thing you can get goin for ya

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