what is the best thing to take to reduce water retention?
what is the best thing to take to reduce water retention?
caffiene , its safer and it works for me , usually fatburners wiht caffiene are good for being diuretics
Drink a gallon of water ED, thats good.
Originally Posted by nsa
Water is the best way to get rid of water
thanks for the help
At first it sounds stupid but that really is the case...water gets rid of water.Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
Not really that stupid when you think about it. If your drinking a gallon of water ED, your telling your body it can get rid of it by urination, cuz your going to replenish the water lost from urinination. It's when you don't drink much water that you retain it, cuz your body holds onto it. Also sodium and creatine will make you retain more water.
I know NSA but it sounds weird saying more water will cause less water...I thought so anyways.
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