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Thread: i guess that stress can do a lot on you cant it

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    i guess that stress can do a lot on you cant it

    I stopped the creatine and my hands and feet are ok, i tought glutamine add the same effect, i was very nervous becose i passed an hiv test last month and i got the results today, i am hiv - ouf ouf i guess that my nerve and emotion got in the way, now that i know that i have nothing to fear i guess that my body is returning to normal.

    Thank god has given me another chance, now that i know that i am 100% i will give all in training and helping has much people has i can attend their goals

    thanks everybody for all your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    bro- let me tell you, i had the exact same expirience. my days of banging strippers are over. after my test came back negative, i got my shit together. it's amazing the crazy things that enter your mind when your waiting that week for you're results to come back

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Can,t say I,ve ever been through that exp and I would,nt want to all I can say is Play Hard but Play Safe!!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    me to i ve been around strippers and escorts

    Me to my days of fooling around are over, i have add lots of sex with pertty women, stippers and escorts, now i ve been steady with my gf for over a year, test gave me new meaning, now i wanna train and diet right and build one hell of a body to show in the wrestling ring.

    thanks guys

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    please don,t get me wrong but paying for sex ............why??

    Just strange never been there just kinda wondering why anyone would go down that route (excuse the pun!!)


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    billy boy, has weird has it can seem lots of people do pay for sex

    billy boy, has weird has it can seem lots of people do pay for sex, for me i tried it like one or 2 times and the girl gave me here pager number becose she tough i looked good.

    I never paid to sleep with strippers , and i used to hang in clubs a lot before i met my current girlfriend.

    the importance here is to always protect yourself, even if you wear a condoms you can still catch herpes if it touches the skin.

    I was very lucky to catch nothing, if i would have been hiv + it would have ended my life, for what one stupid night of unprotected sex.

    i have leanred a lot from a guy at the hiv hotline , he has been hiv+ for 16 years and lives a happy life but i wouldnt be able to do so with this virus inside me.

    I have know 3 people with this virus, 2 are dead , form blood transfusion, drug 4 user, and another one true unprotected sex
    he is still alive and slep with a girl once he got infected at 19.

    I know that lots of people also take steroids , when i took some the guy who shooted me wanted to share the needles, i bough my own batch and never never shared neeldes with anybody.

    i thank god that i was very lucky becose i add more then my fair share of unprotected sex.

    hope this answers your question billy boy and no i am not flamed or burned by your comments, its ok.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Oh hell if we are talking about unprotected sex tell me one person who has,nt pulled at a club than done the deed without thinking-I would have thought we all have.

    I watched my ex.s uncle die of aids and his partner is still fighting the disease (They were gay - not that that makes any diff)Obviously I don,t see him anymore as she is my ex but watching her uncle die was horrifying.I read so much about it over those years.

    In the UK we have hookers,strippers and that sort of thing - just I could,nt ever imagine paying for sex or my friends doing that maybe I,m too English-LOL I guess though if you take a women out pay for a meal and beer have sex and then don,t see her anymore could be classed as the same thing?

    Anyway your right the real point is protection and it is a good point to raise.

    Just glad your OK bro


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i agree bro. when i got my results back, i went and got a huge tatoo on my upper quad. nobody can see it unless i have my pants off, and it serves as a reminder to me whenever when i'm bout to make a stupid move. oh yeah, it's the drama masks, one laughing, one crying. the inscription says, "laugh now cry later". it a permanent reminder to me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    wEll guys I feel lucky I don't live in a big city like Dane. I have had lots and lots of sex, who hasn't. Every single year I get my self tested, not just for HIV but just routine blood tests to make sure everything is normal. I do this when I am not cyclin.. hee. Some of my friends think I am too obsessed with staying heathy, but when a woman tells you that I could pass for 20 and I am 30, then that makes you feel good and all that hard work pays off. I have never had to worry about things like that, now that I am older, I don't do the deed anymore like I used to. I have never had to pay for sex, and I can't see how someone would. Maybe cause I don't live in a big city. Hell if I get that desperate, I will just rent a porn. I have to admit, though it was exciting and still is, to go to a club pick up a chick and bring her azz home and. umm well you know. But let's be realistic, it is some serious shit out there.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dane, I like what you said about your tat. Seriously bro...not only smart but cool.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    that tat's kept from doing some stupid shit. ever since that day, i have been real careful

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    the tat on my quad

    here it is
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