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Thread: Immune system

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Immune system

    i did a search and couldnt find any info on what i was after:

    i was wondering what to take for the immune system, from what i read vit c, zinc, magnesium are good and glutamine can help.

    I wasnt sure on the amts to take though, as i read that if you take too much vit c it's a waste and it gets excreted

    i was thinking of taking double the rda on the multivit i get
    and 2-3g of vit c a day

    not sure about the zinc/magnesium, and could someone help me ut with the glutamine too

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    the drug store
    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk
    i did a search and couldnt find any info on what i was after:

    i was wondering what to take for the immune system, from what i read vit c, zinc, magnesium are good and glutamine can help.

    I wasnt sure on the amts to take though, as i read that if you take too much vit c it's a waste and it gets excreted

    i was thinking of taking double the rda on the multivit i get
    and 2-3g of vit c a day

    not sure about the zinc/magnesium, and could someone help me ut with the glutamine too

    thanks guys
    You can easily take 2 grams of Vit C w/out wasting it if you split it up
    throughout the day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    ah ok, so 500mg a time, taking it 4x daily would be fine o guess

    any idea on zinc/magneisum/glutamine?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Zink is about 15mg/day,Magnesium about 150mg/day,you can take both same time I use Mg-orotate which is supposed to keep the Mg fixed at the cells and buffers lactate,too.

    Glutamine for Immune-response take 5-7gr on empty stomach best,several times a day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    the drug store
    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk
    ah ok, so 500mg a time, taking it 4x daily would be fine o guess

    any idea on zinc/magneisum/glutamine?

    I take 1 gram twice a day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    You have to be carefull with Vitamin C. You have to work your way up to full dose and work your way down when comming off. Vitamin C can cause problems in your kidneys if you suddenly start taking too much or if you suddenly stop taking it. And Vitamin C doesn't directly effect your immune system either.

    Are you trying to improve your immune system in general or increase white blood cell count?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    hey DBarcelo, im trying to improve my immune system

    i thought vit c/zinc/magnesium would help

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Vitamin C does help a bit, you just have to be carefull with it by itself. I would suggest taking a good multi-vitamin. Drink plenty of water. Eat fruit and vegies, and you'll be fine.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Some research turned up the following info:

    The antioxidants are known to promote healthy immune response by destroying free radicals in the body. The antioxidants consist of Vitamins C and E, Vitamin A, selenium, and the carotenoids (eg. beta carotene, lycopene)

    NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), Lutein, and Alpha Lipoic Acid are 3 more readily available supplements that allegedly boost the immune system.

    Acidophilus, which is found both as a supplement and in foods such as yogurt, helps the body to fight both bacterial infections and yeast infection.

    Vitamin A helps to strengthen skin and mucous membranes, preventing germs from penetrating these. Supplementation may help prevent infection and speed recovery from certain illnesses, such as measles and diarrhea.

    Vitamin C acts as an antiviral agent, elevating the body’s interferon levels. Even taken in small amounts, it appears to reduce the duration and severity of illnesses. In some studies, Vitamin C has helped reduce the risk of hepatitis infection as well.

    Zinc supplements appear to increase immune response. Taking Zinc lozenges when a cold starts often shortens the duration and severity of the infection. It is unclear whether Zinc also acts to prevent infection.

    Echinacea has been reported to support immune function. It works both as a preventive measure and to treat infection once it has set in. Echinacea works by increasing the number of "killer white cells", which fight disease. It works well both by itself and as an enhancer of traditional medical treatments.

    Green Tea has antibacterial properties and stimulates the production of immune cells.

    Licorice has long been used in Chinese medicine to enhance the effects of other herbal remedies. This enhancing behavior may be the reason for Licorice's effectiveness at improving immunity. It stimulates immunity in several ways, including encouraging the growth of T-cells and interferon.

    MGN-3 is a natural product isolated from rice bran. It has been shown to improve the natural killer cell function of the immune system response. This may be beneficial in patients with cancer, AIDS, and other immune system deficiencies, although the published studies are limited.

    A few ideas in there, hopefully...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    veggies and fruit will help

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    thanks guys

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