i started vitamin B 12 injections recently and jesus im hungry non stop.. some ppl say its good for losing weight some say its good for gains.. any info on this?
i started vitamin B 12 injections recently and jesus im hungry non stop.. some ppl say its good for losing weight some say its good for gains.. any info on this?
Vitamin B12 can be used at anytime to increase appetite i wouldnt necessarily say its good for weight loss!
B12 supplementation (injections especially) is quite popular with us BB as its supposed to boost energy levels! but studies do not really support this! if you eat enough eggs or tuna you are pretty much covered for the day this is only my opinion but you dont really need it it is rarely heard of to be deficient in B12 its normally one of the other vitamins! a B complex vitamin would probably be more beneficial it depends on what you want to achieve!
Ms Figure
I don't know too much on the B 12, I always thought it was good for repair of cell damage and stuff. Maybe that is another one of the B's. Also B 12 is supposed to be good for the immune system from what I understand. I am not sure how it relates to weight loss, I know the body needs the B's. I have seen some weight loss suppliments have B 12's in them, but for what reason I haven't a clue. Sorry I couldn't be much help but as usual I have to put my 3 cents in. I guess I am trying to be "Like Mikey" with his big ole title of "God".. <snickers> heee that is funny.. still cant' get over that..
After i had surgery i was on B-12 shots. The doc persribed them to me to help immune system. They also help with cells so i could heal faster and healther. I dont see where it could help your weight though.
I,d go easy on the B12 injections.There have been a few hype stories about their safety and as to whether they work or not and B12 can easily be obtained from your natural diet.If you do need to supplement it use a multivitamin
i have eard that B5 is good for weightloss
i was on b 12 for 4 weeks and i felt great my strength went up and i felt great. But now i started a cycle and i stopped b 12. And i dont feel great especially after winny shots. besides the pain i feel dizzy tired and a damn runny nose non stop which is weird because as soon as i hit the gym i train like a maniac. i did a course before prima/deca/sus and i felt great but this time its much different. Im not sure if this is because i stopped b 12 or is it winny
well - the real skivy is that b12 wont help a lot unless you are training to the extreem or juicing, especially with insuline use - for some reason i forget, B12 operates on a cellular process that is vital to producing red blood cells (RBC). RBCs are vital for you to get oxygen and nutrients to damaged (growing) areas. your body under normal circumstances probably gets enough from th emeats and dairy you eat but when youu are putting such strains on the body it requires greater amounts to continue to circulate sufficient amounts of o2 and nutients - thats why supplementation makes you feel better. It also is very important for normal nerve function.
BTW - studies have shown that oral supp of b12 is every bit as good as injectable it just requires more of it. something like 2mcg ED is about the same as 1000ug injected per month!
About 60% of the total amount of B12 in the body is stored in the liver and 30% is stored in the muscles so when you are using orals its especially important to supp B12 - since you will be flushing more of it out of your system.
Good info bro.
I go for brewers yeast, good source of B Vits.
in other words what u saying is it should be good to take b 12 DURING the cycle. what about the immune system? if the body gets used to the b 12 would it be possible that when u stop the body's immune system goes down a little thus making u feel weaker etc.
no - the body doesnt "get used to" b12 - and after your cycle or heavy training period u will probably require less of it - which can be gotten in normal intake of animal products BTW - much of youre b12 recycles throughout your system - its used more than once but it does leak out eventually. you also only absorb about 1-3% of your dietary intake of it.
ahh i see well then this runny nose must be from roids i guess maybe i should stop winny and just stay on deca/prima. thanks for the help much appreciated
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