which is better underground labs m1t or legal gear's... UL is $10 and leaal gear sells theres for 80 what gives??
which is better underground labs m1t or legal gear's... UL is $10 and leaal gear sells theres for 80 what gives??
UL is a better value. Same quality though.
depends in the amount of m1t u want realy bro, UL is 5mg - 60 caps, LG is 10mg - 80 caps. they both work well its down to what u want realy man.
The Rooky
Either way, if you want to take 20 mg ED or 10 mg ED, you can always just take 2 UL tabs each time you take it to equal 20 mg ED. I think UL allows you to dose better, like say you want to take 30 gm ED for some reason, You can take 15 mg's each time you take it that day.
Go UL bro. at 5mg per tab it is easier to adjust your dosage, not to mention cheaper.
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